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17 yrs ago
expat2006, please don't stop the suppositories. They are to help with embryo implantation. If you are feeling something one week ahead, may be thats a good sign, eh? All that you are feeling and experiencing is normal. AF will be delayed because of progesterone not restrained. What I mean is that your AF will not come before your 2ww even if you stop your suppositories now. AF should come within a couple/few of days (after) of your last day of 2ww which would be Friday no matter what unless of course you test positive for pregnancy. Your Dr. will probably tell you to stop if and/or when your AF comes after Fri. Hang in there.
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expat 2006. hang in there. you're probably suffering from the effects of the progesterone, which are similar to PMS. if it makes you feel any better, many women say that symptoms of early pregnancy is similar to PMS, so just try to hang in there! I wish you luck!
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17 yrs ago
hi expat 2006 - i have been on progesterone supps each time i did ivf and the prog. was almost as bad as the injections side-effects wise! hang in there, it is only for a limited amount of time. get your rest though, your body is going through a lot.
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I have tried the progesterone suppositories and hcg injections to help the corpus luteum. For me, I did not have any side effects with either. I did not like the suppositories much because i would get some leakage after the medication dissolved. Since I experienced no side effects, I never could tell whether they were effective or not. As for the injections (hcg), I would have one every four days. How does your doctor determine whether you have post luteal defect?
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17 yrs ago
how did your pregnancy test go, expat2006?
keepontrying, if your POST OVULATION period is less than 12 days- you might have luteal phase defect. I have a very short cycle as well- 23days exact. BUT, I ovulate on the 10th day and my luteal phase is 13days long. Therefore, even though my cycle is short I do not have luteal phase defect. So check how many days is it after you ovulate and you can figure out whether you have lfd or not.
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expat2006 and 788,
Now I am confused. Perhaps I misunderstood my doctor and do not have a luteal phase defect. I do not have a short cycle although I can never be too sure now because of the progesterone I have been taking (which is supposed to delay your bleeding). In any event, my cycles are 26/27/28 days. What my doctor tells me is that after ovulation, my lining does not look mature (he measures this with a scan and looks for a complete white out of the lining, i.e., the middle line which is apparent before ovulation disappears after ovulation given the production of progesterone). Given that I seem to have spots (dark areas) here and there, my doctor believes I am not producing enough progesterone which is the reason why he prescribes utrogestan and hcg injections. Are either of you being diagnosed with the same issue (i.e., non mature lining) I am wondering why your doctors are prescribing progesterone.
expat2006, by the way, you mentioned you did not want to have another D&C. Did your doctor suggest cytotec to you at all? I miscarried at 9 weeks a couple of months ago and waited 3 weeks to miscarry naturally but got no bleeding. Rather than going for a D&C then, my doctor prescibed cytotec, an oral medication. It helps your uterus contract. You take it every 3 hours. I took 2 and after 6 hours I was done with all the heavy bleeding. It was a bit uncomfortable given the cramps, but I think it may be a good alternative to a D&C.
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17 yrs ago
hi sorry for the delay in responding.
i was always on progesterone supps during ivf and iui cycles to assist with implantation.
i would always stop the supps after getting a - beta test and my cycle would begin three or four days later. charming. i would start the prog. supps the day of embryo transfer, and continue until beta. if pg, carry on until app 6w into the pg.
i hope that answers your question, and i hope you are feeling well. did you do a hpt?
all best
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I think perhaps after your description, I do not have luteal phase defect. I will have to ask my doctor to clarify. I was told my cycles are normal and that the thickness of my lining is fine (it measures anywhere between 9 to 11 mm after ovulation. My problem is that I do not get the complete opaqueness or white out on the scan so my doctor believes I am not producing enough progesterone.
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I am sorry to hear you are having such bad side effects from the progesterone. May I ask what progesterone you are taking? Is it utrogestan? Or is it elomet (I think that's the name. It's the progesterone suppository). Also what dose are you taking? You mentioned that your lining was thin. How thin is it? And has the progesterone helped to thicken it? Good luck with your doctor's visit tomorrow.
