Insurance will not cover pre-and postnatal treatments of the(IVF) newborn child

Posted by AKLB 18 yrs ago
We are expats living in China wanting to undergo the IVF treatment and have been looking into insurances, and now our company offered us an insurance which does not cover any kind of fertility test (as usual), hormone treatment, insemination or examinations and any procedures related thereto, INCLUDING EXPENSES FOR PREGNANCY, PRE- AND POSTNATAL TREATMENTS OF THE NEWBORN CHILD/CHILDREN

This seems very discriminating! Is this even legal? It's bad enough that the insurances don't cover IVF but not to cover the pre and postnatal treatments of the newborn child is outrageous don't you think!

I appreciate your feedback please let me know what you think!



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spicegal 18 yrs ago
I don't know anything about IVF insurance but we also live in China and our company insurance does not cover ANY maternity related costs. The company told us if we wanted to get pregnant (again) that it was our own business and we should take out our own insurance - problem is it's almost impossible to get an insurance to ONLY cover maternity costs.

Some companies just don't have very good family values IMO....

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AKLB 18 yrs ago
They will pay 100% of the maternity costs ONLY if the child was CONCEIVED NATURALLY..... I understand that they won't pay for anything to do with the IVF procedure, but for them not to pay for anything once you are pregnant just because you became pregnant through IVF seems a little harsh.... Especially since they will pay for everything if it is a natural pregnancy!

What a horrible insurance!

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