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17 yrs ago
My husband and I have been unsuccesfully trying to get pregnant for four months now. For this cycle I want to try using ovulation tests.
Has anyone had good/bad experiences with them?
Is there anything you have to pay extra attention to?
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17 yrs ago
They are pretty straight forward really, but I think they are useful when you can't tell from other factors (EWCM etc) when you are ovulating. For the first month, you should use them from about DC10 until the test line becomes stronger than the control line. After that, you should have a good idea about when to test for the following months. Best to test in the morning, first thing.
Good luck!
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yes, they are a must really. The instructions on how to use are very clear, so you will be fine using them. You only need to use it for a couple of months to make sure you know definitely when you are ovulating - with every woman it is totally different so for all you know, you guys might be trying on a "wrong day"!
Also - 4 months is nothing to worry about (esp if you are in your 30-ies)! Good luck
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hi MAWU,
i started off a TTC#2 thread awhile back asking about ovulation kits.
you might want to refer to that thread for replies.
good luck!
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i used ovulation kit with both my pregnancy and on both occasions, i got pregnant really fast. unless you have no other biological problem for not getting pregnant, ovulation kit almost gurantee results, i would say. from my own personal experience, ovulation kit also almost always ends up with a boy. it is true with my case, i have 2 boys.
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Where did you go to get the ovulation test in China? I am located in Guangzhou and that would great!
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I personally find the fertility monitors much better than the ovulation strips as there are days which are fertile, but the ovulation kits don't show it up. Got pregnant with my second one using the clearblue fertility monitor and preseed lubricant (thats another great product that you should try)
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Jordanjzz if you come by HK I can sell you a new Clearblue fertility monitor from the UK with strips which we bought as a precaution but turned out to be redundant in our case, for now.
We also have some unopened pre-seed lubricant tubes. Or I can send them to you via registered post, not sure how good that works but HK post should be very reliable.
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Try to use this ovulation calendar tool to trace your cycle and find the date of ovulation.
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15 yrs ago
I've got a whole bunch of ovulation tests and pregnancy tests I brought over from Australia. Just message me if you're interested.
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