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17 yrs ago
hi expat 2006
there is a great website i have been visiting since 1999 called
on that site there are a lot of other women from all walks of life with one goal in mind: conception and a take home baby. they post questions, try to support each other during the down times. one of the questions everyone asks at some point is: i don't want to keep going but i can't stop.
a good place to start would probably be the general ivf board but there are specific boards there. those boards helped me keep my sanity (there was no asiaxpat back then). you might want to check them out.
as for not taking the progesterone, if i read your post correctly and your cycle has started, don't think that you stopping the progesterone messed up your cycle. there are many clinics that don't prescribe progesterone. and so many women get pregnant without the aid of progesterone anyway. if you are not pregnant, unless you were STRONGLY URGED by your dr to be on the progesterone, stopping the progesterone did not cause the negative beta.
take care kitten, i am sorry this is all so painful and confusing and draining.
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17 yrs ago
hi expat2006
this may not help your current situation, but its oestrogen that builds up the lining in the uterus. The progesterone then stabilizes the built up lining and converts the lining into that which is suitable for implantation. So its actually not logical to prescribe progesterone to thicken the lining. It doesnt work that way.
This is not to say the progesterone isn't very useful to support the lining while the embryo is trying to implant.
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How did your doctor's visit go? Since the utrogestan gets you so tired, perhaps you could try another form of progesterone. I used elomet (i think that's how it's spelled) which was a progesterone suppository. I did not have any side effects from this, so perhaps your body might take this medication a little bit better. The other option are hcg injections which help your corpus luteum produce more progesterone and estrogen. You may want to ask your doctor about these options. Good luck!
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17 yrs ago
hi expat2006
I think elomet is a steroid, not a type of progesterone. But theres a new vaginal progesterone called endometrin thats recently come to hong kong. its used a lot in ivf overseas. Maybe it has less side effects for you?
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expat2006, talk to your doctor about getting hcg shots in lieu of progesterone supplements (one shortly after ovulation, and the second about a week later). i found that the effects were a lot less pronounced than either the progesterone injections or suppositories. actually, i think I hardly noticed the effects of hcg.
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I would agree with hkexpat2007. I prefer the hcg injections over the progesterone supplements. I have read somewhere that hcg injections help your corpus luteum produce both progesterone and estrogen. This, I think, then helps your body to maintain the progesterone and estrogen balance (verses just taking progesterone supplements alone).
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Thank you for your prayers. I too wish you and everyone else on this site a successful 2008.
Lots of babydust!
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I am trying my best to stay positive. But it's not easy given all the failed attempts. As much as I keep saying that I have to keep on trying, I have to say that with each failed attempt, I just get a little bit more down and sometimes I wonder if I should just give it all up. I then pick myself back up and then keep going again. As I am on holiday I am off the injections for this cycle and will go natural this once. We shall see how it goes. When I get back to Hong Kong, I plan to give Troy Sing a call and look into how acupuncture could possibly help me. Yes, I sure hope this will be a wonderful year for everyone. Happy New Year to everyone and wishing everyone all the best in 2008!
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expat2006, I too made a prayer for you in my heart. Hope things work out for you with progestrone. We all have many problems in life.
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Thanks expat2006. Unfortunately, I have been feeling quesy after the initial 6 wks and it feels like I am sick most of the time, couldn't work out. But I just wanted to tell you, I have had lots and lots of issues with my health in the past. So just hang in there sweetie, everything will work out one day. I think if after all that I've suffered if I have come here so can you. We should start a thread where we all should send out our best wishes to each other so that our lives ahead would be easier than they have been, don't know if that would work but it sure feel good to have that support. All the best to you! I hope this helps.
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17 yrs ago
I stumbled upon this while searching "hong kong doctor progesterone". Would any of you be so kind as to give me the names of the doctors who prescribe you progesterone? I am totally lost as to what doctors in HK are willing to work with bio-identical progesterone (not progestins) and clearly all the ones mentioned here do. PLEASE help--very desperate!
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