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18 yrs ago
Hi all,
I live in London but will be travelling in Hong Kong exactly when i am 12 and 13 weeks pregnant, so need to arrange my nuchal fold scan and blood tests while i am in Hong Kong.
Could you recommend a reputable clinic or hospital where i can make an appointment for the scan and tests? grateful for any advice.
I've found 2 online, but it's difficult to take these decisions without a recommendation.
I wanted to get the OSCAR service from chinese institute of HK but they told me that it's only available to HK residents and as a UK resident i'll have to pay a reg. fee of 39000 HKD...
thanks a lot
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St. George's Building -
Prenatal Diagnostic Center
Dr. Macor Wan
if you do a search on this site you'll find him. Their office is known for excellent diagnostic screening...
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18 yrs ago
I would also recommend Dr Wan and Dr Lam in the practice there. They are all business, ship you in ship you out, but seem to be very experienced and highly recommended within the expat community. Ring a few weeks before you need an appointmet if you can - +852-2877-3280.
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Also recommend dr wan - was there yesterday for my amnio. Office is located in central and easy to find. They were efficient, and certainly had all the up to date equipment etc. When you call dont worry that the reception answers in chinese - they speak good english. But you might want to check if they need you to bring anything with you from your dr in UK. I had to give my HK id card info and you will not have this so you might need a dr letter or something.
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