Posted by
17 yrs ago
Hi all, especially to all the mothers.
I'm a little overwhelmed with the baby news. I'm 6 weeks pregnant, and hoping to seek some advice from the experienced. Namely,
- where's a good hospital or association for pre-natal services or classes
- is it better to go to a private hospital to deliver, if yes, which one would you recommend? Is there a website that lists the packages that each hosipital offers? Need to do the maths.
- having the abortion is also the option as my partner is not keen to have the baby yet. i'm very family oriented and can see myself been affected by this. Wonder if anyone can share with me your experience so i know what to expect.
Many thanks in advance
Don't have an abortion, have a child. If you then decide you can't handel it, someone else would love to have the child and would love him/her. We have adopted two children in HK and wouldn't hessitate to say the child will be loved one way or another. Chances are though, once you look into his eyes, you will love him too.
"- having the abortion is also the option as my partner is not keen to have the baby yet. i'm very family oriented and can see myself been affected by this. Wonder if anyone can share with me your experience so i know what to expect."
Abortion for "convenience" is a modern luxury. Just remember that it may not be so easy to get pregnant again. In my opinion women do have the right to choose abortion for convenience.
As for being "ready", you will never feel ready. ;)
Thanks all
Grateful for your comments. Had a chat with a friend who told me that she knew someone who had an adoption and she was physically sick for almost a year! That's a worry.
I'd looking forward to have a baby - although i feel like i'm having this baby alone. Haven't shared the news to anyone yet - mainly because its unplanned and i'm not married. i feel so alone... dont know if i can do this alone - damn that im in HK too, as I'm not sure where the start. i feel so so alone...
Hi. I had an unplanned baby and it was the reverse. I wasn't too keen on having a baby as it didn't fit into my lifestyle. It's the best decision I've ever made. Private maternity care is the best option is you have the moolah. If not, Queen Mary has a great reputation amongst many mothers.
As far as support, rally your friends (and family). If not, start making some.
I did it on my own with no friends or family as my partner and I had just moved to the city when we found out that I was pregnant. I had the support of my friends and family online as they were all in some other continents. So, it worked out great.
And when we moved to HK, bub was 5 months old, I made a few good friends who have been very supportive. You are more than welcome to join us when we meet up for coffee/dinner. Please PM me if you are keen and I'll send you the details of when we meet.
Good Luck!
Both my pregnancies was unplanned. I didn't regret though ... Both my boys are adorable..
So, go for it, and if you need someone to talk to, you can always PM me.
Take good care of yourself.
I am 11 weeks pregnant with a very much 'surprise' pregnancy. I found out at 5 weeks and I honestly think I was in a real state of shock for the next 2 weeks after that. My husband was the same, if not a bit longer!!! We had been told we had virtually a zero chance of having a baby without IVF - so we had decided to just leave things be.....
We have only recently arrived in HK and we have no friends whatsoever (we both work 6 days, lunch and dinner, restaurant business) so I completely understand how alone you feel.
Give your partner some more time to get his head around the situation - he may just surprise you.
If your gut instinct tells you abortion is not the way to go, then follow it. I am also very pro-choice, although since being pregnant I could not imagine doing anything to jepordise it.
I found the Annerley Midwives through Asia Xpat. You can go to a one on one information session with them - they will answer your questions and give info on public and private hospital options. They also reffered me to a private antenatal clinic to have my first tests (I am waiting for my HK ID card to come through).
Once you see your baby on the ultrasound, you may find your dillemma no longer exists - for me it was love at first sight!
PM me if you ever want to talk about it - who knows, maybe this time next year our kids will be playing together!
Thanks all so so much for your support. Feel much much better. Felt like I was about to break down, and the thought of being alone... forces me into tears (im sure its the hormones as well). Again, thank you all and would love to catch up sometime.
Afraid, I'll need some support now and then from you - very grateful to you. xoxo!!
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