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18 yrs ago
can anyone help?
as with my 1st pregnancy, i took them before bed as taking them in the morning made me very ill.
but with #2, it's just as bad as night. last night, i took 2 before bed but couldn't sleep until i puked up.
and this evening, i thought i would take one first (broke it into half) and i plan to go to bed soon and need to take 2nd one, but the 1st one still feels like it's lodged in my throat!
help! my pills - a massive calcium tablet and a massive antenatal vitamin.
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I don't know if this helps but miraculously, after i started Vitamin B6, my nausea subsided and i was hald human again! I just bought my B6 from Mannings.
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Hey WM -
I had a really hard time with mine also. But I learned the BEST thing was to take them on a full stomach - somehow they don't seem to get "stuck." It felt like the pill was literally lodged in the side of my stomach - and I know what you feel. Also, if I didn't eat ENOUGH - then the pill would make me puke - so for me, the key was taking it on a full stomach in those early days - my biggest meal was lunch so I would take it half way through my meal.
IF your antenatal has Iron in it - that could be doing it. You may want to switch to one without during the nauseous days and hopefully later switch back to one. Iron levels are really important however - so if you can manage it, try.
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i read too that b6 helps with morning sickness. i read the label and turns out my antenatal pills contain b6.
the same pills have iron too...although i suspect it's just the sheer size of the awful calcium pills. i took them after my dinner last night and within a hour, i threw up. and then i took the antenatal multi vits just before sleeping and that was ok.
the thing with these pills is that i know some people don't take it - my friend reckons it's some doc's way of earning extra $$. but i'm not eating well (dairy and oj, stuff rich in calcium and what not make me throw up) so i don't have a choice.
my granny says it's better to take them and throw up then not take any at all! ahhhhh!!! i might take your lunch tactic, i usually have a nap after so hopefully i can sleep off the nausea.
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I really feel for you Wheelymate. Puking is the worst. I was also taking fishoil tablets last time and took them in the morning with my multivit. I starting having morning sickness around lunchtime and it only took one episode of throwing up fishoil tablets (horrific) to mean that I could never take them ever again!!!! Just thinking about it now make me sick!!
Good luck with HKCC's lunch suggestion.
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ah SB2, i took fishoil pills towards the end of my pregnancy. by then i wasn't so sick so that was ok.
but just thinking about those calcium pills now is enough to make me sick....yikes.
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Take them with dinner...part way thru the meal. That seems to keep them down a bit better. And make sure you are properly hydrated to help them down too.
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Why don't you just drink milk and eat cheese instead? ;-)
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if i could take milk and cheese without being sick, i would!!
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as a funny note -
do you hate the smell of your husband? I HATED the smell of my husband in the early months - and currently am not so keen on him either. (he's here for a visit after being away for 7 weeks.) men SMELL! HAHAHHA....
can you take yogurt? luckily I love cheese - so I didn't worry too much about calcium. Try taking them during two different meals - I feel your pain. I can still feel that prenatal vitamin stuck in my side. BLECH.
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the following makes me sick:
husband's coffee every morning
my toddler's poop
cigarette smells
orange juice
my usual fav of starbucks ice-latte and cinnamon raisin bagel
the list goes on. the funny thing is when i was expecting #1, i used a particular brand of deodorant that made me sick! just lifting my armpits would send me hurling! had to change brands in the end...hahaha
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I LOVE coffee - even when I was having massive nausea.
HATED HATED HATED the smell of cooking rice. YUCK.
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18 yrs ago
Hi wheelymate...
this might sound funny or weird but with my no 2 i had a similar problem..i realised that i could take those materna and calcium capsules if i directly take them with a bottle of water instead of a glass...when u take put the pill in the mouth and put a bottle of water in the mouth, the sucking action hurls the pill directly inside without getting that stuck feeling...
funny isint it but it worked for me...thruout my preg i took those pills with a bottle of water instead of a glass and continue to do so postnatal coz of habit now..
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OK ladies, I've tried all the tips and my antenatal tablets still make me sick - and did all the way through my last pg too... any more tips to help me get them, and keep them down?
Plus, HKCC, yes, the smell of my husband makes me gag too - I'm so sensitive to smells now - we call it "dog nose" and hubby reckons he knew I was pg before i even took a test cos I was making comments about disgusting smells!!
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hi spicegal,
i'm finally better with the pills although i only take one now - the antenatal ones instead of the additional calcium ones. thinking about those make me sick.
i told my doc on mon that i have not been taking them too regularly and he didn't seem too worried. told me to take what i can.
what works best for me now is popping them just before bedtime. mornings are baddddd...
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Hi ya!
Just wanted to make the point that you can find calcium in foods that are not things like eggs and milk and cheese (all of which are quite high in fat, which is why they make you feel more sick). During both my pregnancies (especially in the first trimester) I have eaten a lot more brocolli and 'brussel sprouts' (cravings). They are both rich in calcium - in fact most dark green vegatables are (but not spinach) - but they do not contain the fat that makes you sick. You may want to try some, this kind of food actually made me feel less nauseous! If you google 'calcium' or 'foods that contain calcium' you will find a site that lists foods fortified with it - you never know you may find something that takes your fancy :)
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Thanks for the tip - I often forget about veggies having calcium and I really can not still get those huge materna tablets down. I'm veggie though and eat lots of brocolli so you've reassured me some.
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