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17 yrs ago
my wife has 2 rounds of ivf (july and september). last time she has 20 eggs.
she is quite worried because she says she is not ovulating. dr says this happens sometimes.
has anyone had this before? is this something to be worried about?
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I've just finished my first round of IVF and, although it's too soon for me to know whether or not my normal cycle has returned, I'm fully prepared for it to be disrupted for a while and I have heard of this happening to some people.
Considering all the drugs we take for IVF it's not surprising it can take some time for things to get back to normal. It can also take a while for the monthly cycle to return after pregnancy, I believe. If your Doctor's not worried then I doubt there's anything to be concerned about... although it can be a bit frustrating if you're wanting to do a natural cycle frozen embryo transfer.
Have you asked your Doctor how long it's likely to last?
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dr says 1 or 2 months - but you never know. dr says it's not common but does happen to some people. i think the fact that we were not prepared for this is making my wife upset and worried which does not help.
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