What am i supposed to do? do the test or not?

Posted by Claire 18 yrs ago
1. Continue the pack. It will not harm any foetus.

2. The accuracy of a pregnancy test is not affected by the pill. The hormones in the pill do not cause a false positive or a false negative result.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Claire is right - keep taking your pills.

Your birth control may have failed IF you missed a pill - and that may have caused you to ovulate.

You will NOT be able to test accurately until 14 days after your ovulation has occured - if you have no idea when that was, it'll be a bit trickier timing WHEN to take a HPT.

Strange on the left side of the belly? Not a sure sign of pregnancy. If you have cramping in your pelvis - many women do feel this. Feel like getting sick? Could be a sign - but the whole vomiting thing generally happens for most women after week 7 or 8. Are your boobs tender? Do they seem more "veinier" than normal? Are your nipples more enlarged? These are other common signs - but they aren't EVERYONE's signs. (I for one, tend to drool more but that's just me.)

if you take a HPT now - it could appear negative simply because you are testing early - so you must wait.

I take it from your questions you were somewhat inconsistent with your pill this month?

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adelaide 18 yrs ago
I think someone gave you better advice on the other forum - go and see a doctor. No one, unless they are a doctor (which no one is claiming to be!) can give you the correct/right advice.

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