5 weeks/ symptoms

Posted by Babeez 18 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

Having hounded this website for the last few months after being told that due to PCOS, i couldn't conceive naturally (5% chance). I am happy but cautious to say that i am pregnant (5 weeks tomorrow). Thanks to all the ladies that have been giving me support and advice and i'm spreading baby dust over you all as we speak.

Now my questions are shifting to pregnancy and was wondering; is it normal to not want to eat? I have no morning sickness, don't feel sick but just really don't feel like eating. Will the baby be ok if i eat less than normal? I have started to lose weight which i don't think is very good.

Also, out of curiosity, do any of you ladies know what is considered a 'normal' HcG level? I was a little more than 600 at 4 weeks and 3 days (16 days after conception)...is this good?


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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Babeez -

I can tell you that each of my pregnancies have been really different. The first one, I ate just normally, no morning sickness, no nothing. The second one I would feel normal all day eating and as soon as my husband walked through the door I would be in the bathroom with my head over the toilet puking my guts out - this was a daily thing. THis one - I am with you - just not really enjoying food. What I do every morning is go on a tour of the neighborhood to see what I DO feel like eating -because as soon as 3 PM rolls around, I don't feel like eating anything and I'm on the verge of vomiting until the next morning. So in the morning and until the afternoon I try to get my calories in.

WOmen with massive morning sickness and massive vomiting have healthy babies all the time. But if you are going to eat very little, or just don't feel like much, eat the best that your can get = good food, good nutrition is always better for the baby.

found this chart for you -sounds like 400 at the time period you describe is very very good.


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buz 18 yrs ago
Just wanted to say congratulations!!! That's really great news especially after that silly doctor telling you that you only had a 5% chance of conceiving naturally!!! Can't really help on the eating front, I can't remember what I was like at 5 weeks but I know later on I was starving the whole time but don't think I was in the beginning. Your levels seem excellent! Will you stick with Dr. Ho for your care?

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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Thanks HKCC, buz and simplythebest,

I will stick with Dr.Ho as he has been wonderful and i will ask Kelly though i looked at the chart that HKCC sent (thanks HKCC) and it seems to be a good level, actually, a bit above normal so i am happy.

Funny though, i thought i would be really happy, i mean, ofcourse i am, but i spent every day before thinking if i could ever be pregnant and now i am, i spend every day wondering if i will miscarry. I go to the bathroom and pray i won't see blood, i feel cramps and think it's an ectopic pregnancy, i worry there will be no heartbeat or that the baby has stopped growing without me knowing all the time. I wonder if i will ever stop worrying!

I know there is nothing i can do but i had a totally different idea. Damn those movies!

HKCC: what you said makes so much sense. I realise it is the same as me, i only reject food in the evening. So i will try to stock up in the daytime. Thanks!

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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Thanks Cara. I would be FREAKING OUT if i lost as much weight as you. My scare for today was having crazy cramps on the right side of my abdomen...after calling the doc, i found out this was normal as my ligaments are stretching. I thought i was having a miscarriage! How comes no-one ever tells you these things? I grew up thinking getting pregnant was really easy (not true) and that miscarriage happens to like 1 in 1000 people (not true again!)

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mrsl 18 yrs ago

Don't worry about the food, once you are eating a balanced diet. As mentioned above - people who throw up for 3 months solid or more still have healthy babies.

As far as HCG is concerned, it's not really the absolute level that's important as the pattern. Although there is a 'normal' range, it is huge. Yours sounds normal, but I'm not an expert. Your doctor is likely to repeat the test once or twice. I cannot remember exactly, but I think the level is supposed to double every 2-3 days for the first few weeks. If it falls, then they start to worry, but once it rises consistently, it is generally a good sign. Once you hit about 6-7 weeks, ultrasounds are a much better indicator than HCG levels (detect hearbeat, track growth etc.)

Again, congratulations and good luck!

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
Congrats hun!! WOWOWOW!!!!

I felt that way this pregnancy and my helper kept screaming at me to eat or i was going to make the baby small haha.. And that is soo not true. at 33 weeks they did an ultrasound and said baby was 3.5 kg... i am now almost 35 weeks and hes been gaining about a pound a week...

