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18 yrs ago
Just wondering if anyone has any info on giving birth at POW hospital. I am due with our first baby in October and am worried that my husband will not be permitted to stay with me throughout the labour/delivery. Anyone have any inside experinec with this?
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Husbands are allowed to be with you during labour / delivery at Prince of Wales. The only time this is not the case is in an emergency i.e. C-section. But this is pretty typical of all hospitals. POW has a good reputation for maternity / obstetrics care.
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18 yrs ago
I am so pleased to hear that! There seems to be quite a lot of misinformation/rumour about HK public hospitals and it is hard to know what to believe.
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I gave birth in PMH - love it! Had C-section and baby had yellow.. all in we paid $600 compare to initially wanted to give birth at 7th adventist, easily cost 40K>... save this for baby's insurance!! 'If' i go for second one, will go back to public too, no regret!
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18 yrs ago
I am loving hearing some positive stories from the public system! Going private is finacially not an option for us so feel so much more reassured that others have already been before me. Thank you so much for your reply- and it sounds as if you didn't have an easy time either. Hope you and baby are going well.
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Hi, I'll also be giving birth at POW in just over 3 weeks and I don't mean to change the topic but any ideas about what to pack fo the hospital bag.
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thanks May C your reply was really helpfulTashb I will let you know how it goes.
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18 yrs ago
I didn't deliver there, but my baby has Torticollis and I see the BEST specialist in HK there and an amazing pediatric nurse - I am completely blown away by how good they are and how caring and knowledgable...
If they represent the level of expertise and care, you are in great hands.
As for underwear - get those 'sexy undies' (not really!) - they are mesh and really really comfy, made for post maternity or surgery use, you can get them in Eugene Club.
PS - I brought make up and never wore it... actually still can't really manage it now hahahaa
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Hi there and thanks for all the advice. I had my first baby at Matilda as I was fortunate with insurance but I was made redundant and so number two (due in FEB) will be born in a public hospital and my catchment area is PRINCE OF WALES!
Could you please tell me when and how I can register and do you recommend to still do your check-ups privately?
Also I chose to have an epidural with my first one and would love to have the same this time around (it was set early before I even had unbearable contractions) so do you know whether that is ok too for the public hospitals?
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18 yrs ago
I have been have been going for both private check ups and public (at Prince of Wales) and this doesn't seem to be a problem. We have actually had the scans done privately and I bring any lab tests/medical notes along when I had my prince of wales check up.
It's fairly straight forward to register- you need to call the hospital and they will tell you the times you can go in to just register- you don't see anyone this visit, they just take down your details and organise an appinhtment at a later date. You may need to take evidence that you are actually pregnant (bizarrely!) and I brought a letter from my GP confirming this.
Expect long waits for any appointments and a certain amount of Hong Kong style chaos! Bring a book to read!!
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18 yrs ago
I think they are preety pro- epidurals from what I can make out... the main complaint seems to be they give them TOO soon so you are lying in bed for hours... but I don't know this for sure! Will let you know at end of September all going well!
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Hello! I am due in mid-September with my first and have just decided to book into Prince of Whales instead of a private hospital for delivery. After speaking to few moms who's delivered there, they had nothing bad to say about the hospital, apart from if your baby needs to be admitted into an obsetrics ICU ward, it's in another building instead of the ward you are staying in, so you may need to travel thru the hospital a bit.
I have heard that the husband would not be allowed at the delivery room unless he has taken the antenatal this true? Most public antenatal classes seem to be conducted in Chinese only, is there any class for English speakers?
And is the husband allowed to stay overnight?
30wks and counting...
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18 yrs ago
Yes, the ICU ward/baby nursery is in another building (the building NEXT to the maternity ward). You will need to take a lift down, walk about 30 steps, then another lift to the nursery. If you are unable to walk, they will wheel you there in a wheelchair. They do have nurseries in the maternity ward but from memory, I think if the cribs in the maternity ward are fully occupied, they will move yours to the nursery in the other block. They also allow healthy babies to be kept beside the mothers.
Regarding husbands not allowed in the delivery rooms unless he's taken antenatal classes... I don't think this is true.
