Flying while pregnant

Posted by DEMA 18 yrs ago
How long are you allowed to fly during your pregnancy (long distance)? Do you get any special treatment i.e. exit door seat on request,...?

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crj 18 yrs ago
Do a search on this forum for 'flying' and you will see quote a few threads on this with useful advice.

You are allowed to fly up to 3o something weeksd depending upon the airline, but usually need a Drs note.

Yes, you get unofficial special treatment - like help lifting bags.

But saying that, always check with your Dr first, if you have complications or bleeding they might not want you flying.

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mrsl 18 yrs ago
Unless your doctor advises otherwise, you're fine to fly. Have done so at every stage throughout 3 pregnancies. As cry said, airlines limit you from 32-36 weeks onwards, depending on the carrier. Wise to get a doctor's letter before your trip though, confirming EDD and saying that you are 'fit to fly'.

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hostie 18 yrs ago
Most long haul airlines will allow you to fly to 34 weeks some now 36 weeks with docs note, but you will not be allocated exit seats as being pregnant you would not be able to operate doors in an emergency however you should ask for an aisle seat as it will be so much more comfortable for you being able to get up and down as you please.

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Pix 18 yrs ago
I just did my last trip for this pregnancy at 34 weeks and it was fine with a doctor's letter saying that you're fit to fly. One of the airlines took a copy of this and I've heard that some others will get you to sign a waiver that you'll pay for any costs if they have to make some emergency landing due to you going into labour earlier (this was for a long haul flight at 35 and a half weeks). Others just request a waiver of any liability. I've been lucky in seat choices- but this is more due to earlier requests more than anything else. In terms of bags, one of the CX flight attendents wanted to move my bag around after I had put it up there without any help and she actually asked me to get up and help her do it! I was throughly shocked. Another one was super kind and found a more comfortable seat for me- it really depends- just like getting a seat on the bus!

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