c-section & stomach muscles

Posted by bw 17 yrs ago
My sister in law delivered a month ago. It was a c-section and at her check up with the doc, she said your muscles are very weak. You've got to take a lot of care, any strain and you'll have to admitted. My mum's freaking out and put her on bed rest.

Is this what they call recti diastasis ? Anyone can shed more light on this ?

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Sigourney 17 yrs ago
I think Recti Diastasis is the vertical splitting of the retus abdominis muscles, i.e. our "six pack". This is almost like a hernia in the front of the body....I may be wrong.

Not sure what the doctor meant when she said your muscles are very weak".....what muscles are she referring to???

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bw 17 yrs ago
sorry, doc said "stomach muscles" which is why I thought maybe she meant recti diastasis.

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