Hubbies aren't allowed to stay overnight unless he wants to sleep outside the ward on a bench. He will need to leave after visiting hours. It's not a bad thing in a way... I used to dread visiting hours. I mean, it was great seeing my relatives and friends but the other Chinese visitors weren't as quiet as we were. I also needed my rest and needed my privacy to pump. And after labour, if you require a bed pan, you'd feel awkward if the visitors are around even if the curtains are drawn.
If the visiting hours are not enough for you, you are still allowed to receive visitors outisde the ward.
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I was told that husbands can't attend the birth unless they've been to antenatal courses but I think they say that just to encourage fathers to actually attend the course. I don't recall anyone checking to see whether my husband had been. How are they going to stop the husband being there anyway? Call security???
Epidurals - it will depend on whether anyone is available - no-one was available when I went into labour so I had to do without.
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Just to set the record straight with PWH. My wife gave birth there to an absolutely gorgeous daughter last Thursday, so this is info pretty much hot off the press!
I never went to any anti-natal classes. While it is true that husbands are not allowed into the anti-natal ward on the 7th floor they are allowed with you as soon as you go to the delivery ward on the 8th floor. Usually they take you up at approx 4cm dilated. Husbands are allowed to stay with their wives there through labour and through the birth. So no problems there.
My wife wanted an epidural but the 2 doctors were in surgery and unable to attend. So she delivered without. Once they became available she was too far dilated.
One good thing now about PWH is that after the changes this year relating to mainland mothers having to pay for public hospitals the wards are now not full and are much more relaxing. When we were there last year the place was chaos! So much more space for local mothers and HK residents.
Overall the care there is superb. I do know of one expat couple locally who gave birth to the first child at PWH, then chose Matilda for second birth and hated it so much she went back to PWH for the third. So don't worry about the public system.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks so much for the recent account at PWH- feel much more reassured that my husband will be allowed to stay. How long did your wife stay in hospital for after the birth?
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Thank you! Well she gave birth at 6pm on Thursday and left the hospital on Sunday morning. So 3 nights, but as she had to be cut I can understand. One woman in the ward left after 2 nights. They will let you go early if you request and all is ok. Our daughter stayed with my wife beside the bed each night which was good.
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congrats evildeeds
Can I ask if you had a birth plan and did they follow it? And was the baby given to you straight away after the birth.
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No, made no birth plan. We just wanted a healthy baby and that's what we were blessed with, how we got that we didn't care!
After they had cleaned her they did lay her straight down beside mum and we had some pictures taken (after we had both shed a few tears of happiness) and then they took her for checks.
What I do like about PWH is that there is always someone around, right through the labour and they do have teams to assist in any difficult births. Judging by my experiences there the reputation they have for maternity is well deserved.
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thanks for the reply,all the best to you and your lovely daughter
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18 yrs ago
I had 2 babies at the POW, not recently, the last over 5 years ago. But re how long you stay in, its up to you, I stayed in 1 night with the 1st (actually my 4th) and came out the same day with the last, although I had to take her back up the next morning for a routine injection. I did write a birth plan, it was looked at, and it was followed.
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Thanks to everybody and congrats to the new babies born. I will regsiter in 2 weeks when I am 12 weeks and yes I feel now reassured and happy. Ideally I would love to have an epidural but well if not on that we have to get through it without.
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can i also ask if you are allowed to eat and drink during labour?
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18 yrs ago
We had our baby at POW 7 months ago and as per the previous replies had a really good experience. After a straight forward labour/birth (with my husband present the whole time) I was home after 24 hours. You are not really allowed to take anything with you into the delivery ward although I managed to sneak in a drink bottle (in the backpack my husband had as I wasn't allowed to have anything with me). Whilst in the delivery ward you are not allowed out of your bed ie, to try other more 'comfortable' positions which I found a bit frustrating but manageable. All staff we dealt with were professional and very helpful. Goodluck! Oh, be aware that episiotomies are encouraged but you can make it known and sign a statement that you will only consider this at the time if it is deemed necessary.
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18 yrs ago
When I was having my checkups there a few years ago, I was told that episiotomies, and giving birth in the lithotomy position (flat on your back) were routine, I said no way to the doctor, he admitted that it was for the 'local' mums, and was fine when I said no, I wrote it in my birth plan and they followed it at the birth. No episiotomies for either, semi sitting delivery position for 1st, lying on side for second.
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