bella band

Posted by noc 18 yrs ago
i am 3 months now, a bit too fat to fit in to my regular clothes, but not big enough to maternity wear. does anyone know where i can get a bella band in hk? it seems really useful!

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
Bumps to Babes has bands.

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
Oh hey when you buy it and try it out let me know if it really keeps those pants on?

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crj 18 yrs ago
Annerley Midwifes has it...

BTW I had one of the ones that you 'button' on to your trousers to make them 'larger' - totally useless. Also, a total waste of money as sooo simple you could make yourself. And only works on trousers with buttons!

I would go for one of the bands/wraps that goes around your belly and is meant to be seen - much more practical and longer use. They have them at Annerley.

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
i tried buying some off ebay i got ripped off and maturnity wear in china is hideous!! i dont know how they wear those ugly dresses and drap things. even tho i wear regular maturnity things i get stared at i still would never wear those things eeck!!!

i really wanted to try those belly wrap band things the ones that go over your whole body to keep pants on and you can use em post partum. oh well to late now almost done haha... best of luck finding them!!

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Becki1975 18 yrs ago
Also try H&M's maternity section - they only have them in black - but cheap. When the baby is born you can also use as a 'boob tube' when you're breast feeding.

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Kmom 18 yrs ago
H&M has maternity section?

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qwerty123 18 yrs ago
i got a belly band from H&M - about 60 HK$ - dont think it would hold up your trousers but great for making your normal tops that bit longer so you can still wear them! thier other maternity clothes are good - and if you go about 8.30pm ish there are not queues to pay!

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noc 18 yrs ago
Thanks for all your help! I visited Annerley, H&M and Bumps to Babes. Annerley carries a similar product to Bella Band, but it is one size only and the material is cotton & nylon (whereas Bella Band is spandex & nylon). It isn’t snug enough to hold up my pants, but it’s useful at covering at my unbuttoned pants. Bumps to Babes only had the Belly Belt (which is like an internal fastener). I couldn’t find any bands at H&M, maybe they are sold out? I wonder if there are any shops in HK where I can actually by a Bella Band?

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crj 18 yrs ago
Go to western market, buy the material you want and get it sewn at WorldWide House.

And check

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noc 18 yrs ago
Thank you for your reply! Yes Crj, that link is exactly what is sold at Annerley (price is the same too). I'll take your suggestion to make my own custom-made "bella band", it's really just a tube top anyhow!

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