ivf - what to expect?

Posted by Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I am 39 as well. I have done one IVF (unsucessful). I did a short protocol. I was warned it was an invasive experience - but did not find it to be too bad. I was quite stressed with the whole thing - which probably did not help at all.

Who is your doctor?


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abitnaive 18 yrs ago
hello linchee

i am so sorry to hear about your miscarriages, that must be so painful for you and your husband.

may i ask why your doctor wants you to do ivf? i hope this does not come across as hurtful or offensive, but ivf serves to help couples get pregnant, and doesn't really assist in getting them to stay pregnant, unless the dr feels there is a genetic reason you are miscarrying, and he/she would like to perform genetic marking tests on the embryos before transferring "good" ones back to your uterus.

who is your re? have you done acupuncture before?

sorry, i'll stop with the questions. sorry you are here, and hope we can help.


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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

Just felt bloated all the time because of the Gonal-F. I didnt take any pills the months before. Who is your doctor? What is a "lap"?

Take care + good luck!


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Stella Ha Ha 18 yrs ago
Hi all,

I am a newcomer. Just got the courage to voice out my story to seek for help. I just had my 1st IUI but failed. Maybe hoping too high and so very disappointed, especially knowing that my hormone levels are too high to start the next one straight away. Now I am trying to find all methods to help lowering my hormone levels. Any suggestions? Any good accupunturist to suggest? Would Yoga help?


(I am based in Hong Kong)

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

What was your FSH level? Dont be discouraged - FSH level fluactuates from one month to the next. Have you just had high FSH this month? What did the doc say?

I am seeing Dr. Cecilia The right now and like her alot.


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788 18 yrs ago
Hello Linchee,

I have done both long (my 1st ivf)and short (my 2nd ivf)protocols and a lot of research on them! Short one is considered more aggressive but in the end it all depends on how the dr wants to control your ovulation. For both protocols the super ovulation meds are the same.

Long protocols are generally done for women under 35 with or without previous ivf experience. Their hormones are pulled back with a combination of oral contraceptives and supressants for a month. After that you are given super ovulation meds like gonal-f or others with continuation of the suppressants. In this method the dr has a lot more control over when you are going to ovulate and knows you will most likely bounce back from the suppressants really well(think of it like a sling shot- more you pull back, furthur you go!)

For women over 35, dr's prefer short protocols because the chances of bouncing back from the suppressants suddenly starts dropping. Or dr wants to be very aggressive if you are producing less eggs. S/he has to monitor you a lot more (every other day) because with the super ovulation meds the chances of you ovulating are harder to predict.

For my long protocol, I had to take contraceptive pills for 28 days. At 21st day I had to start administering suppressants (Lupron for me) which continued till a day before my hcG shot. I started super ovulation meds 10-12 days before the hcG shot.

If your embryos can survive (depends on the quality) till the blastocyst stage and then be transfered. I wonder if that could increase your chances of remaining pregnant.

I wish you the very best.

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788 18 yrs ago
trying- i normally don't check my inbox so didn't see your pm. have replied back now.

vickypfl, these meds can flare unwanted things up besides the follicles. i haven't experienced taking oral contraceptives before a short protocol- but may be your dr. is just being real cautious.

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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Hi ladies,

There was something about alternative remedies and pregnancy outcomes in yesterday's yahoo health news. I'm not sure if it means anything -- not something I know much about -- but thought you may be interested.

Here is the link:


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Stella Ha Ha 18 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith,

Thanks a lot for your encouragement. My FSH was 28.4 before seeing Dr Milton Leong. Had IUI once but failed. 2nd day of the following peiod, had 48,the nurse said too high to start treatment. She told me to return 2nd day of next cycle. Sometimes I find Dr Leong was too busy to talk. May be I am too innocent that he doesn't want to tell me too much. Wondering if I should try another doctor like Dr Cecilia, is she patient? expensive? or Dr Derek Lo that I see his name a lot in this website.



What should I do to help lowering hormone levels? ex? yoga???

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

My IVF, IUIs have been done by Dr. Philip Ho. I like him alot. His clinic manager is very caring and really takes time to explain everything to DH and me.

I would suggest you dont do anything in the cycle when you have hight FSH - FSH measures how responsive your ovaries will be to the injectibles. I did one IUI cycle when I had high FSH (14) - Dr. Ho would not let you go thru with the injectibles if your FSH is over 15. I ended up going thru with it and was very disappointed with the results.

Dr. Cecilia The is a TCM doc - I am also doing accupuncture and on TCM to help me with blood stagnation and weak kidneys.

Do you mind me asking you how old you are? Because Dr. Ho told me that if a young person has a high FSH level - and an older person has a high FSH level then the young person will still have a good chance of success. So dont lose hopes - it is only one indication.


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Stella Ha Ha 18 yrs ago

No one around me is undergoing the process. With so many questions in mind, sometimes I just feel lost. Thank you so much for your advices.

I am going to be 41 in Dec 07. So the High FSH really worries me.

