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17 yrs ago
e are Indians staying in Hongkong for the past one year. Now i need to take my initial pregnancy test and then to continue with the other treatments necessary. Could anyone of you help me by guiding to a good gynecologist. i prefer indian gynecologist doctors.
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Dr Arabinda Ghosh is Indian and is a very popular gyne (tel: 2812 2677). Are you already pregnant? If not, for fertility issues, I would recommend Dr Philip Ho (tel: 2526-3322)
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Why don't you try Doctor Poddar at OT&P in central.
5th Floor Century Square
1 D' Aguilar Street
Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 2121 1402
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17 yrs ago
if u want to see indian Dr. , Dr. Kalyani Poddar,Rm412, 4/fl. hongkong pacific centre, 28 hankow road, tst,kowloon, hkg.
she is a bit expense than others but i m sure u will satisfy, just take his opinion.
u can go anytime on working days
thanx, God Bless U
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I'm not Indian but Dr. Ghosh delivered my baby and quite a few of my friend's babies too. I highly recommend him. We're moving to the UK in Jan. and will be sad that if I have another baby I won't be in HK to repeat the great experience I had first-time round.
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16 yrs ago
Have anyone done IUI treatment in Hong Kong and how much does it cost? I am going to see Dr. Kalyani Poddar in few days time. I had an ectopic pregnancy last year but my tube is still there.
Any experience sharing please. I am very confused.
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As far as I remember, it costs around HK$10,000 to HK$15,000 including all tests. The exact cost depends on whether you need to take drugs or not. Usually, the doctor gives you drugs from the 2nd or 3rd day of your period to stimulate your ovaries to produce more than one egg. Around day 14, you get a shot to release the eggs and then they do the IUI procedure 36 hours later.
I got pregnant using this method and many others on this site have also had success with IUI. My doctor was Dr Philip Ho who is very experienced with fertility issues.
Good luck.
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Yes, like Babybemine would recommend Dr. Philip Ho for fertility treatments. I got pregnant with a natural cycle of IUI last year and now have a 7 month old daughter.
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15 yrs ago
May I request for Dr. Phillip Ho's contact number?
HF how much did it cost you for IUI.
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Dr Ho's number is 2899-2293.
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From my recollection, a natural cycle is about HK$7,000 - which includes the scans, the sperm wash and the IUI procedure.
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15 yrs ago
Thank you so much for your kind help and inforn. Last year I had ectopic and now I am hoping for less stressful method and safer too.
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I had 3 m/cs before I got pregnant with our daughter. Stay strong and your dreams will come true. I was very stubborn and am very thankful for having our daugther in our arms.
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