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18 yrs ago
Hubby and I are thinking about when to have a baby. I'm 37 and have concerns about everything from getting pregnant to Downs syndrome (not to mention anything in between)if we wait much longer.
Can any first time Moms over 35 share their experiences and the concerns they had. Just wondering if I'm being too paranoid. Thanks!
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Is there any reason why you want to wait?
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I had mine one month b4 turning 43 and is a textbook pregnancy too. My baby is now 6 months old. FYI, i had two m/c 6 years ago so this Blessed One is a long wait!
Nothing to fear.
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had my first at 38 - no problems whatsoever. had an amnio which was absolutely fine. am pregnant with second at 40. again, amnio showed no signs of downs.
please don't let the fear of Downs cloud your fear on getting pregnant. so many of my friends were over 35 when they got preggers the first time, and not one of them had a problem with Downs. to be honest, the actual conception and maternal health is probably more of an issue with the over 35s!
good luck! don't wait any longer - having children is truly wonderful!
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Thanks everyone for your replies! The reason we're thinking of waiting is because we have a lot going on right now (work, finances, etc). We're still talking about it so hopefully we'll make a decision sooner rather than later. Thanks again.
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someone told me once that if everyone waited until they were rich enough to have babies then there would never be any! also, there's never a right time as something else will always come up.
when people have babies they cope - they cope with the finances, and they cope with their jobs.
and you also have to consider that you need to get your body ready too - pregnancy may not come easy and so you may plan to have your bubba next year, but in reality, if you don't get preggers straight away, then it could be two years away etc....just think carefully about it.
if children are in both your futures, then defo sooner rather than later. mother nature doesn't always work the way you want! good luck!
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37 is not too old. But don't wait and don't start trying without seeing a Dr. Get checked out and have your fertility and your husbands checked now!
I had my first at 38 and I am single. If you wait for the perfect time (even for the perfect man) it will be too late.
I was very lucky and had a text book pregnancy as well. did not do an amnio. My Dr didn't really recommend it. And it only checks for down syndrome and can't check for everything.
Go for it, enjoy the process and the time being pregnant and you will love the time with your child even more.
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Sorry Scuba chick you are incorrect - amniocentisis checks for downs and nearly all chromosomal disorders including trisome 13 and 18 and sex chromosome abnormalities (eg turners and klinefelter).
Also genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell and tay sachs
And nureal tube like spina bifida.
It can not detect cleft palate, heart malformations. These are sometimes highlighted in the 2nd trimester ultrasound.
Your chances of having a healthy pregnancy into your 40s is higher than not (eg at 40 yrs old 1/100 of Downs so 99 chances of not). However sooner you start probably the better.
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18 yrs ago
There will never be a perfect time - don't wait.
We thought we were "kind of" in the right time - then as soon as I was pregnant work situation got even worse - typical. But luckliy I was already pregnant and things now could not be better (kids no 6 and 4).
Don't try to predict the timing - just do it. It will work out absolutely fine.
And you can get back to work later if that is what you want - just allow 9 months plus another possible 3 to 12 months of feeling like an alien took over your body before they give it back to you (you learn to do everything with one arm, carrying the baby in the other - it is a strange feeling to get your arms and boobs back to yourself!) Then you sadly miss that extension of yourself as they become little thinking people.
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Thanks everyone for all your responses. I'll let you know what we decide and how things turn out.
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