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17 yrs ago
Could I please have recommendations on an obstetrician. I have searched through the threads, but updated information would be gratefully accepted.
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Danny Kong, from Dr Foster Stevenson and Partner in Central. Lovely manner, answers all questions thoroughly and spends a good amount of time with you each visit without rushing and delivers in a number of hospitals I believe. He also conducted an emergency c-section for my first pregnancy and enabled me to have a natural delivery for my second - very rare here from what I have been told as obs/gyn prefer to always deliver a c-section once they've done it once.
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17 yrs ago
I am using Dr Dawkins in Central - been great so far, I am due in April.
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I am using dr Sally Ferguson in Wan Chai and am due in March. She has been fantastic, great manner and so easy to talk to. Would highly recommend her.
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I am seeing Dr. Danny Kong too. He made me feel so at ease. I am rarely charged more than $1000 a visit which includes a detailed scan and vitamins/ blood test. He is going to deliver our baby at the Baptist Hospital in Kowloon Tong. He is very down-to-earth and will answer all your questions, no matter how silly. Love the guy. Feel so lucky i found him. :)
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17 yrs ago
I del thru Dr Sally Ferguson in Apr this year and would highly recommend her...good manners, easy to talk to, even responds on email if u cant reach her sometimes
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Thanks everyone for your recommendations. I did have in mind Sally Ferguson. smsm and misslooney, would you mind sending me a pm with details, like costings, etc. Is it a requirement over here to get a referral to an obstetrician or do you simply just ring up and make the appointment? I know I'll find out Monday when I go to see my doctor, but I'm curious now. I know this will sound silly and really old fashioned, but I have had a female doctor from the age of 12, even my obst in Australia was female, so I think I will continue on the female path. Thanks so much.
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Hi hi Pokulammom!! Did you say you have a natural delivery on the second time while you had a C-session the first? Was it a risky move instead? I'm trying to go natural this second time but all private dr that I consult said not recommended...
Hi Babeez!! So this Dr. Kong in Central is attached to Baptist Hospital on the Kowloon side?
Can I have his contact please? What is his charge like for the complete package?
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Hi Sharona, Dr Kong's number is 25374550. He delivers in various hospitals in HK and Kowloon. His office is in Central.
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