Am I pregnant

Posted by purefit 17 yrs ago
My period is five days late today. am I pregnant. I have no sickness just want to eat like a pig? Are their any other personal signs?

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docboat 17 yrs ago
why not get a pregnancy test kit from the pharmacy just now, and see without guessing? Very accurate, quick to do, and easy to get.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
I just did the home pregnancy test, I put the stick upside down but turned it around after 15 seconds and let it rest and it showed I am pregnant. I suppose despite the little goof up of having the stick upside down, the result showed I am pregnant. It feels weired because I missed my period and now I am pregnant but don't feel any morning sickness or fatigue as yet just eat more. Is this normal? I thought fatigue and morning sickness were common to all. I am not complaining but don't feel any of the symtons? Is this normal?

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Thanks, I can't beleive that I am pregnant. I'll do the test again. Also, is it safe to do aerobics and spinning in the first month of pregnancy?

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li'lbean 17 yrs ago
Congratulations purefit!

I tested positive on Christmas day and, like you, have had few symptoms except eating like a horse! I have read heaps of info on excercise during pregnancy and there's a lot of mixed advice. The most important info was not to overwork your system with strenuous exercise becasue your body is already working hard and not allowing yourself to get overheated as a raised core body temperature can be dangerous for the development of your growing embryo.

My big worry at the moment is what hospitals to consider, I am in Kowloon. Private or public? Is the difference in cost worth it? Aargh! dilemma!!


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purefit 17 yrs ago
I think I am in the same boat as you! We might have conceived maybe six days apart and I eat like a horse too but no sickness. I guess I'll avoid anything like aerobics, though I don't do it now but thought would take it up during pregnancy. Haven't considered delivery options as might not be in Hk for that long which breaks my heart:( I always wanted to have my delivery here with all the conveniences.

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li'lbean 17 yrs ago
The advice I got was to walk reasonably briskly morning and night to keep up fitness. Especially read up on all the info you can regarding foods to eat and to AVOID (deli meats, undercooked foods, soft cheeses etc etc).

Darn, would be nice if you were going to be around, would have been nice to have chats with you since we seem to be at a similar stage. Still can for now though.

Take care.

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li'lbean 17 yrs ago
Thanks Cara. I had a m/c a few months ago and even though I know there's nothing I could do, at the back of my brain I thought "OMG! I ate ham, camembert and sushi, and I completely overworked my body at work and in the gym. Next time I'll follow all the rules." I am waiting, somewhat impatiently, for the 12 week mark and then I'll probably relax. I know this is a bit insane but I can't help myself.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Thanks everyone. I feel I need to get a book about what and what not to eat. I have been eating soft cheeses alot past two days with all the dinners and parties. I don't know what sort of fitness I'll take up because diff ppl tell me diff things, some say you should rest alot and some say don't lift heavy things...

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"It feels weired because I missed my period and now I am pregnant but don't feel any morning sickness or fatigue as yet just eat more. Is this normal? I thought fatigue and morning sickness were common to all. I am not complaining but don't feel any of the symtons? Is this normal?"

It is normal not to be morning sick. My mother, my mother in law and my wife never puked once. It is also normal to complain about not being morning sick! ;)

"I completely overworked my body at work and in the gym."

My wife worked 15 hour days + 1 hour at the gym up to a week before delivery. She was fine and so was the baby. The only rule is your pulse may not exceed 130.

"as for the food thing... i had a very good friend who was preggers at the same time i was, both with our first. she used to live in japan and when she went back to visit, she told her friends that she couldn't eat sushi... they all laughed at her and asked her what she thought THEY ate when they were pregnant."

So true. It's very cultural. In Sweden it's NO alcohol. In Italy it's a glass of wine a day. In Japan it's all Sushi, in the rest of the world no raw fish. In the US it's NO caffeinated coffee. In Sweden it's a cup a day.

