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18 yrs ago
I read in some site saying that baby aspirin will help to prevent miscarriage. Just have my 2nd miscarriage and I am desperately to try again. I was told to rest 3 cycle to try again which I did and failed.
I apprecaite if anyone can tell me how baby aspirin works. Do you take it when you find out you are pregnant?
Thank you!
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From what I have been told by my gyno - aspirin can be used to prevent miscarriage when the mother has issues with blood clotting. I’m sure it may cover other reasons too.
My sister was diagnosed with a rare auto immune disease which causes alot of blood clotting. During this time I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I mentioned to my doctor and he said that these things can be hereditary and so as a precaution we did alot of blood tests to check if I had the same issues, and until the results came back I was put on 2 baby aspirin tablets a day. I was assured these wouldn't effect the baby in that dosage and would hopefully thin the blood enough to prevent clotting. In the end the results were all normal so I came off the aspirin. Although I don't think it does any harm to the baby if taken in low dosages through out. Its a method used on lots of women for different reasons in pregnancy and has been studied and can also reduce your risk of preeclampcia.
Check with your doc, but I think if you will feel better trying it, it shouldn't do any harm. But only in low dosage - never an adult dose. 2 baby tablets a day is all I took, and then stopped after my results as it was deemed unnecessary rather than unsafe.
Good luck
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I previously had 2 m/c also, and when pregnant with my now 8 month old son, my doctor put me on baby aspirin and progesterone. With my last m/c, I lost the pregnancy in December, then became pregnant again almost 3 months later, so it DOES happen! I actually delivered my baby almost a year after my m/c - I've heard this happens alot.
As always, check with your doctor first before taking anything. Good luck and baby dust to you!
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18 yrs ago
Thank you both. I think I will give it a try when I got pregnant again as I don't know exactly what have happened to me. I have my 2 years old daughter without any problem. Never thought I would then have 2 consecutive miscarriages. Since both MC happened in the first trimester, my doc basically said there is nothing they can do to prevent or stop it. Very frustrating.
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