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18 yrs ago
I am now nearly 5 weeks pregnant and was hoping for some advice. I had a miscarriage about 3 months ago (my only other pregnancy) and am now really worried about it happening again. I went for an ultra sound scan yesterday and the doctor found the gestation sack and said everything thing looked good and normal for 4 and half weeks. The first pregnancy the doctor couldn't find anything at that stage and I miscarried shortly after. Is the fact he found something this time more reassuring ?
Also I have cramping and lower back pain which I have had for a few weeks. Doc says as long as not bleeding it should be ok - and not uncommon in early pregnancy ? Is this true as internet says it may be sign of miscarriage ? Worried that I don’t really have any other symptoms apart from going to the loo every 2 minutes even during the night ;) Should I have morning sickness by now, my breasts are just starting to become sore ?
Very anxious about it all as don't know what is normal or not and really don't want to loose baby.
Also he says I have a tilted uterus ! could this affect my pregnancy ?
Sorry so long winded - any help greatly appreciated.
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I have a tilted uterus. Don't worry. I've successfully had two kids and am pregnant with my 3rd.
5 weeks pregnant - most women don't experience much except mild twinges - how severe cramping? I have breast pain on and off - and I'm not experiencing much right now. Each woman is different.
What you need to do is stay calm, and dont' read up TOO much. if you read into every single symptom you often get too hysterical. I myself, this time around, suddenly woke up one day without a single symptom and I asked my father (he's an OB) and he said, very matter of factly, "maybe your pregnancy has not progress." I STRESSED and I thought that I had miscarried - and then the next day, I promptly had massive morning sickness and vomited everywhere. So don't follow your symptoms too closely. It only makes you nuts.
Take it easy, rest, try not to worry. Miscarriages are unfortunately a part of life. They are nature's way of ensuring the strongest and the best make it to term - which is probably little consolation, but it's the truth.
And - you may not get ANY morning sickness (good for you if you don't) - I didnt' have any with my first.
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Thanks for reply. I think I am reading too much into things. Cramping and back pain are there but on and off - not bad enough to warrant needing a pill or anything. Also today started on just one side. But already had scan and baby in right position. No bleeding though so that’s a good sign right ? Booked in for another scan end of the month - think I will drive myself mad waiting for it !
Do you think the fact that cramping had been constant ( on and off ) for 2 weeks that its just early pregnancy symptom rather than indication of impending miscarriage. As opposed it to just happening suddenly ?
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I had mild cramping with my first - and was convinced it was an ectopic pregnancy. (again too much information reading.) Of course it wasn't and all was okay. It was on and off, during the day, sometimes a sharp twinge of pain - it is considered normal. You already know that yours is in the right position so try and rest a bit.
You should know that from this point until about the end of your first trimester, pregnancy viabilities are actually quite low statistically. My dad gave me some number - around 50% that are viable....another 50% are not. Most terminate naturally within the first few weeks, but some also make it past and terminate at the end of the first trimester. Your odds increase after the baby's heartbeat is first seen - (around 8 weeks or so) so if you really can't wait, I'd schedule your scan a bit earlier, and see the baby's heartbeat. I didn't have any visits to the OB UNTIL my 8th week, because my father said there is really no point in seeing anything until there is a heartbeat. So - at the end of the month - is that 8 weeks?
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The doctor could detect my baby's heart rate at 6 weeks...
Actually my situation was very similar. Had a miscarriage at week 5 last year (after bleeding). This time, I had mild cramping that's similar to menstrual pain. So I didn't even think I was pregnant but thought it's my period coming. Then had a positive home pregnancy test, cramping continued. I was worried I might loose the baby again and went to the doctor. He detected the heart rate and told me, if the heart rate can be detected at week 6, the chance of miscarriage is down to 5%. I was much relieved. Interesting thing is right after the visit, I started all other pregnancy symptoms such as sore breasts..
Now I'm 13 weeks and everything's well so far :) I still have some cramping occasionaly, but I think that means the baby is growing!
So don't worry, Leahred!
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Thanks for all advice. Cramping seems to be getting much better - so that of course worries me incase nothing there anymore :). At my scan at end of the month I will be 7 and a half weeks - Doc said that we should be able to see heart beat then.
Does the fact that I had one miscarriage mean its likely I'll have another. Do a lot of people miscarry first and then go on to have normal pregnancy ?
Really helpful to hear from others. I'm in Hong Kong and away from my family so sometimes really hard when you worry about things - and I'm a worrier ;)
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18 yrs ago
Having one miscarriage does not mean that you will have another. Only after 3 m/cs do they consider you a 'recurrent' miscarriage case. Even then (I've had 4), they do not see it as black and white - mine have not been successive. Because I've had a healthy child, had 2 m/cs, another healthy child and another 2 m/cs, and have a third child due in a couple of months. My doctor does not think I've got a problem, but just had bad luck. I've had a myriad of tests done with no clue as to cause.
Odds are that you'll go on to have normal pregnancies. Prof Lesley Regan of St. Mary's Hospital in London is probably the world's leading m/c expert. She has written an excellent book (Miscarriage: What Every Woman Needs to Know) which answers almost every question on the topic. I have actually given my copy away, but it might be worth getting a copy from Amazon if you feel that answers would make you feel more confident.
Good luck with the scan!
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18 yrs ago
Leahred, my sister in law miscarried twice. But in between her two miscarriages, she delivered a healthy baby boy. Sometimes it happens by chance. And statistically (apparently), a lot of miscarriages do not get detected because women think that it's their period.
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18 yrs ago
Just to add, another friend had two miscarriages and also delivered a baby boy after (1.5 years ago).
No evidence of anything wrong with both her miscarriages... just bad luck.
I too had mild cramping (on and off) with my daughter.
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dear Leahred,
I had a miscarriage last year and am now 28 weeks into a healthy pregnancy. The stats are something like you have over an 80% chance of having a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage.Some literature even says you are more fertile.
Try not to worry too much but if something doesn't feel right or if you bleed at all do see the doc. I also had a lot of cramping and even a little bleeding early on in pregnancy so it can be normal. Take care and I know how worrying it is after you've miscarried but try to stay positive.
All the best at your next scan
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Starting to feel a bit better - odds are with me right.
Should I be concerned that the cramping isn't as bad - nearly stopped ? No bleeding yet.
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leahred - you are so cute - and so like me.
if we HAVE symptoms - we freak out -
and suddenly when we DON;t We Freak out. We're nuts.
Just try and relax - I know that this is your first, but its' important to be in a good mind and spirit. My mom was just bellowing to me on the phone how important my own state of mind is to the health of the baby - proven by some recent research she heard I'm trying to relax and enjoy the experience...
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