I think its our bodies way of figuring out what we want to eat and what we dont want to eat. i remember with this one i was really picky at first. Its like i had no appetite at all. With my first everything made me sick and my second i wanted to eat everything in sight so each baby is different!

Good luck and get alot of rest luv!!!!

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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Thanks mrsl and Verellene. It's nice to hear from others that this is normal.

I am due for an ultrasound next week. I will be 6 weeks and 2 days. Does anyone know what happens at that appointment. I hear that the heart starts beating in week 5 but is too early to hear it. Is the scan to see if it is there?

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
sometimes you can see the heartbeat at 6 weeks and 2 days and sometimes you cannot. For the most part you can - but sometimes although you know your OVULATION and conception date, you don't PRECISELY know your implantation date - and this can affect the ability to see the heartbeat. (there is a range in how long implanatation takes.) For this reason, my dad just told me to make my first appointment at 8 weeks - because by then you HAVE to see the heartbeat.

I had a bunch of doubts around week 6 - because one day I awoke with NO symptoms - and thought that the pregnancy hadn't progressed. (Mind you -this is #3) and called my dad who said that maybe the pregnancy was going to miscarry and not to worry. The next day I wound up with massive morning sickness - which ended up being very very reassuring. I held out until week 8 - and when I got there, turned out the ultrasound dated me at 7 weeks 2 days - 5 days earlier than my suspicion...so - you might want to delay your ultraound by a week (week 7 you should see) Your doc may just check PLACEment (to see if the gestational sac is in the uterus) and if that is something that you need to know, then by all means go and get the scan. But if you are willing to wait, you may actually get more reassurance if the first scan shows the heartbeat - then I would advise you to wait a week longer.

the ligaments - yes - today I had a side cramp all day long - and you will have twinges all throughout pregnancy - most are not a sign of something horrible to come.

Congrats BAbeez - take it easy!

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mscheerful 18 yrs ago
Congrats Babeez! Yes, take it easy and NO MISCARRY or anything like this. Wake up to thank God for a life in you that is growing healthy, strong and heart beats strongly. Yes, at week 6 you may not see/hear the heartbeat yet but sure at week 8. I had recently delivered my first born boy on Valentine. I was at the gyne office at week 6 plus, doc found the sac but nothing so he did virginal ultra sound and found that the heartbeat was so strong. He smiles and said: "this is the wonder of life from above"! my sister in-law is now carrying the second one, she went to gyne at week 8 and found no heart beat, gyne said no hope for the fetus, she called me and i told her to go back another week. 5 days later she went back and the heart beat is stronger than the doc's :) she is due this coming end of july or early august!

Yes, the ligaments, the cramp is quite strong. I had it ALWAYS! Breasts double the size and tingy. eating at 1st trimester? No, i don't like most of the food i used to love except water but lost only 1-2 kgs but now has 4kg to shake off...

Cheers-up. You are a healthy mommmy carrying a healthy baby with nothing missing nothing broken, intact, whole, perfect, fully develop and mature till the full term!

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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Thank you HKCC and ms cheerful, it's so nice to hear good news sometimes and congratulations ms cheerful on the birth of your baby boy. HKCC, hoping you pregnancy continues without a problem!

I am feeling more positive today as my bbs are starting to hurt and had cramps on and off. I love symptoms, i know it sounds strange but i just need that reassurance! Ms cheerful, thanks again for the optimism, i will read your post everytime i have doubts! :)

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JH1 18 yrs ago

I just wanted to congratulate you! What wonderful news!

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mscheerful 18 yrs ago

I always tell myself instead of believe in the worst why not believe in having the best - tell your believing system/faculty/mind/heart to believe the best of everything in this pregnancy. Symptom or no symptom when you are awake, but you are carrying a LIFE within you and this is soooo real! Every part of the baby, every organ, every system is function properly and perfectly, fully developed as you have intended from the beginning.

Let your baby knows that dad and mom are believing the best, declaring the best of health, wholeness, soundess, spirit, soul and body from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet and no other wise for him/her.