May I ask what is a TCM doc? As I learnt from some websites that accupunture does help. May I have the contact details for Dr Cecillia The. Is she expensive? I am now seeing a Chinese Doctor Dr Chiu, she is helping with my weak kidneys. My life changed last year as mum had stroke and work became very tough. I guess that was the reason my period became unpredictable since 6/2006, once in three months. As I just have high FSH and have to wait for next period, I have to return to Dr Chiu for help. Sometimes I don't know what I am doing is right or enough?

Would you suggest I have a first consultation with Dr Philip Ho before the next period start preparing for the next round of treatment.Is he expensive? May I have contact details?



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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

We are the same age - I will be 40 in Nov 07. I actually have low FSH - except for one month when I had 14 - most months I have 7 or so. Having said that, I have had one failed IVF, one failed IUI with meds and one failed IUI without meds. So if FSH was that important I should not have had so many failed attempts. Please dont worry about it too much.

TCM stands for traditional chinese medicine. Dr. The is not cheap - HK$650 per session + costs of meds (of less than HK$100 for 4 days meds). Here is the no for Dr. The's clinic - 2537-1118. Try to catch her before she goes away for her holidays the week after next.

I am in the same place as you - not sure what I am doing but just doing everything about it. You may not believe it - but I think it was only last year when I learnt about the best period to do it to try to get pregnant.

I would suggest seeing Dr. Ho and asking him what he thinks. He is very good and definitely not cheap - His clinic's no. is 2899-2293.

Have you just had one IUI cycle?

Take care,


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Stella Ha Ha 18 yrs ago
HI Havefaith,

Thanks and I have booked an appointment straight away with Dr Ho, 20/7. The best time after a holiday which I have been looking forward to as I have been diving in work.

Yes I just had one IUI. Can't say very exhausted but waiting for no answer is hard. Trying to think of other things to distract myself. Will book Dr The.

Do you reckon if you live in HK Island, the best is to see fertility doctors in HK Island?

May I ask if you have any babies yet?



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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

I live and work on the Island and I am seeing Dr Ho (who is also on the Island). I think it is easier if the clinic is close to work - because I had my injectibles done at the clinic - which meant going in almost everyday for about 10 days.

I dont have any babies. I got married 3 years ago. I got pregnant naturally last year - then ended up with a blighted ovum - had the m/c at 10 weeks. I just started seeing Dr. Ho in Feb/March this year.

Hope you dont mind me asking - Have you been trying for long? Married for long? Have you tried anything else besides one IUI?


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Stella Ha Ha 18 yrs ago

Been married for 10 years, had limited knowledge about IUI, IVF...and so been trying naturally. But had fibroid and operation in 2003 after recovered from neumonia in 2002. After that husband been flying a lot and also I have been enjoying my easy life after the irritation of having the fibroid, so very slack about getting pregnant. Period was punctual and so didn't realise my age problem was coming until last year when mum had stroke and workload changed. I noticed that I was aging but first have to settle down home issues before thinking for myself. Visit a few gyn since 6/2006 but were not given appropriate advices or even telling me no hope when FSH was 28. Until I talked to mum's family doctor who is really good and gave me a comprehensive advice although not gyn, I went to see Dr Leong. But feeling was not good as he appeared not telling me anything and also expensive. I then keep searching for information in internet and found this website. With so many questions in mind and worries, I gathered my courage to write to ask you questions. That is my story. Hope we both will get pregnant at the same time and next round we can talk about how to bring up healthy babies.


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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

Thanks for giving you your story - I feel like I know you already. A friend of mine is 43 and had high FSH for about one year - as far as she knows - IVF was being postponed every month cos doc was waiting for a low FSH month. After one year - she insisted on going ahead with IVF - she now has a lovely daughter. Dont be discouraged with high FSH!

My story is I have been married for 3 years and the first year - I farted around with a new job, moving and renovating our new place, and thought that it would just come naturally. After the m/c last Sept, I was in a bad way - so the plan wa put on a back burner until early this year when we started seeing Dr. Ho.

Even better - when we have had our babies - lets get together and form a baby play group.


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Stella Ha Ha 18 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith,

Good, will write to you after seeing Dr Ho. Will call Dr THE tomorrow. Thanks for your encouragement. I will take your advice and try my best then leaving the rest to God.

Sweet dream.


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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

Great - do let me know once you have seen Dr. Ho and/or Dr. The.

We are all here for you! I too believe it is best that we leave it to fate.

Take care + lots of baby dust to you,


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chipmonk 17 yrs ago
Linchee and Abitnaive.

I am in the same situation as Linchee - recurrent miscarriage without reasons found. I have seen and consulted almost all fertility doctors in HK and recently also consulted doctors in Singapore and US. Majority of the doctors in HK do not advise IVF as it is to assist in conception, not avoid miscarriage. And, doctors in Singapore and US advise PGD (pregenetic diagnosis) may reduce miscarriage as they will choose the best embryos after inspecting the choromosoes. But the drawback of PGD is that you will need to go thru IVF and in Singapore and US if the eggs stimulated from IVF do not reach a certain number, they will not perform PGD. And, the biggest drawback is that HK doesn't seems to be experienced in doing PGD for recurrent miscarriage. HK doctors advice are that we should keep on trying (no need for IVF) and when there is a good egg, that pregnancy will last. It's a difficult situation especially when we are not getting any younger.

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