Watch the excesses as usual. Caffeine will wake your baby up but so will ice cream. Do you want to be kicked in the bladder or not? ;)

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li'lbean 17 yrs ago
Thanks axptguy38, I didn't know that the heart rate shouldn't exceed 130, I will have to keep a closer eye on my exercise habits because I thought I was taking it easier but am still exceeding 130.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"Thanks axptguy38, I didn't know that the heart rate shouldn't exceed 130, I will have to keep a closer eye on my exercise habits because I thought I was taking it easier but am still exceeding 130"

Pretty sure it's 130. I'll check with the wife and get back to you. Anyway you can still do plenty without racing your heart. A slow warm-up followed by weights shouldn't have the pump pounding. Also hiking and such low impact exercise works.

Also as usual with these things, ask your doctor. He should be able to give you more accurate and personalized advice than a web board. ;)

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Checked with my wife. The number should be 140. So you can exercise to your heart's content as long as your pulse does not exceed 140.

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li'lbean 17 yrs ago
That sound like a possibility now, cheers!

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purefit 17 yrs ago
How do you measure heart rate? Is it not exceed 140 beats in a minute? What about climbing stairs? I have to do that and it is a very very long flght of stairs? Is it safe? And normal dumbells are ok of say around maybe 5kg?

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"How do you measure heart rate?"

You feel for beats either at the carotid artery (press under the lower jaw about 1-2 cm in front of the back edge, either side) or at the wrist (on the arm just under the wrist, "below" the thumb). Count beats for 15 seconds and multiply by four. It's easy with practice. When you exercise your pulse is more pronounced, making it easier to feel.

"Is it not exceed 140 beats in a minute?"

Correct. Doctors (in the US) recommend not going above 140 while pregnant. During pregnancy the heart is working harder than usual due to an increased blood volume and higher blood pressure. You don't want to overstress it.

"What about climbing stairs? I have to do that and it is a very very long flght of stairs? Is it safe? And normal dumbells are ok of say around maybe 5kg?"

That depends totally on your level of fitness. For a "normally fit" person those should be fine. Walking up stairs slowly and resistance training with dumbbells don't really make the heart race too much anyway. If you have lots of stairs, check your pulse every few flights until you know how much you can take. Taking a break is ok. ;)

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Thanks Axptguy 38! I am only a week pregnant and I have heard some pple telling me not to bend down? I know ppl who do yoga have to bend down all the time so how come bending down at this early stage is bad? Also my ankles and back seem to hurt a little, is that normal?

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"I have heard some pple telling me not to bend down? I know ppl who do yoga have to bend down all the time so how come bending down at this early stage is bad? Also my ankles and back seem to hurt a little, is that normal?"

Never heard that one but I'm hardly what you'd call an expert. I know just enough to be dangerous. ;)

Your ankles and back can hurt. Your body does all sorts of weird stuff when you're pregnant.

I know you should sleep on your right side and avoid sleeping on your back. But none of that is very relevant at this stage. Your fetus is still almost microscopic. It's not like you'll have a 10 kilo fetus+uterus weighing on anything at this point.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Hi Cara, my last period was on the 27th Nov and didn't have any period in dec which was due on the 23rd of dec so does that make me close to four weeks pregnant? I have been running around with errands like mad.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Thanks, I have taken zero care of myself. It is such a jolt, I feel I know nothing about pregnancy and how to take care of myself and have made all these goof ups, had tons of wine , cheese, sedatives,not eaten enough...don't want to write any more:(

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Thanks Cara, I feel I have taken zero care of myself so far. I have had tons of wine, cheese, sedatives, wrong meds, not enough to eat, don't want to write anymore:(

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Just remembered one more "don't". Avoid sit-ups during pregnancy. Your stomach muscles will part and leave a gap in the middle (just one more funky thing happening to your body), so doing sit-ups may overstress them.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Double post. Something funky with the forum database.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Just remembered one more "don't". Avoid sit-ups during pregnancy. Your stomach muscles will part and leave a gap in the middle (just one more funky thing happening to your body), so doing sit-ups may overstress them.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Isn't squatting a way of doing sit ups? Because I was told not to bend forward but squatting would be ok to fetch something at the floor level but that can be considered a sit up?

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Agreed with Cara. Squat away.

Also it's not like you need to shut down your stomach muscles. Just take care not to strain them too much.

