Please Provide Female OBGYN Recommendations

Posted by TheCuteOne 18 yrs ago

I am looking for recommendations for female OBGYNs who have experience working with expats and are highly regarded in the expat community in Hong Kong.

My husband and I recently moved back to Hong Kong. He is from here and I am from the States. We also recently found out that we are expecting our first child.

I've been to see an OBGYN in Causeway Bay for a normal yearly exam and I did go to see her when we found out we are pregnant. However, I didn't feel really comfortable with her.

I'm quite young--in my mid-20s and she started going on about how I need to have a test for down sydrome as soon as possible. It seemed a bit weird.

Also, we would like maintain as much leverage as possible in deciding how we want to give birth and she seemed like the type of doctor that would insist on a c-section no matter what. So...

Anyway, any suggestions you may be able to give me would help so much.


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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
If you PM an asiaxpater called "wishing and hoping" she will PM you a spreadsheet which has a compilation of many of the doctors available in HK and also their pros and cons.

Depending on how far along you are - a test for downs is time sensitive. HK uses nuchal translucency measurement (via ultrasound) as well as blood test and the window for this is a certain period. (if I remember correctly - something like 12-16 weeks.) It's non invasive and doesn't hurt so you dont' need to worry about it. ANd it's done regardless of age. So your doctor was pretty much giving you a standard line - so try not to let that throw you.

There is some idea that docs in HK INSIST on C-sections - and that is not at all the case. MAny women in HK OPT For c-sections - because they can and choose to - for a variety of reasons. You'll find most doctors professional, although rushed, and willing to listen to your needs and wants.

I had my first baby in HK (and my father is an OB in the US) and had a really great experience, compared to my second child, who was born in Seoul. I went public route, and all the things that happened on the public route were as good as what was done in the US - so don't worry. HK's standards are very good. In fact, I'd love to go and have my third there - but will be in the US for this one this time!

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TheCuteOne 18 yrs ago
Thanks HKChoiChoi,

What does "PM" mean? Does it mean "Private Message"? I am new to AsiaExpat so a lot of the simplified lingo I have no clue about.

Also, who is "Wishing and Hoping"?

About the Downs Testing. Since most women I talk to in the States have not had to have the Downs test unless they are 35 and older and pregnant, I find it unneccessary. Whether my child has Downs or not, I'm having the child and not aborting it so I think it's unneccessary. I've also talked to other women who have given birth in HK and went through an expat doctor and and never had to go through that type of test. So, it's my preference not to have it and I hope there are doctors out that okay with that.

Thanks for your reply. Look forward to anwswers to the above two questions.

PS: I think that there is actually something to the C-section thing because a lot of the Chinese ladies in HK who have had babies here had the C-section because basically the doctor said, "Oh, this is taking too long so let's just go the 'easy route'" and they felt they had no choice.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
PM - personal message. Under your log in name on the left hand side - you can click control panel - and compose a message.

Wishing and hoping (you'll have to scroll to find her name) is a woman, who a while back, had people send her messages with the pros and cons of various doctors which cannot be posted publicly on this site, but compiled them on a spreadsheet, which she happily PM's to people - so you just need to do that.

No one is going to force you to have an abortion if your baby has downs - it's totally your choice. In the public system, it's an option as well - and given your age,you are at low risk. But it's OFFERED and being that it's non invasive (no harm to either you or baby minus the pin prick) many women choose to do it for peace of mind.

AS for the inisting on c-sections - there are many doctors in the US who will insist as well - in order to get more money for the insurance. It's not localized to HK for sure - but ALL of my friends had natural delivery, except for those who CHOSE to have C-section (elective) or had to for emergency reasons at the last minute. (Baby in fetal distress, umbilical around the baby's neck, uterine rupture) - no one was forced to have one. You do have to develop a good trusting relationship with your doctor - make sure you trust him so he will help you have the baby in the way which benefits BOTH you and the baby...sometimes there are extenuating circumstances which require a C section. (My second was a emergency C, against my wishes, and at one point, because of my own personal stubborness, I endangered the life of my baby...)

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TheCuteOne 18 yrs ago
Hi HKChoiChoi,

Thank you for explaining what "PM" means as well as directing me to "Wishing and Hoping."

Well, I realize that abortions are not forced in Hong Kong and that never entered my mind. It's fine if others want to know if their child has Down Syndrome but as for us, it makes no difference if we know or not.

The options for giving birth in the US seem a lot broader than in HK. I don't want to go see a male OBGYN and so far it's been a bit difficult to locate a female. However, I will contact "Wishing and Hoping" and see if she has any recommendations.

Another option might end up being that I just return to the US to give birth and forget the headaches here. Most of my friends have given birth in the past three years. All had a lot of say-so in how they delivered (complications or none) and all seem very happy with the medical care available in my area.

Thanks for your help. :0)

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KLLO 18 yrs ago
I am seeing a female Obgyn in Causeway Bay, too. However, she is very experienced and never want C-section unless necessary. I don't think she is popular in this asiaxpat forum but I know that she has mixed patients (Chinese + Western) because we are one of the mixed couples. Let me know if you need details.

About the down syndrome test, my doctor told me that age under 35 should have a blood test+ultra sound and the accuracy is about 85%. Therefore, I am going to have this test at the end of this month which is my 12 weeks.

I hope it helps.

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Sashimi Girl 18 yrs ago
don't let one OBGYN who didn't suit you put you off giving birth in HK all together! there are thousands of expat women who have had very good experiences here. personally, i am very happy with my OBGYN. he is giving me all the say in how i want to give birth and he is not known to push c-sections just because it's all taking too long! i would recommend him to you but he is a HE...

i think you will feel much better about everything when you are more informed about what and who is available to you. speak to more expat pregnant women and you'll see that it's not as bad as you think!!!

good luck.

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TheCuteOne 18 yrs ago
Hi KLLO and Sashimi Girl,

KLLO: I think we may be seeing the same person. Is she a really old OBGYN? I think another problem I had with her was that she was absolutely stoic with me. No smiles. No congratulations. Kinda felt like I was at the veternary clinic except not as nice. I hope that your experience is better.

Sashimi: It's not just the OBGYN that turned me off to the system here. It's many factors. Overally, this system seems unaccessible unless you're an "old hat" at the process in this city. It's like cracking a code. I guess that's why I'm posting to this message board. Also, it really bothers me that I feel so rushed to "pick a doctor, decide where you're going to deliver because if you don't there won't be a spot for you in a hospital." I just think it's ludicrous. The OBGYN I last saw gave me 2 weeks to figure all of that out saying, "bookings for November are already filling up fast." It's crazy because at that time I had even less info. to go on to make any decisions.


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KLLO 18 yrs ago
Hi TheCuteOne,

Her surname is "Leung". Are you seeing the same one? Actually, there are many many in Causeway Bay.

Anyway, she is the only female obgyn that I know. Otherwise, I will recommend someone else to you.

Good luck.

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TheCuteOne 18 yrs ago
Thanks KLLO,

Nope, it's not the same lady. I hope that you have a good experience with her. I found a female OBGYN named Dr. Sorgenson. I haven't seen any reviews on her. I wonder if anyone on here has been to see her?

If you don't mind, KLLO, could you send me a personal message with the contact phone number for your doctor as well, Dr. Leung? It's just good to have choices, y'know?


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KLLO 18 yrs ago
sure! But I don't know how to send you PM as I have never done it before. Please advise.

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KLLO 18 yrs ago

I have sent you PM. Please check.

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