Good News & Bad News

Posted by John-GZ 18 yrs ago
My wife and I did in vitro. 1st time.

Today, I found out that all 3 of the eggs that were put into her have set up shop. All 3 are of equal (healthy) size.

All 3 have strong heart beats. All 3 are in good positions.

That's the good news.

Because my wife is almost 40, the risk of her carrying 3 babies to full term is way too high. So the doctors are going to have to abort one.

Since all the babies appear the same and healthy, the doctors have decided to abort the one closest to the needle's entry point so as to reduce the trauma to mother and children.

That's the bad news.

But as long as I have a healthy wife everything else is secondary. Knowing that we will be having 2 children at once is enough to push me into emotional overdrive.

All day I have been wandering around my company muttering, "Holy sh*t, I am going to be a father."

What a day.

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babybemine 18 yrs ago
Congratulations John-GZ! You must be very excited even though the bad news part must be a very difficult decision. Very best wishes.

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crj 18 yrs ago

Sent you a PM

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longing 18 yrs ago
Congratulations John

I will be going for my second IVF in Sept any tips on what and what not to do?

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ldsllvn 18 yrs ago
John, just read your post, wonderful news congratulations!! We have twins (14 months old) - when we found out that we were having two (tooks us years to decide to have one!) - I cried for weeks, could not get over it! Now, seriously, it is the best thing ever!! So many great things about having two in one go!

- you have a full family and never have to bother with IVF, pregnancies etc again (unless you decide on more kids of course).

- all the sleepless nights, weaning, potty trating - all in one go, done and dusted!

- the twins (from about 2 yrs of age or so) - play together, they always have each other for company and you dont have to worry about entertaining them half as much as with one child or two kids of dif age!

- there is a great Mothers of Multiples club in HK with a lots of fun activities and generally parents catching up for lunches, drinks etc. Make sure to check out the website.

Best of luck!! You are so lucky to have twins, fingers crossed all goes well!!

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ldsllvn 18 yrs ago
oops! just realised you are not in HK - so the twins club is not an aweful lot of use to you!! But all other points stand! Plus - this is a great place to have twins - with all the help avaialble! We have two helpers - cant recommend it more!

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AKLB 17 yrs ago
Dear John-GZ, and everyone else!

We are pregnant and we have a similar dilemma ;-} as you... We underwent IVF (ICSI) in August, had three embryos transfered and ended up with 4 strong heartbeats (one embryo split)! Now the doctor has recommended that we abort if possible the identical twins. It would be great if you could give me some info regarding the procedure... Our doc. told us we have to do it ASAP .... They will go in with a needle and suck out the embryo which is closest to the needle...


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John-GZ 17 yrs ago
AKLB, my congratulations and sympathy. Being told one must go was hard enough, but two. I can't imagine.

The information we were given was just like what you heard. The closest to the needle is the one they recommend taking if all other things are equal. Actually, if all things are equal, you don't get a choice. They take what is closest to the needle.

The bad news is that I have no experiences to share with you on how it is done.

After my wife and I were given the news the doctor had asked us to wait one more week while she consulted other doctors and such because she personally hated to do this type of surgery.

During that week, one of the embryos heartbeats stopped. We were asked to wait 3 days and come back again so they could check again. And when they checked there were only 2 heartbeats instead of the 3.

And while we mourn the loss of the one, we are at the same time quite relieved that a choice didn't have to be made.

I wish you luck with your pregnancy. If you are the wife, be patient with your husband. It may seem the world is his fault, but it isn't. At least not completely.

If you are the husband, prepare for your patience to be tested like you never thought possible. :)

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AKLB 17 yrs ago

it is a tough desicion... you finally become pregnant and then within one week you have to abort two... the whole thing is kinda surreal at the moment. Glad to hear that you didn't have to have the procedure done. I am the wife and I have to say my husband has been great ;-} and you are right we are in this together!



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