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Janicka 17 yrs ago
Hi guys,

I am a personal trainer from Australia and also 7 months pregnant.Now for next couple of weks in HK.

Don't stress too much over exercise.I have been training my whole pregnancy,walking every day for an hour,doind pre natal yoga once a week and even doing some weight training.I would advise you to get a heart monitor,to see what is going on with you while you are training.You don't want to get your HR over 150,if it happens don't worry just rest till it gets down to 110-120.It all dependns on what exercise you have done prior to pregnancy.We can meet up for a coffee and I can give you more info if you want.

Just let me know.I don't work now and will be happy to meet new peaple.

(I am based in HK)

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Hi Janicka,

I had been working out for 2 hrs before pregnancy: one hr of cardio intense and 1 hr of weighs or stretching everyday so now want to slow down but feel lazy if i don't get enough workout. I had lots of problems with my body before and had no choice but to work out to keep away the pain. So instead take lots of water now to cool down and keeping up the cross ramp in intense mode. I don't know if that is safe even with the breaks? Are we to avoid cardio/ spinning at all times in pregnancy? Also, is doing 5kg dumb bells considered ok if that is what we did before prenancy or is it to be reduced during pregnancy.

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PDNS 17 yrs ago
All I would say is to to let my body relax for 10-12 weeks when I found out that I am pregnant as I do not know what my body can take and what can't so I chose to stay relax ( i am a very active person, I walk or jog about 1-2 hours almost everyday and do gym often). My OB-GYNE told me to start back doing my regular excercise on my 8 weeks, he say go slow first and than increase accordingly. This way i feel so safe and so relax knowing that I passed the first trimester and everything is fine.

Let your body tells you.

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purefit 17 yrs ago
I can't stay put for long, I a restless soul and with all the time get into worrying besides my body has a lot of issues. So need my exercise but don't want to do anything weights that are considered excess or certain exercises not advised.

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Janicka 17 yrs ago
Hi Purefit,

As I said before put on a heart monitor and see what the exercise doing to your body.Of course you don't want to saty put and do nothing.You might just want to slow down a bit.It is not about you anymore.It is all about your baby and if you use all the energy you have for your workout where is your baby taking energy to built and grow??????Put on your monitor and record it and let me know what was going on and I tell you more after...Re dumbbells,using 5 kg for what kind of exercise?If it feels ok don't worry about it,you might need to take the weight down a bit later in pregnancy.But remember.First 12 weeks are the most important for the development.You will have plenty time to train later on.So just listen to your body and take it easy.Let me know how you go.I ma happy to help

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PDNS 17 yrs ago
Yes, I totally agreed with Janicka - Listen to your body Purefit. It is now all about your baby's development. I used to not eating meat except fish and little chicken but when I was pregnant, I was 'force' to eat a little more meat and did worry about putting on weight or so on..... i can't stay put for too long too so I chose to take a walk to the supermarket, park, clubhouse, mall after dinner or in the morning before starting work. I also don't want to carry heavy stuff on the first 10-12 weeks. Just relax abit for your lovely baby and you will do a lot of exercise after having the baby and more, when s/he learns to crawl and walk later. I don't need gym anymore as my son is keeping me running at least 8 hours aday!!! You will stay PUREFIT just as I'm now!

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purefit 17 yrs ago
Thanks guys. After I have run my batteries I just relax but maybe I don't need to run my batteries out. I only thought it would be good to be active if I can and then just relax later in the day. Also, I have been climbing a lot of stairs, don't know if that is advisable or not...if I am only six wks. I'll check my heart rate and post later Janicka, many thanks!!!

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Janicka 17 yrs ago
Hi Purefit,

if you are only 6 weeks you still have plenty of energy.All symptoms usually start after week 6,so wait and see.You might get morning sickness and be extremly tired and have no energy to do any exercise...But you might as well be fine.Don't worry about climing stairs,you have to live your life.Stairs won't harm your baby but being silly and not taking care of your self will....Your heart rate might not be affected yet.But still let me know....

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"Also, I have been climbing a lot of stairs, don't know if that is advisable or not...if I am only six wks."

Unless you're grossly out of shape this is not a problem.

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