Hi Everyone
PCOS seems to be coming up a lot on the boards. I have PCOS, diagnosed 12 months ago, had it all my life of course. Embarrassing subject – I seem to have the worst of all the symptoms! Just started taking Actos (new one similar to Metformin) and doesn’t seem to have the side effects I heard that Metformin does. I have a great doctor, not Dr Ho although he seems to have a great reputation too. Only know one other person in HK with PCOS but thinking maybe some of us gals should get together somewhere at some point & share tips! Let me know if interested.
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hi geordielass,
So this is your first meds with Actos for PCOS ?
How old are you now and how is your menses ? irregular or none accept by birth control pills ?
Now you are having Actos only or with combination of Progesterone and clomid too ?
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Hi Poseidon
I tried to curb the PCOS with exercise/diet & natural remedies, it helped but wasn't doing enough... so I started on the chemicals! Doc put be straight on Actos not Metformin. At a check up recently she said that they will now be starting putting on the packs a warning that says "May cause pregnancy"!
Had somewhat regular menses since starting... bit weird getting used to all that again! But I guess it's working.
Only on Actos and natural stuff, no clomid or anything else.
You also a PCOS sufferer Poseidon?
Cheers - GL
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Hi GeordieLass, out of curiosity, who is your doctor?
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Joe - thanks for the alternative info link.
Babeez - Dr Lauren Bramley in Central (next to a great women's only gym)
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I'm a PCOS sufferer as well. Just found out in October when I was trying to get pregnant. I was put on Metformin and then had shots as well for the beginning of cycle leading up to ovulation. It worked very well (and very quickly!).
I'd be happy to get together with any other PCOS sufferers - be good to know to how others deal with this condition etc. and maybe form a support group.
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Hi Ladies I have PCOS but only suffer the infertility side of it. I saw Dr Choy and she put me on Metaformin and the next mont i feel pregnant, we lost that bub at 9weeks but i continued withe the metaformin and fell pregnant again.My daugter is not 16mths and healthy. I was concerend about being on the metaformin for so long while preg (14wks) at dr's advice due to high miscarriage PCOS have and at 14weeks misscarriage rates go down to future than at 12weeks. Dr Choy had forwarded me some clincial papers written on this issue so i read up and felt happy to continue the meds while pregnant. Good luck ladies hang in there with the treatments/trying we did 6 iui's and 1 ivf before we got pregnant!
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Perthites - sorry about the 1st miscarriage, but great success story :-)
DKChick - I'm all for a support group :-) So did you get pregnant then? Sounds like you did!?!
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I did - I'm now at 32 weeks : )
My doctor is also Dr. Choy and like Perthites, I was also on Metformin before conception and 14 weeks into the pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.
I didn't know I had PCOS until I tried to get pregnant - Dr. Choy diagnosed it when I went to her to have a fertility check up. Now that I know, a lot of things make sense - and I know I must have had it for most of my life.
Would love to meet up to talk about living with PCOS. Do you want to get together sometime in Central for coffee?
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Congrats dkchick Dr Choy prides herself on getting all her clients pregnant (well the ones that are trying to!) She's a lovely Dr and is always happy and excited for you we continue to keep in touch with her. All the best with the rest of your pregancy.
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There are many symptoms of PCOS (acne, extra weight around the midsection, irregular or no periods, excess hair growth, infertility) but women suffer from them in varying degrees so you may not have any 'visible' signs but you could still have PCOS. Here are some good websites that will give you more info:
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My PCOS was diagnosed by my doctor (Dr. Christine Choy) when I went to see her because I wanted to get pregnant (had been trying for a few months with no success). Because of my age, I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with me (or my husband) fairly quickly.
She monitored my egg growth via vaginal ultrasounds from the beginning to ovulation in one cycle and she also did a series of blood tests to check for hormone levels and whether my eggs were released after ovulation. Based on these two factors, she was able to find that my eggs did not grow large enough and were not released. She put me on Metformin right away.
Metformin is often used to treat PCOS as it regulates insulin (it is often prescribed to treat diabetes as well) - many believe that the major cause of PCOS is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to problems with ovulation and is also linked with weight gain (because your body is resistant to insulin, the insulin may be stored as fat - which then can lead to cardiovascular problems).
I think Clomid only treats infertility, but not insulin resistance. Metformin is used to treat the insulin resistance - as this causes problems with fertility, Metformin helps to stabilize your period and ovulation and therefore also helps treat infertility.
Hope this helps!
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My PCOS issues have been handled very very well by my Doctor, Dr. Lauren Bramley. She is very busy so you sometimes have to wait for a while but it is worth it - she is so caring and attentive and gets real results.
Hope this helps.
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18 yrs ago
Those of you on Acto - do you know if it has the same side effect of having the potential improving egg quality in an IVF cycle. They use Metformin also for older ladies etc specifically for that reason. Thanks!
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