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18 yrs ago
Hi everyone,
I've been in HK for 2 years now, and at the same, it's been for 2 years we're trying to have a baby. I'm looking for a good doctor to follow my husband & me. I read that you can have a check at the Queen's Mary Hospital. Is it the best or would you recommand me to go to a private doctor?
Thanks a lot
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Hi there Sally
I have been going to Lauren Bramley in Queens Road Central and I find her awesome. We have been trying for 13 months and had an early miscarriage in Feb. Lauren is great as she understands and does all the tests and referrals to all the right people to find out if there is a problem. I see Dr Dawkins for gyno stuff and he is great too. Do you have any insurance? We have Allianz which pays for the private side of things.
Let me know if you have any other is such a frustrating and emotional roller coaster this pregnancy thing!
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18 yrs ago
Hi Kiwi chick
Thank you very much for your answer.
Hope it will come faster for you than for us, coz it's very long! I'm very sad for your miscarriage.
My insurance is AIA. I know it covers maternity but I need to check if it pays for private things (ie if you WANT to have maternity ;-) ). Is Lauren Bramley a generalist or a gyno? Is it possible you to send me her adress?
fingers crossed for you! I didn't think it would be so difficult to conceive!
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Sally, any gyno will do the tests (HSG/dye test, scan, hormone blood tests for you, and sperm test for hubby). The ones I went to were Dr Derek Lo (tel: 2522-0691) and Dr Philip Ho (tel: 2526-3322). Both are private. Never been to Queen Mary.
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18 yrs ago
I am also currently seeing Dr. Derek Lo. I've seen him once only and will come back on Friday for an X-ray to check if my "tubes" are not blocked. I've done the ultrasound and he found out that I have PCOS. We agreed to finish the diagnostics first and then talk about fertility treatments. Have you done any with him?
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Hi Sally
Dr Bramleys number is 2877-6068 and check out her website
Definietly check out your insurance. If it is through a company - they usually dont fork out for the maternity and you have to get it as an add on or get separate insurance which allows you to go down the private path.
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I have not done any fertility treatments with Dr Lo as he went on holiday for 6 weeks soon after I got the results of the tests (HSG/Xray, scan and sperm) which I did with him. I was anxious to try an IUI, which Dr Lo had suggested, and didn't want to wait until he got back.
Good luck with the HSG. I did it on a Saturday so I could go home and relax afterwards. It was a bit uncomfortable but otherwise ok.
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how is your results yet ? (+) ? is your menses regular with 7 days or irregular ?
Had you think of IVF yet ? cause queueing for IVF is about 3 - 6 mths wait. Need to regulate menses before starting of injections.
Good luck and hope we both having lots of baby dust.
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18 yrs ago
Hi Poseidon,
Do you have any reccomendations for IVF specialists in Singapore?I tried Thompson Fertility Center and they seemed very good but I wanted to also try a few others a well. Thanks for any advice!
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Hi Maky,
I am also seeking out specialists for IVF in Singapore. I will be seeing Dr Chris Chen and another doc from O&G Partners. Both are in Gleneagles Hospital. The following are the website. Hope it helps.
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As for those in S'pore, I always hear of Dr. Gordon Tan from Gleneagles. Maybe someone out there can try him??
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