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18 yrs ago
So if things go well, I should have #2 in Jan 08. With an active toddler and a newborn, we thought getting a car might be an easier way to get around...and a peace of mind that the kids are safely secured in a proper carseat.
The catch is that I can't drive and hubby (who doesn't want to be on call 24/7 as chauffeur) reckons it's only worth getting one if I can actually drive because I'll be the one with kids most of the time....he doesn't want the car to be sitting in the carpark all day (he doesn't really need one for work either).
So my question is...does anyone know if it's ok to learn driving while pregnant? Has anyone done it?
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haha waffle_hk,
i agree the baby brain bit....and i am just not sure if the driving school is going to entertain me with a big belly.
but at the same time, it would be struggling with a joeysafe harness, infant carseat and buggy and the 2 kids in a cab.....
hmmm...maybe i should call up a school to enquire!
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18 yrs ago
I'd give it a go. Would make your life a lot easier. Although I seem to remember that cars are much more expensive in Singapore.
The driving school may have certain limitations, but cannot see why. In fact, my mother failed her driving test 3 times and in the end passed it when she was 36 weeks pregnant. She thinks the guy was just scared that she'd go into labour on him if he failed her again. The way she drives sometimes, I think she may be right! Good luck with it!!!
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My mother learnt to drive when pregnant with me and this was before cars had seatbelts and dual controls! She even plonked my (unamused) older brother in the back seat while she had her lessons.
The one thing you may find difficult is being a novice driver with young 'uns in the back. At the moment your attention is on them. In a car, your attention must be on the road. Screams of "mummy, mummy, he/she hit me" have to be tuned out - and that takes practice and time!
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I don't think it would hurt to learn to drive. But, be warned, it's pretty multitasking experience.
I have driven for over 20 years now - and even now, even when I have my kids piled in the car, and we are going somewhere, I get rather anxious and super careful.
I think you should learn, and gradually add the kids to the car. As Claire says the screaming for no reason (this happens), the kids shouting "mummy I spilled something" and "I'm hungry" from the back seat - wow - VERY distracting.
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thanks for the replies!
a relief to know that it's not impossible to learn driving while pregnant.
i think my concern (if i even pass) is the bit about staying focused on the roads while the 2 monkeys fight it out at the back. but hubby reckons i won't be driving alone initially anyway...that he will probably be in the car until i am confident enough to go alone.
mrsl, cars cost the sky in singapore! which is why we're not buying husband's new business will occasionally require transport to carry equipment about so we're looking more at stuff like a kangoo van with backseats or double cab pick-ups.
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I learnt to drive whilst pregnant with my first baby(she's now 2 1/2). I learnt in London (baptism of fire!). Passed my test third time lucky at 36 weeks and had motorway lessons at 38 weeks. Post baby lost a lot of confidence in many ways and didn't have the nerve to get back in the car. After a year, I felt ready got back in the car. So would recommend you keep on driving once you've learnt - don't stop like me or you'll need refresher lessons. Actually found it less stressful on my own driving with baby rather than with hubby in the car too (you feel more nervous cos they're nervous!). So you may feel better driving on your own with kids anyway! I still do. Only problem was being asked to do emergency stops during my test - which I thought was mean - but a reality (check what they do where you are). The way the bus drivers and taxi drivers drive (plus no safety harness) you'll realise you driving is by far the safest option.
When you're first out driving - choose your timing so not rush hour. Plan your route and try easy routes first (and maybe go out on your own once you've passed on Sunday mornings).
I had cases of crying baby - I was so busy concentrating and aware of not being distracted could zone out. If it gets too stressful, you can always stop somewhere to calm things. Cars often help them sleep too though! Also, don't get stressed if you get lost - doesn't matter. I've been lost a few times in HK during busy times, and just accept it's one of those things! And you'll feel so proud when you've done it!
I'm now driving in Hong Kong with toddler and pregnant with number 2 - it'll give you so much freedom.
Go for it! You'll feel a great sense of achievement and you're doing something for you.
Good Luck!
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thanks, your experience was very inspiring!!
will seriously consider lessons after i get over the morning sickness!!
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