IVF Procedure

Posted by AKLB 18 yrs ago
Hi there,

we were told that we need the IVF procedure (low motility), but we live about two flight hours away from Beijing and Shanghai. How long does the procedure take? How long do you have to stay at the hospital? How many trips would we have to make to either Beijing or Shanghai? My second question is which city would you recommend?



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abitnaive 18 yrs ago
hi aklb

i can't recommend hospitals because i don't know anything about ivf programmes in shanghai or beijing, but unfortunately, i know a fair bit about ivf.


tells you about the ivf procedure. most clinics try to do egg retrieval around cd 14. a regular time for transfer would be either 17 or 19. (3day transfer or five day transfer). while the male only needs be there for the day of fertilization (day of retrieval), it differs with each clinic as to how long the female needs to stay.

some clinics want the female there at the clinic each day from cd3 onwards for blood tests. possibly you can do them at your home clinic, but the results need to be to the ivf drs by noon the morning they are drawn, so they can determine your drug dosage for your injection that evening.

by cd9 you will need to be at your clinic for about 10 days. they will be doing daily bloods and ultrasounds to check follicular development and your lining. if you do a blastocyst transfer, that would be about 10 days away from home. it all depends on how your body responds and how the embryos develop.

i was only in the hospital for a few hours for retrievals and transfers.

hope this helps.


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