Posted by
18 yrs ago
I had the vaginal at an early stage but i don't think we 'saw' a heartbeat till 8 weeks. 6 weeks still seems early, maybe just hang in there for a couple more weeks. I am one of those pregnant mums that want an ultrasound everyday just to make sure the baby is terms of hearing the heartbeat, we heard ours i think at around 12 weeks. I know you must be especialy sensitive due to your last miscarriage but try to stay positive. When the doc couldn't hear our baby's heartbeat the first time, i actually tried to focus on anything other than things to do with babies and it seemed to make the time go faster. Wish you and your baby lots of luck!
there is a range as to WHEN you will see a heartbeat - depending on when ACTUAL implantation happens. My father (an OBGYN), during my third round of pregnancy - told me just to wait until 8 weeks before I even bothered getting my first scan. The first and main reason being that although someone DO see heartbeats as early as 5.5 weeks - not everyone does, and so there was no need for me to get worked up with an ultrasound that may or may NOT show a heartbeat. However, by EIGHT WEEKS, there definitely should be a heartbeat - for me - at my first exam at 8 weeks - I heard the heartbeat as well.
18 yrs ago
Expat2006 - I really feel for you as I know how hard it is when you stress about things in pregnancy. I have had my fair share of worries. I really don't think you should worry at this early stage - in the Uk you don't have your 1st scan until 12 weeks as before this time it is too likely that you won't be able to see a heartbeat, and like yourself it stresses the mum out! I had all my scans at 12 weeks and compared to my friend who had a scan at 10 weeks the baby looked so completely different - even though her scan was only 2 weeks before mine the baby was so much smaller.
I am thinking of you in the next couple of weeks because I know it is so hard not to think about it every minute of the day - it's almost like you are in limbo, life has stopped until you know everything is ok.
Take care
18 yrs ago
expat2006, the same thing happened to me with my first pregnancy. I got REALLY worried too. I was supposed to be 6+ weeks pregnant when I saw my dr and she could not detect a hearbeat from the tummy ultrasound nor the transvaginal ultrasound. She could only see the sac. I was frightened because from what I read, heartbeats SHOULD be seen at 6 weeks on. I was told to come back 1.5 weeks later and lo and behold, we saw a heartbeat!! Dr said that I must have ovulated a week later than I thought.
For my next, I'm not going to see a doctor until Week 8. Not worth it to do it before hand with all those unnecessary scares.....
Yes, wait till 8 weeks and you should be able to see the heartbeat from the ultrasound. I saw mine a little earlier than 8 weeks thru' transviginal. My sister in-law did not also see at 7+ weeks, dr. said the same thing as said to you. She waited for another week to go back again, now, she had just given birth to a healthy little girl! Dr. had to push the EDD two weeks later.
You are having a healthy baby!
Expat2006, just wanted to say congratulations (even though it is a bit early) as I remember you saying you have been trying for a while. Best wishes!
18 yrs ago
expat2006, can understand your apprehension, but try to relax (easier said that done). Detected heartbeat by 6 weeks on the first 2, but not until after 7 weeks on the 3rd. I've also had a history of m/cs, so can really relate to how long the 10 day wait feels. Will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
it is ok.. I wanted to send you a book to read, just want to ask whether do you like/enjoy reading. I had 2 very similar case like yours few years back. It is heart breaking but if you don't give up, due season always come! Mine came beginning of the year.
dear expat2006,
i read your thread the first time you posted it. i am very sorry to hear about your loss.
i understand it is very painful for you emotionally so take time to heal. and when you are ready, you know many on this forum are around to hear you out.
good luck.
Expat 2006,
So sorry to hear about your loss. You will be in my prayers and may your dreams of having a baby come true soon too.
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Expat 2006,
So sorry to hear about your loss. You will be in my prayers and may your dreams of having a baby come true soon too.
Expat2006, I'm so sorry to hear this news. It must be so difficult.Please take good care of yourself and lots of rest.
Expat 2006,
So sorry to hear about your loss. I will pray for you and wish that you will have a LOL soon.
Do take care of yourself and try not to think about too much now!
18 yrs ago
expat2006, I'm really sorry... I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you've been.
We'll be here to listen if you need to talk. Be strong, okay?
18 yrs ago
expat2006...I have sent you mail.
expat2006 - thanks for the update. Keep smiling and keep trying. It will happen for you too I am sure.
Take care
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. It is a tough road - lets do it together.
Thanks expat2006 - things are going ok so far. Had the 20 week scan (which was where the problem was picked up in my last pregnancy) and all looking ok. I almost cried while the doc was scanning - every time he looked like he was taking too long (in my layman view) reviewing a particular organ - so stressful. I think once you have had some traumatic times before (as you, HF, I and many others) it really makes you realise what a miracle the whole process is although it also turns you in to an even bigger worrier than your average pregnant lady! As a result, although doc says all looking fine so far, it will not stop me worrying for the remaining 20 weeks until the babe is here and is checked over. Has meant that I am finally wearing maternity clothes at work though (which make me look bigger than I am) because I am not afraid to tell people now.
I truly believe that it will happen for all of us but that the bumps along the way make it all the more treasured when it does happen. There are a few of us on this site who have been through similiar experiences to you and I am sure will be more than willing to share these if you think it will help. The ladies on this site were a great comfort to me when I was dealing with the aftermath of the induced labour of my dear wee daughter at 20 weeks along earlier this year. Still brings a tear to my eye that we lost her but we won't forget her.
All the best
Thank you for saying that you derived your faith from me - I feel very honoured.
I know what you mean - I was thinking the same thing in April this year. I am sure I will feel sadness comes May next year.
I remember I once read somewhere "That we should pray not for an easy life but to be a strong person". I sometimes think that someone is testing us - if we pass the test we will end up with our little BUBs.
I do so want to be on the next plane out - I do also wish to be with you, Linlin and everyone else who has gone thru so much.
Lots of babydust to you all!
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