Cheer on healthy mommy Babeez with a or twins healthy baby/ies. Continue to enjoy this pregnancy, not only you but your family will, as well. It will be a good time, a pleasant time. You will rest well, eat well (and no gaining too much weight :) and sleep well. Feel and be faminine, radiant life, glow and attractive during this entire pregnancy!

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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Thanks JH1, it will be you soon. Our diagnosis is so similar, it has to be you next. I will keep you in my prayers.

mscheerful, i will follow your advice and try to stay as optimistic as i can. Thank you for all the sunshine!

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JH1 18 yrs ago
Babeez, thanks for your kind words. I'll let you know how it goes for me. By the way, are you on metformin after all or did Dr. Ho convince you to get off of it? Don't worry too much! Stay positive and healthy!

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Babeez 18 yrs ago

I stayed on the metformin as it was the month that i was on it that i got pregnant. It somehow delayed my ovulation to day 20 instead of day 14. I asked Dr. Ho about the benefits of staying on the meds as i had read alot on the studies conducted on women who had PCOS that stayed on metformin and it seemed that it reduced the rate of miscarriage significantly. Dr. Ho said this was not so but realising that it made me feel better, told me that there would be no harm in staying on the meds but no benefits either. For me, i think it is just more assurance so i am staying on them for the first trimester.So for now, he has 'let' me stay on them, for a maximum of 6-8 weeks. Sending you a truckload of babydust!!!

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JH1 18 yrs ago

I can see why you thought it might be better to stay on metformin - it might not be a coincidence that you got pregnant on the very first month you were on it, right? It seems common for women with PCOS to stay on it through the first trimester, so you may be doing the right thing! Good luck to you!

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lovechild 18 yrs ago
CONGRATS BBZZZZ!!!!it's GREAT NEWS!!i am so very happy for you.i seldom contribute to the forum but have been following a couple of threads pretty regularly.I am in the ttc#1 category so really have not had much refernce point other than my odd "i'm so sure i'm pregnant as i feel diff"feeling only to be dissapointed.Somehow the more watchfull i have gotten of my period seems to me they are always appearing a day early or 2 days late(i have almost always had a 28 day cycle before we started trying).

Anyways,getting back to the good news.Just enjoy all your symptoms coz we all love them to show up!!!!;-)But,as the experts on this thread keep saying be mindful and watchful!!!lOTS OF HAPPY DAYS....MONTHS ....AHEAD.

p.s if you don't mind me asking ,did you do anything out of the ordinary this time?

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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Hi lovechild,

Thanks so much for your kind wishes. Still early days but staying positive, just hope to hear a heartbeat in the next week or so.

So, back to you. I am definitely not an expert eventhough i alienated myself for a couple of months as all i did was read ferility books and rummage through articles on conceiving, anywhere and everywhere. One particular thing i did differently last month was to do the BD every other day and trying to make it a bit more exciting rather than it being like a chore. The first two months, my DH and I made the mistake of trying every day and it was more like a baby-making process rather than enjoying our intimacy. Every day sex wasn't easy especially when i wasn't sure of my ovulation day. I didn't really change my diet but i took Metformin (as you might have read) and at the beginning of the cycle, i started taking Evening Primose Oil capsules.

As for 'feeling pregnant'. I thought i 'felt' pregnant the month before and then i started spotting and started thinking it was implantation spotting but then finally, my period came. After that disappointment, i told myself i wouldn't test early and that i would not believe any of the 'signs'. This month, there were no signs but i tested +.

Not sure if any of that info helps. Are you using OPK's? I swore by them just so that i could track a regular cycle. The month i conceived, my OPK was positive two days in a row so we did the BD on both days (only time that was consecutive).

I must say though, for me, i only felt reassured when my DH got a sperm analysis and i had been checked over as i just needed to know there wasn't anything wrong with either of us. Everyone told me it was too soon for all those tests but i was just SO BROODY. I couldn't stand the thought of us trying for a year only to realise there was a problem all along.

Sorry this post is all over the place, trying to put in anything i think is relevant. Feel free to ask me anything though...oh and i took Robitussin from the beginning of the cycle till the day after ovulation! Thinking back, my body must have been wondering what on earth was going on!

