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18 yrs ago
Has anybody good experience with either of above doctors? I am expecting number two and was previously with another doctor who I am happy with but her fees are so high that I cannot carry on with her. Not a nice thing to change doctors now, but if you are not loaded with money a MUST.
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18 yrs ago
I delievered with Sally 3 months back...shes very good...both with her work and her bedside manners..would highly recommend her...
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18 yrs ago
I would ditto those remarks re Sally. Having used her for my first (June last year) I simply wouldn't consider anyone else. We do have 100% cover which made the initial selection easier. Actually we chose the hospital (Matilda) first and Sally was one on the shortlist of Ob/Gyns who delivered there. She was the one we selected on the basis of comments here and from other friends. There were many good comments re Lucy, too, so either one should be good for you. Maybe it might come down to location (your home and their respective offices) and the hospital. Good luck.
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I use Sally and am very pleased with her. She is very friendly and patient and does everything she can to make you comfortable. She also has great contacts at Matilda and Adventist hospital. I have heard less nice things about Lucy, people say she tends to be a bit cold.
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i'm 28 weeks now and use lucy, i'v heard people say she can be cold but i find her brilliant, she is very straight with you and will back you 100% in wot you want out of your pregnancy plus shes a great surgeon if you end up with c section.
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18 yrs ago
Lucy is straight forward, but extremely talented as an OB and equally as a surgeon. She literally saved my life with a very difficult delivery, and later unusual complications. I was not in a high risk category for either age or past history. In the end, the most important is the health of both the mother and the baby.
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I was happy with Sally all the way through my pregnancy until the end when she said I was having a 9-10 pound baby and recommended I have a c-section. She estimated the size of the baby from measurements during the scan (eg.circumference of head, abdomen etc). I disparately wanted to have a natural birth so was very disappointed but she said there could be high risk of complications (and even mentioned if the baby got stuck she has had an instance when she had to literally pull a baby out and broke the collarbone) and once my husband heard that he said there is no way I am putting our baby in danger just to have a natural birth. I also called 2 hospitals and asked what I should do and they said to follow the 'expert' advice of Sally. So I had a c-section and my "huge" baby girl ended up being 7 pounds 11 - so she was more than 2-3 pounds off!!! So I basically had a c-section for absolutely no reason what-so-ever (as well as paying a lot more!!). Sally gave little apology and said she must have got her calculations mixed up, and was in fact very distant and brash (probably cause of embarrassment) for my postpartum visits. As you can understand I was very disappointed with the outcome of my first birth experience.
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Thanks for the feedback hkhighlander. I have heard some mixed things about both of these doctors and am considering who I would use next time (if there is a next time) since my doctor has left HK. On the estimation front, I have no idea where they get their calculations from but I was told that my baby would be between 8 - 9 pounds at full term and ended up with a baby which was over 10.5 pounds and 2 weeks early! My doctor may have recommended a different course of action than natural delivery if he had known the baby would be big.
Very disappointing for you though and can understand you feel miffed by the process not going as you would like and the cost involved. Unfortunately judging by both of our experiences these calculations are, at best. an estimate only.
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16 yrs ago
I've heard Lucy Lord is good with IVF. Is this true and has anyone had or know of any successful cases? I've tried IVF with Derek Lo and Milton Leong and failed. Am now contemplating a new doctor.
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I went with Sally Ferguson and really was very pleased with her.
This c-section thing is a Hong Kong thing. I have known so many people who have been told their baby is "large" and therefore it would be safer to go with a c-section. I had natural birth first time round and my baby was 9 pound and yes I had difficulties, ended up with forceps (definitely not pleasant!). That was in Australia. This time I had my second baby over here and I had a c-section, because if placenta previa. However Sally said regardless of the size, it's my choice as to whether i go natural or not. I think if you stand your ground and say that is what you want, then they need to respect that and I'm sure she will if you are up front with her as I was.
At the end of the day, it's all about money & convenience over here. People pay top dollar and of course they want little effort for maximum gain. It seems heartless yes, but that is the reality of HK I'm afraid.
But I have to say I really felt very comfortable with Sally and she was very professional throughout the whole pregnancy and birth.
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