
Posted by southernside 18 yrs ago
My friend is in the 7th month of pregnancy and is suffering from severe constipation, which she finds really uncomfortable. She's tried all the remedies like drinking water, prune juices, eating hi- fibre food, but nothing's helping. Pls. can somebody suggest some food or drink or just anything which might help her. Plssssssss???

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

If your friend is eating enough fiber but still having problems, it might be because she is not drinking enough water. Everyone's needs for water vary - although an average person needs 8 glasses - some people need more. I generally need to drink 8 in the morning in order to get my system going.

It is sometimes not the amount of fiber - it is the types of veg/fruits. For me - broccoli, oranges and bananas. However, kiwi and cauliflower do hardly anything.


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PyoPyo 18 yrs ago
Hi Southernside,

You may want to ask her to try probiotics.But she will need to check it with the pharmacist and her gynae. I know Three Sixty at The Landmark offers some good brands. I am also one that is prone to constipation and after taking the probiotics, it really helps me.

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mscheerful 18 yrs ago
I had bad tummy ache (from drinking milkshake) at 7+ months so i took probiotics, it was fine. Constipation can be also having too much of iron, check the food intake too, if too loaded with iron rich food, cut it down to see how it goes. Also what helped me to get over the constipation during pregnant was I had 2 classes of Nestle Pregnant Milk, it helped SO MUCH and had no problem to pass motion everyday. Hope this help a bit.

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movingtobangkok 18 yrs ago
Try -

An apple a day


Psyllium husks

Drinking warm water

Eating a bowl of good quality muesli

I'm sure she is at the point where she will try anything, and she should. Something will get her bowels moving!

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PyoPyo 18 yrs ago

May I know where did you get the Nestle Pregnant milk? Is it in the milk powder form?

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mscheerful 18 yrs ago
ya, milk powder form. you can get it in most of the chinese grocery shops or manning or watson. in fact i am drinking it right now and going to toilet NOW, got to run!!!! :)

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PyoPyo 18 yrs ago

I tried to look for the milk but I can't find it. I know the brand is Nestle but what about the name of this milk? Thanks

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mscheerful 18 yrs ago
will check the full name of it when i go to the market later and will let u know asap.

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Your poor friend. Constipation is just horrible. I had it when I was 30 weeks pregnant. I was admitted to hospital due to a pregnancy complication and my diet changed at the hospital so I was severely constipated. That went on for 2.5 weeks, even after I had given birth!!! I was begging the doctors for ANYTHING. They tried giving me an eodema (can't remember the exact name) which you can insert, you are to hold it for 20 minutes, then you should be able to go to the toilet. I only got this AFTER I delivered though. Not sure if this is okay to administer during pregnancy. It didn't help me because I couldn't hold it for 20 minutes. When you are trying to push something out and something gets put in.... I mean, how do you "hold"? Some of the other ladies who had this during their pregnancies were given an orange drink by the drs. Not sure what it was.

For me, NOTHING medically worked. I tried everything too including the oedema. But you know what worked? I know this is not a pleasant thing to say but it really helped me so... here it is: Manual extraction. I wore plastic gloves and extracted faeces myself!! Okay, it was yuck but when you are desperate.... and AFTER that, I was fine. Prune juice and everything else worked after the initial extraction.

I eat lots of vegies and fruit so being constipated at hospital... that was a first for me and I was sooooo uncomfortable. My c-section was a breeze... I was not concerned over it. I was concerned about my constipation. I was straining so badly that I thought my stitches would burst.

If all the natural remedies suggested above cannot help, then your friend may like to consult her gynae.

Good luck. I really sympathise with her.

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southernside 18 yrs ago
hi MayC,

I perfectly agree with you. I have also done what u did. Its not Yucky, especially when u r in such pain. My friend's better now. One more trick for constipation which I have learned thru experience is to apply Vaseline near the area. Atleast, it wont hurt so badly. Ahhhhhhh..... those constipation pains :(

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Frogpink 18 yrs ago
A can of baked beans (Heinz) or a can of sweetcorn really do the trick for me.

Lots of fibre. Prune juice doesn't always work

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smsm 18 yrs ago
ask her to stop taking iron and see....sometimes if the iron supplement which one takes doesnt suit it causes constipation....she should stop and see whether it helps....

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exeter 17 yrs ago
For those less willing to get that intimate with themselves, though I agree it really helps...I asked my doctor about Senakot, a natural laxative available in the dispensaries. He said that it was fine to take while I was pg. I too ate a high fiber diet and drank a ton of water, but sometimes, you just have sluggish bowels and the extra fiber is just creating more and more bulk making you more and more uncomfortable. Senakot is a softener that makes peristalsis easier, bringing relief.

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Sashimi Girl 17 yrs ago
i used metamucil. takes a couple of days to kick in but it worked for me. orange - smooth texture. and i had it bad!!!

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