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lovechild 18 yrs ago

Thanks for all the info.I think i should do a detail internal check-up as well,coz i only had the basic tests for Rubella,etc,before...Oh!the doctor did say i have fibroids(but not concernning ones,yet)so he told me to try naturally.

It is so gutting though,every month.It has been around 6 months of trying for us.I will take your advice and try to make it more fun this time,i am on Day 8 of my cycle so should be ovulating soon.Fingers croossed!!I am going to use the OPK's as well and the Robitussin.

When you said you did a check-up,how do you describe it?Like a full internal?I guess the doctor would know?Also is your doc. Dr.Ho....sorry for the unnecessary ques.I am also feeling the prssure(all self created)but would be better to get things fixed earlier than later.The only thing is getting the right doctor as well!!

Thanks again for all the info.I am going to need all the help i can,hopefuuly THIS is the month for me.....and then the 2ww.


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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Hi lovechild,

I understand how you are feeling. A couple of docs told us to try for at least a year and i just couldn't imagine trying so long. I think we live in a generation where we get used to getting everything we want so quickly that a year seems so long.

As for the tests, I had an ultrasound which detected tiny cysts and i was therefore diagnosed as having PCOS. I also had blood taken to check my hormone levels and blood sugar levels. If you do go, just remember to check for how long you cannot eat before they take your blood to test for the blood sugar level. My current Dr is Dr. Ho though i was with a lady Dr before with whom i was very unimpressed with. I feel very comfortable with him and he took time to answer my questions.

I swore by the OPKs from the first month of trying. A tad expensive but i didn't want to get my ovulation day wrong. My first and second cycles were 28 days and I was ovulating on day 14, in my third, it was day 20 so if you're not sure of the exact day of your ovulation, they are worth a try.

Don't worry about asking me stuff, i was feeling just the same way as you and it can get you down alot. I think the tests will ease your mind and the OPK's will get the timing right.

I hope this will be your month too. The 2ww is the worst! I just told myself that i wasn't pregnant in my 2ww and tried to focus on how we would do it differently the next month. That way, i didn't feel so disappointed. If it is your month, then great, but if not, at least you wouldn't have convinced yourself you were by reading all the 'signs'. That is so gutting.

Anyway, you have a 33% chance this month and with all this knowledge, even more. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

Just wondering, has your hubby been checked out? I got my hubby's swimmers checked just to make sure. Eventhough he thought it seemed too soon, he knew it meant alot to me so he got checked to make sure the problem didn't lie with him. Otherwise, i would have to be on metformin and he would have to drink a gallon of ginseng!

Those are all my rambling thoughts...let me know if you need anything else...a jar of baby dust to you!

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lovechild 18 yrs ago

Ur such a sweetheart for really guiding.I hope i don't drain you,but it is really nice when people guide you thru personal experience.Hubby is prepared to go for check-up with me.Just wondering as to how do you get an appt with Dr.Ho,do i get a referal from a GP or can call directly?Also is it possible to get the numbers?I had a such a tough time getting thru my Gynae,as he is very much in demand,so much so that when i did meet him i was just a bit teary and forgot all my quest's ,not his fault ,i was just ignorant.Now hopefully i know what to ask/do.Also,hubby will come as well.

Do you think i should do it for this cycle as in go to the doctor before /after the BD time?i think i need to as the earlier i/we go the better.

Thanks for all your wishes and support,and giving truck loads of wishes back to you.You're a gem;-)


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Babeez 18 yrs ago
Hi lovechild,

Just on my way out, so a quick reply first. You can get an appointment with Dr. Ho by ringing his office. No need for a referral. It's no cheap but it's worth it. The number is: 28992293 or 2526-3322. His nurse, Kelly, is very nice. She might ask you what you would like to see him for so have a few main points on hand when you call up. Think they are open from 8:30, so give them a ring first thing tomorrow! I had to wait about 10 days for my first appointment but once you are in, it is easier to book future visits. Go with hubby, i got very teary too, so much better with support! Let me know how it goes!

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