Perineal massage

Posted by donkey1 17 yrs ago
Hi has anyone tried perineal massage before delivery and does it work? I have heard two opposite views from the professional and not sure of its effectiveness.

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TheCuteOne 17 yrs ago
Hi...I have tried this and my thoughts on this are that it can't hurt anything--there is no way to know if it "works" or not--as if you do end up tearing or need an episiotomy, you don't know if it could have been worse if you didn't do perineal massage beforehand. Traditionally, midwives use perineal massage with olive oil and hot compresses to stretch out the area and their rate of episiotomy is a lot lower than without. In my research during pregnancy I found that it is recommended to make sure that area gets as much ventilation as possible so whenever possible (ie: at home etc.) it's recommended to not wear underwear and just wear loose-fitting clothing--as well as moisturize the area with oil and do perineal massage. I chose to go without an episiotomy and I did require stitches afterward but it could have been worse without these measures, actually. Those are my thoughts.

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neenib 17 yrs ago
I also had perineal massage to try to stimulate my cervix and i hate to say this and don't want to turn you off, but OUCH!! It hurt! I don't know if it did anything and I still had an episiotomy. I was also induced. I was given exercises to do at home, but my ob did the actual stretching part..... sorry, not a big fan.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
Just one data point so your results may vary but my wife never did it. She had an episiotomy both times. The area is back to normal.

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midwife 17 yrs ago
I think the important message about pn is the fact that it helps with coming to terms with the sensation of stretching. There is a wonderful new product out on the market and many of the homebirthing midwives are using it with clients with very good results It is more controlled and you know that you are applying the pressure and stretch correctly.

By the way, perineal massage applies to the perineum with the hope of avoiding and episiotomy and a Cervical stretch or membrane sweeip is applied to the cervix to try and augment labour. An ob or midwife will perfom the later but the perineal massage can be performed in the privacy of your own home!

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Rotund 17 yrs ago
I used both the epi-no and also did PN massage in the last 3 weeks- had to be induced, but absolutely NO tears. Doc was very skeptical at first when I said I didn't want an epi cos he said Asians are usually prone to more tearing - however, when the time came, both the doc and the Midwife said I was really'roomy' down there- was walking about 30 mins after giveing birth- everyone was suprised I didn't need an epi, so would definately recommend everyone to the epi-no and definately do PN massage as well

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