Delivery at Hong Kong or London

Posted by HKGLG 18 yrs ago

I have acquired british nationality in 2006 but have not been to UK yet. Now my wife is pregnent and due for delivery in Dec 07.

Can you please advise me which place (HK or London) would be better for delivery in terms of ordinary local medical services?

I am thinking to deliver here in HK as I am well aware of HK medical system.

But why I am worrying is if my baby will loose some benefit (e.g. legal or social) in future.

Your advise on the above is highly appreciated.


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spicegal 18 yrs ago
I would check the regulations on elegibility for NHS services in the UK.

I am British by birth, but because I have lived overseas for over 5 years and therefore not paid tax or National insurance am not entitled to NHS treatment, for free, until I live in the UK again for at least 6 months.

Personally I delivered using a Government hospital in HK and the treatment was fantastic - much better than what I hear about the UK.

Do a google search for a recent Channel 4 documentary on maternity services in the UK - apparently it gave a damning report.

Of course you are still entitled to go to the UK and give birth under the private system. And this would probably ensure your child could have a British passport - which is not a given when a child of British citizens born abroad give birth to a child abroad.

Do you have a permanent address in the UK? You could go there, give birth on the NHS and never get charged, health tourism in the UK is a massive problem and it seems that hospitals often find it too difficult to charge non eligible persons. Of course, you also run the risk that you will be charged.

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spicegal 18 yrs ago
Yeah sorry, I perhaps wasn't clear, I said "probably", cos I'm not really sure about the citizenship thing... as Waffle_hk says, check these things out.

Also, I found this about NHS eligibility

NHS eligibility

Past or present payment of UK taxes or National Insurance contributions are not taken into account when establishing eligibility to receive free NHS treatment. NHS eligibility relates to being ‘ordinarily resident’ in the United Kingdom . Overseas visitors are defined as persons of any nationality, including British nationals, not ordinarily resident in the UK .

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HKGLG 18 yrs ago
Hi Spicegal and Waffle

Thanks for your valuable information.

I just checked with British consulate regarding citizenship (nationality) and they replied as below :


"If you are British citizen otherwise than by descent (Please check it on your certificate of registration) if so, you can pass on your British

citizenship to your child who is born after you became a British citizen.

Your child will have the same social and legal status as he/she born in the United Kingdom"


I guess, I also fall into this category (British citizen otherwise than by descent) hence citizenship is not a big problem for us.

In london, I head that the doctors and midwives make a regular visit at home unlike, we make appointment and go to hospital in HK.

Is this also included in NHS ?

I was just wondering which place is better for regular checkup and final delivery at public hospital.



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evildeeds 18 yrs ago
You don't state how you acquired British Citizenship so hard to answer. Usually otherwise other than decent means by nationality, i.e. born in UK to UK parents. For example I am born and raised UK citizen and my children born here will have the right to British citizenship. They however cannot pass that on to their children.

What you heard about London is true if you pay for it. Doctors and Midwives do not run around peoples homes and you will still have to visit clinics and hospitals. Having had children both in UK and HK there is not a huge amount of difference.

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squiggles 18 yrs ago
have you also thought about how long you would have to stay in London if you chose to go there? don't forget airlines have a restriction on flying after so many weeks, so you'll probably spend at least 4 weeks there before the baby. Then of course you have to get your baby's passport etc and i'm not sure how long it would take for all that to happen.

not sure whether you want to be away from home all that time? and who will help you while you are back in London? do you have family there?

so many considerations outside just the hospital and passport really. i had thought about it myself but i just didn't want to deprive hubby of fatherhood for that long!

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HKGLG 18 yrs ago

Thanks for so many valuable suggestions.

Since there is not much advantage in london over HK for my case, I probably will decide to have delivery in HK.

I just checked my british citizenship certificate and its mentioned "British citizen otherwise than by descent" at the bottom hence there is no problem giving birth at HK for nationality concern of the baby.

Thanks and best regds.


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