two tests two different result

Posted by kismett 18 yrs ago
Hi all,

Have taken two tests over the last three days first was positve second was not. What goes? So should just see the doctor right or weight a little longe period was due last week.Help this is so confusing

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
go see your doctor and he will do a blood test to confirm if you are pregnant or not.

good luck!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
WHEn you read the test is more important.

you can read TOO MANY details at - which I just tested and seems not to be working. The main point they advocate there is NEVER NEVER NEVER read a hpt result AFTER 10 minutes.

however - there are more false negatives than positives.

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abitnaive 18 yrs ago
besides the good advice from hkchoichoi,

what time of day did you test? first morning urine is known to be the most effective in detecting the pregnancy hormone hcg.

do you still have the boxes that the tests came in? each test should indicate how sensitive the test was. the lower the number, the more sensitive it is to detecting hcg. is a good resource, it only lists northamerican or aussie brands like clearblue, though.

dig out the test packet and see the sensitivity.

good luck.

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