How many weeks pregnant did u start to show?

Posted by bbvv 18 yrs ago
I'm 8 wks pregnant with my 2nd - just interested in how many weeks your bump started to show? Normally I would like to wait for 3 mths mark before announcing my pregnancy but have a feeling my bump will show up before then as my skin on my tummy is still loose after having my first.

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bbvv 18 yrs ago
Thanks waffle_hk, my 1st was an easy pregnancy but with this one I have nausea, feel more tired and get bloated at times after meals which makes me feel big anyway.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
i'm 18 weeks with #2...i definitely feel like i'm growing bigger but no significant bump yet (as with #1) although my boobs are huge.

i told my baby group and close girlfriends before 12 weeks but even now have told very few outside that circle about the pregnancy unless people ask!

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spicegal 18 yrs ago
I'm now 13 weeks with #2 and feel like I'm starting to develop a gut - it feels obvious to me, along with the huge boobs that I'm pregnant - but I'm guessing others can't notice. I've actually lost almost 2kg as I've been so sick!

#1 I was in a bikini at 18 weeks and people that knew me didn't notice! Prob didn't really show until around 20/21 weeks. Think this one will be earlier though.

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suze 18 yrs ago
With No. 3 about 20 odd weeks as like above so sick lost weight rather than gained. Never told either waited for people to ask!


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