Artifical insemination in HK

Posted by Cloughiesgreenjumper 18 yrs ago
My husband and I have unexplained infertility and are looking to have artificial insemination without any ovulation stimulating hormones but with ultrasound monitoring of ovulation and washing of sperm. Where is the best place to have this done privately in HK and does anyone have an idea of how much it costs, whether there's a waiting list, etc. We have been fully checked out in the UK.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago
I just had this done for this cycle - IUI without meds. I had it done with Dr. Philip Ho of Well Woman Health Clinic at (852) 2899-2293. It costs about HK$900 for each scan. (I had three scans.) The costs of the lab (for sperm wash) and Dr. Ho's cost for the actual procedure was HK$2,800. Although Dr. Ho is really busy, I think you will be able to see him within about one week of calling. You should try to make an appointment for your first scan on Day 3 of the cycle.


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babybemine 18 yrs ago
I had this without meds this month, also with Dr Ho. The total cost was around HK$6500. I saw Dr Derek Lo (tel: 2522-0691) last month but he is on holiday this month and I was anxious to take some action, plus felt there was no harm in getting a second opinion. Dr Lo is much cheaper - I think less than HK$2000. Dr Ho is very thorough and good bedside manner. Since we have not been trying for very long, Dr Ho suggested natural cycle. If we had been trying for longer, he probably would have suggested meds right away. If we decide to do another IUI again, it will be with meds with either of these doctors.

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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Thinking of doing a medicated IUI next cycle (with injectibles). Does it involve visiting the doctor everyday for injections? How many days do you have to go for to get injections? Are there any side effects from injectibles? I will be going to Dr Ho. Thanks.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I have done one IUI cycle with injectibles with Dr. Ho. You go in on Day 3 for a FSH check and a scan. Then you go in everyday for an injection (if you dont want to do it yourself). If you are doing the injections at home - then I think it was every 2 days or so you go in for a scan - Dr. Ho will monitor the growth of the folicles. Then 36 hours before the IUI you will go in for the last injection to offset ovulation. All in all - you need to be around for about 10 to 12 days after Day 3.

The injections make you feel blotted - not sure if there are long term side effects.


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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Havefaith, thanks. I can live with bloating as long as I can function as normal otherwise.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

You can pretty much function as normal throughout the treatment. A few more things to bear in mind - hubby should go to the lab to deposit his specimen on the morning of the IUI (allow for 2 hours for the wash). If hubby travels, you can get him to make the deposit earlier and they will freeze the sample for you for another HK$3,000.

After the IUI, Dr Ho would ask you to do BD that night and avoid swimming and baths for the next 48 hours.

Depending on your hormone level (LHL???), Dr. Ho may ask you to go a few days later for a test to make sure the hormone level is high enough to sustain a pregnancy.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


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babybemine 18 yrs ago

Thanks. I did natural cycle iui with Dr Ho in May so am aware of the process. That same cycle, he checked my follicles, hormones, etc and said that we should try naturally for a couple more months but not too long because of my age. So I'm in the 2 week wait after trying naturally in June but I have no symptoms at all. That is why I am planning next steps. Its so hard to decide whether to just keep trying or be more proactive. It all seems like luck and guesswork because there are no guarantees either way. Hubby doesn't travel much but useful to know about the freezing option.

Are you going for IUI next cycle as well, or just try naturally for a while.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I did one IUI cycle (with injectibles) in March, IVF in May and the last two cycles I have tried IUI (w/o injectibles). I will be going on vacation at the end of this month - and we will try the old fashion way. DH wants to go for another IVF cycle in August.

I know what you mean by age - I am 39 - but the way that doctors talk about anyone over 35 - it makes me feel like I am 100+.

The freezing option is not a bad option - even if DH does not travel - my DH is not a morning person so for him to make a good deposit at 9am is alot harder than at 2pm. HK$3,000 - is for washing and freezing the specimen for 3 months - not a bad option if low sperm count is a problme -you could combine a couple of specimen together.


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