Posted by
disco babe
17 yrs ago
I am about to go through our first IVF cylcle in HKG. Which would you recommend or go through and get positive results, IVF Centre or Sanatorium?
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I'm not sure which IVF Centre you are referring to. But really depends on which Fertility specialist you go to. For the Sanatorium's IVF centre, you can visit their centre and get the list of doctors that use their facilities and a intro kit about it. Dr. Milton Leong was the one who set up the centre along with Dr. Clement Leung. Other doctors include Dr. Alexander Doo, Dr. Jennie Ng, Dr. Philip Ho, Dr. KW Tay.
We chose Dr. Derek Lo with our 2nd IVF and I got lucky with this try. The IVF lab Dr. Derek Lo & Dr. William So set up is ProlIVF ART centre. ( They have excellent service and the embryolists are superb. They also offer accupuncture for first 5 days after embryo transfer which improves implantation and success. Of course, it is up to you whether you want to do this.
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The IVF Centre is located in the Hong Kong Sanatorium. As Alijbj said, many private clinics use the IVF Centre for retrievals, embryology, and embryo transfers.
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I was actually comparing the Sanatorium to the ProlIVF Art Centre in Central. We visited the Sanatorium last week and weren't very pleased with the staff and set up. However, we are going with them this time and see how it all goes. It's too late to change now.
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Did you choose the accupuncture option?
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hi disco babe,
yes, i went for acupuncture at the Prolivf lab. Dr. Zhou the chief embryolist does it on the day of embryo transfer (before & after) and then for the next 5 days. It only takes less than 30min to do. Lucky, I'm now almost 7 weeks pg.
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Congratulations again. It seems that all is going well so far. i am thinking of trying IVF. What day of your cycle did you have to start seeing Derek Lo? Also what dose of FSH (Gonal F) were you given? Did you have to get injections everyday? Starting when and until when? How often did you have to go see Derek during the entire process? Apologies for the basic questions, but I am just wondering whether I can manage this with my work schedule.
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My wife wanting to try in Prolivf. Does anyone tried the short protocol? and is the acupuncture that Dr Zhou does helps?
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Hi Keepontrying & Highlander,
I started the ivf treatment on day 2 of my cycle. Since I'm a high fsher, Dr. Lo gave me a high dosage of Gonal F (525iu) and alternative days with growth hormone. Basically, once you start the treatment, its for 10-12 days visiting Dr. Lo's clinic with ultra sound scanning & injections. The only time you have to do your injections is Sundays or public holidays. So you may hv to schedule your work around those appt.
Also, I chose to do acupuncture with Dr. Zhou. During the injections, I also went to a another Chi doctor to do acupunture. I did acupuncture 2-3 times a week. Well, base on the medical research & studies, acupuncture improves the chances of implantation. I guess it did help me.
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Hi Alijbj,
I guess you were successful under Dr. Lo? Your treatment starts on day 2, so this is short protocol? We were told that Dr. Lo's treatment is the long protocol...or were we mixed up?
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Thank you for your response. That is a lot of consecutive visits! So on average how long would you say a visit took (including the wait time)? Was Dr Zhou's acupuncture only during the time of embryo transfer? Also, as for the Chi doctor which you saw 2-3 times a week, were you only doing acupuncture with him/her, or were you also given herbal medicine?
This is the first time I am hearing about long and short protocol. Would appreciate if you would also clarify for me and Highlander what the difference is between short and long protocol.
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Tks fr all the detailed response.I am going to got hru ivf this month so am really scared and anxoius as well !Looking at all the earlier feedbacksl was wondering whether to do accupuncture at all but having read your earlier threads i would def like to.I had earlier been in consultation with guiaana buainocore (pls chk spelling).just wanted to know your experience with Dr Zhou so i could make up my mind.
Tks ,LC
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Keepontryng / LC
You should have a chat with Dr Zhou. Dr Zhou could explain to you on whatever doubts. We were surprise that Dr Zhou discourage herbal medicine.
We were explained that the long protocol is the tradition method. The short protocol starts from day 2 to day 14. This method was made known some 5 years ago.
We were told that the total course is about HK$65K excluding acupuncture.
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Hi Highlander,
The waiting tiime with Dr. Lo varies, sometimes its a half hour to 45 min wait, sometimes 15 min depending on the patient before you. As for acupuncture with Dr. Zhou, its done twice on the day of embryo transfer (before & after transfer) then consecutively for next 5 days, Dr. Zhou will do the acupunture for you. Even if it falls on public holiday. As with the other acupuncture, when I started my treatment, I went to Quality Chi Medical Centre (Tel: 28818267) and started a course and it includes herbal medicine. However, Dr. Lo advised not to take the herbal medicine once we started the injections.
As for long protocol, I suppose I was on long one back in Nov when I first tried ivf treatment. I started with down regulation ie. nasal spray for 4 days, stopped for 4 days and monitored follie development. then started injections but this treatment didn't work for me.
Wishing you ladies best of luck in year of Rat! Let's hope to see our rat babies soon!!!
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alijbj & Highlander,
Thank you for the explanation. Would you please clarify whether Dr. Zhou is just an acupuncturist, or is he also the embryologist that works in Dr Lo's lab when doing IVF? When choosing which doctor to do IVF with, is it very important to meet the embryologist as well as see the lab? What are the important things to look for?
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Hi Keepontrying,
Dr Zhou is an acupuncturist and also an embryologist, and working in Dr Lo's lab. We are not sure what are the important things to look for however the only thing that I am pleased and look out for is that everything for the IVF is done under one roof, that is in the same lab. Other than that, we are not sure what else to look out for except to base on the feedbacks in this forum.
Another factor is to choose which doctor.
I guess the feedbacks in this forum is very helpful.
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Thank you for your response. Yes, I have been reading lots on this forum and will go with the recommendations of many of the women here.
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