Maternity clinic

Posted by atesdale 18 yrs ago
Hi I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good International hospital for my wife who is 21 weeks pregnant. We are due to arrive in Guangzhou in August when I begin my overseas assignment. Her next check is not due till 36 weeks but I wanted to sort out a clinic before her arrival. I shall be in Guangzhou next week so would like to start looking before she arrives. Our accomodation is located in the Lake front resort just outside the city.

Many thanks

soon to be father

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FuzzyLogic 18 yrs ago
Hello there. My reply is a bit late. Have u decided anything yet?

I just moved to Gz last week, and am 26 weeks pregnant. My husband checked out Global Doctors Clinic for antenatal appointments and The Clifford Hospital for the delivery. He liked both. I am yet to check it out...will be doing so by this weekend.

John Hopkins is full and maybe so for your wife too as shes due around the same time as me.

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atesdale 18 yrs ago
Hi thanks for the info. It would seem that our medical insurance does not cover prior maternity visits only post complications. So it looks like we will have to find a good public hospital with a foreign section.

My other son was born in a privately run chinese hospital before not the best of experience!! We had a private room but the medical care was sub standard. In fact instead of being a wonderful expereince it was a nightmare and one I don't wont to go through again.

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