Any Delivery Information about Guangzhou?

Posted by FuzzyLogic 18 yrs ago
Hi! I need help! UPMG or VIP birthing centre as it is also called is fully booked. Looks like I am late. Can Am does not handle delivery, it seems.

Any mums have had a good experience in any other hospital in Guangzhou? I wish to register for my prenatal visits, prenatal classes (English) and delivery. Is Concord Medical Centre or Clifford Hospital good? Am in my 23rd week.

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spicegal 18 yrs ago
Hi FuzzyL, I would say get yourself registered on an antenatal course at Pamela Youde NOW - most hospitals only run the english ones every 3 months or so. If you're registered now then you may get away with still going once you've left HK - at the end of the day, there or somewhere else in HK you're going to have to pay the train fare.

I took classes at Tsan Yuk and they were pretty good. Of course they were weekdays so hubby couldn't go too.

VIP is prob booked up with locals wanting scheduled c/sections. Can't believe it's that booked that far in advance!!

I've heard lots of good things about Clifford - think you still need ot have a translator in the room. I'm sure some of the Panyu mummies at our playgroup would be able to put you in touch with someone who's had a baby there.

DaniR are you reading? Do you know anyone who could give a bit of feedback?

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
i had my baby in Guangzhou at theJohn Hopkins International ...... Is this the same as the VIP birthing centre?

Anyway their number is 02034153165.

A belgian friend of mine also had her baby there and it was she who recommended it to me.

The nurses are well trained and the whole experience was quite ok (if i have another baby, i wouldn't mind going back), although they are not so sophisticated when it comes to lactation issues.

You do need someone who speaks chinese to be with you though. My husband speaks fluent chinese, as does my belgian friend who had her baby there lives in GZ and speaks fluent chinese.

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FuzzyLogic 18 yrs ago
Hi. Thanks so much for the Clifford suggestion. I will have to go there personally to get a booking, which is by the end of July. Yes, simplythebest was right. I had called Concord, I repeated myself till I was hoarse over the phone cos they couldn't understand.

I am trying to register, spicegal, for an antenatal crash course in HK itself. Thanks for the warning about classes in Gz.

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
Ooops, am slow on this thread!! I live in Clifford and was in the same quandry for delivery (I ended up having baby in HK due to complications. He was fine, I was fine and had a fab delivery!). Anyway, I have heard a mixed bag of experiences for Clifford Hospital, both good and bad.

It is definitely easier if you are a Chinese speaker, but they 'say' that they can provide a translator for you (they actually charge for that service now). Personally, I couldn't see myself in the throes of labor needing a translator, ha ha! Also, as with any of the deliveries here in the mainland, my main concern was if there were any complications w/the baby post-birth, I wasn't sure of the level of care the hospitals could provide (NICU).

Don't know if she still visits this site, but I know someone who delivered at Clifford - screename alvineki if you want to send her a PM.

I also looked for prenatal classes here in GZ, ended up going to Annerley Midwives in HK. Hubby and I scheduled 2 private classes and were totally worth it and made us feel at ease and comfortable.

Good luck!

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FuzzyLogic 18 yrs ago
Hey Dani and SimplytheBest, thank you so much girls, for the Annerley sugestion. Am going to call them and schedule private classes with them tomorrow (Monday) while hubby and I are still in HK.

Am glad that you and your baby came out of that unscathed. That must have been super scary.

My hubby was at Clifford today. He was in Gz for 2 days. He liked the hospital but we are still keeping the HK booking. As you said, we are not sure either about how complications get handled in Gz.

It looks like we definitely have to go for Chinese classes!

Will look for alvineki, and will let you know.

Thank you once again.

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