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17 yrs ago
I've just been told at Queen Mary that my baby is breech and they've scheduled me for a C-section in 2 weeks. I was pretty upset with the news and even got a very expensive second opinion, which confirmed QMH's decision.
The issue is that I've been spending the past 9 months preparing for a natural delivery and now am completely at loss with the imminent surgery. Has anyone had a C-section at QMH? Can you please share your experience or give me some tips? I know my husband can be with me during the surgery, but can he stay after? Or is he subject to the same visiting hours? Do I stay in the general ward with the other mothers or do I go to a different area? Thanks a lot!
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Thanks, Cara! How long did you stay in the recovery room? Will they allow my hubby keep me company in the recovery room? Did you get general anesthesia or were you awake throughout. I know most women prefer to stay awake but somehow I just think I'll be scared to death and maybe I should ask for general anesthesia...
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Thank you so much Cara for this! I've already been crying since I found out I had to have a C-section. Yes, I will have a list of questions before the surgery. I don't think the chance of the baby turning in the next 2 weeks is very high given both of her legs are extended and my anmiotic fluid level is quite low... I guess I'll just have to be brave now...
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Fluery, there was a posting on this site some time ago about turning a breech baby through manual manipulation through massage (by someone qualified of course). Would this be something you might be interested in trying?
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17 yrs ago
My baby was breech till birth and Princess Margaret did a last minute U/S for me b4 pushing me to the operation room, baby's head was still up so C has to perform. I find it great although I was having bearable pain for 2 days. I took pain killers and breastfed my baby without much problem. Nurses and caretakers were very helpful and all the C mothers were very supportive. Get off bed the next day and washed myself clean. To tell the truth, when i was waiting at the operation office, I can hear a mother who gave birth naturally screaming so hysterically that I told myself i will be 'sleeping' soon and when i am awake, my baby is there :). Nothing to be afraid and once you see your little one, nothing matter - be it C or natural.
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Try to find a practitioner who can turn your baby. Moxibustion...a traditional Chinese medicine therapy...can be used to turn the baby.
Good luck honey!
cheers from Ruth
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Thanks everyone for the support and advice. I did ask about turning the baby, but 2 doctors told me based on 2 U/S that my anmiotic fluid level is quite low and also my baby's legs are extended not curled up. As a result, turning the baby could potentially cause fetal distress and may not be worth the risk. I have one last check up this afternoon before my C-section next Friday...
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Do a google about turning a breech baby. There might be something interesting for you there.
Good luck, hon!
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just relax- I had an emergency c-section and the experience was not bad at all. I had an epidural which I didn't feel at all......they played nice music and I was talking to the doctors all the way through.....they handed me my baby 5 minutes after she was delivered....! Everything was calm, peaceful and very labour pain, no screaming, no was also very can make this a good experience.......! I would never try to turn the baby that late- I'm not a doctor- but there must be a reason why babies don't turn.....mine was breech as well - so what......with little room in your belly imagine what could happen if you turn the baby- my gyno totally refuses to do that and I agree! All the best !
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My baby is also in breech and i will have my C-section in 2 weeks. Due to back problems i have to go completely under for the op, epi is too dangerous. I was scared to death just at the thought to start with but now i think about it, everything happens for a reason and i agree with STAR&sHINE, trying to turn the baby at this late stage worries me more. I trust my doc and i try to look beyond the op and try to focus on holding our little one in our arms. :)
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I do feel more comfortable with the idea of C-section now and both my hubby and I are very much looking forward to meeting our baby! I think I'll opt for epi so my hubby can be there with me and also to welcome our baby. I'll be brave
Babeez, best of luck with the delivery.
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While c-sections are not risk free, you're not having a heart transplant. As surgery goes it's pretty routine. Heck, a lot of US women choose to have c-sections so they can know the exact date of delivery. Not sure I agree with that attitude but it does indicate the low risk level.
The worst thing about c-sections is having to recover from surgery as well as having a new baby. Have good support "staff" at home in form of husband, (mother), helper...
"Fluery, there was a posting on this site some time ago about turning a breech baby through manual manipulation through massage (by someone qualified of course). Would this be something you might be interested in trying?"
My friend's wife did this. Painful! Anyway doesn't seem to be an option for you.
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Wishing you the best and hoping that you will have a safe delivery. i will be in your shoes next Friday. Let's hope we will both have healthy and happy babies!
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Oh yes and Cara, no worries, we can meet later maybe. When things settle maybe i can see your Centre. We went for an ultrasound today and the baby's head is engaged (she turned around into non-breech baby!) My placenta is not very efficient anymore and i get weird sugar cravings and lightheadedness if i don't get sugar. Quite a few changes, like sudden rashes that come and go and feeling very hot. Baby is very active still. My mum thinks labour is making my body go haywire so maybe she will come before next Friday...would be nice!
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