hi ss
posting and trying to find answers as to why you may not be conceiving is a good way to start heading towards your dream of having a family with your husband.
ss, do you know if you are ovulating every month?
are you timing intercourse around your ovulation period?
if you go and see a dr, likely he will ask you if you have tracked your temperature to detect ovulation (release of follicle). this website gives a good description of what to do:
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if after two or three months of tracking there is no pregnancy, then i would make the appointment, take the charts and see your doctor.
at that point, especially if you are in your mid to late 30's, you can expect your dr to do the "dye test" to show if your tubes are clear, blood levels checking estrogen and progesterone, your husband's sperm count, and an ultrasound on your ovaries and uterus.
the good news is, if you are infertile, there is a great deal that can be done to assist you on the path to parenthood.
hope this helps.