36 weeks - baby on small size

Posted by qwerty123 18 yrs ago
hi just been for a scan and we are 36 weeks - baby is bit on the small size - anything I can do to fatten it up!?

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squiggles 18 yrs ago

i'm in wk 37 and i had that same problem two weeks ago when the doc commented on how small the baby was then.

if your doc has checked the blood flow, the placenta and everything and can see nothing wrong then there's probably not too much you can do. i asked him too if i should be eating lots more but he said that may not help because although everything looked ok the baby was obviously not getting what it needed from my body.

doc had told me that if it was still small when i next saw him then he would consider taking it out early so that it could get the required nutirition.

luckily when i saw the doc again and also mentioned to him that small babies were in the family (my hubby, son and myself were all 7lb or under) and the fact that the baby had grown inside me made him more comfortable and so early extraction was not needed.

i did try to eat more and maybe it helped. good luck!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
hi there,

my 1st was induced at 39 weeks due to preeclampsia. he was only 2.75kg.

at 36 weeks, my doc did a CTG on top of the usual scans and what not just to make sure things were ok. it was but because it was small, my doc said he would induced if i was 7 days overdue in case of ageing placenta which wouldn't nourish a baby well.

he is now 18 months old and super healthy and active. so i guess he was just meant to be on the small side. and on hindsight, his small size made it easy for me to deliver me!

so don't worry unless there is a reason to. in the meantime, get lots of rest, lying down during the day instead of running all over the place can get to grow the baby too.

good luck!

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qwerty123 18 yrs ago
thanks for your replies! cant possibly eat any more than i am now!! im practising being a cow already by continually grazing!!

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bbvv 18 yrs ago
My son was born also on the small size too at 38wks - he weighed 2.46kg. Was going to stuff myself too in the last 2 weeks but he decided to come out early. Anyway, size does not matter so long as your baby is healthy. Mine is still on the small size end but he eats and sleeps well and is so active. He is pretty much in line with his development skills so I do not worry anymore. Good Luck!

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Ruth in Canada 17 yrs ago
Definitely look at family history before pushing the panic button. Let your doctor know ASAP.

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midwife 17 yrs ago
"baby is bit on the small size - anything I can do to fatten it up!?"

Rest, rest and more rest, put your feet up if you can and have a good afternoon doze and try and get a couple of early nights and sleep ins. Baby will thrive if you are well rested (and so will you).

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Wheelymate 17 yrs ago
midwife's advice above is exactly the same as my doc's - he thinks a well rested mum will allow baby to thrive so he always encourages sleep!

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miming 17 yrs ago
No worry,my daughter born at 36 weeks due to preeclampsia.She weigh only 1.3 kilogram and now shes turning 5yrs old on November ,very smart and clever.

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