Induction experiences/thoughts?

Posted by wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago

My due date is next Wednesday Sept. 19 and today the doctor scheduled me for induction on Sept. 23 (the following Sunday), assuming of course that labour doesn't start naturally before then. Several questions:

1. Given that the baby seems to be of average size (around 3.4kg), does it seem right to induce so soon? Wouldn't it be better to wait longer?

2. Am I right to fear that induction means a more painful labour and a much higher chance of a C-section?

Any thoughts? Would welcome your help. I will of course be discussing this in more detail with my doctor as well, but--since I've started to worry that I'm being scheduled for the sake of convenience--I'd welcome any and all perspectives out there...again, many, many thanks.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
Did your doctor give you a good medical reason why an induction would be necessary if you are just a few days overdue? You must ask and be satisfied with the answer.

I was induced at 39 weeks but that was due to preeclampsia - i went in for a check-up, found to have preeclampsia so was induced that very evening to avoid fetal distress. Before that, we had a discussion at previous check-ups about the circumstances that he would do an induction. For my case, as I was having some issues with the weight gain of my unborn baby, my doctor said that he would most likely induce me if I was overdue by a week in case of ageing placenta which would not nourish the baby well.

As for induction and painful labour and c-section, I had all the same questions in my mind. In the end, I went for an epidural and my thankfully short labour meant that I didn't wind up the c-section route.

This is just my personal experience. Every pregnancy is different so you need to discuss this induction issue with your doctor in greater detail.

Good luck!

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katclarke 18 yrs ago
I agree with WM, if your pregnancy is going well and "normal" why is your doc eager to induce? In some counties in England they let you go 2 weeks overdue before they even consider inducement. You also have to remember that it is only a due date (which sometimes even these days may be slightly miscalculated). I am a strong believer in baby will come when he/she is good and ready. If I were to give birth again I would not even let them break my waters! Good luck.

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joey2 17 yrs ago
I have heard many stories of successful inductions. However, in my case I was not so lucky - for my first I was induced 1 week after my due date because of concerns that the baby was small and that there was some kind of growth restriction going on.

I ended up having a C-section due to a "failed induction" or "failure to progress" - got to 5 cm very quickly and then nothing - after 24 hours of labour and then baby started to get distressed. I was induced with IV drug, prostagladin gel on cervix and also sweeping of membrances so I guess it was pretty full on.

All I can say is that statistically any kind of intervention has a higher C-section rate, and induction is certainly intervention!! Also within 10 minutes of being induced I was in agony.... most natural labours start with backache/cramping/mild pain - this was immediate - contractions every 3 minutes lasting a minute so very exhausting.

Very difficult decision to make, I know. With hindsight I would definitely have tried asking my doctor for my time. If everything is normal, especially functioning of the placenta, then you should be allowed to go 2 weeks overdue.

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