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17 yrs ago
Has anyone tried Clomiphene Citrate or Letrozole for infertility? Any side effects? If yes, please share your experience, thx sooooo much! :P
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I had tried for 3 times to the max 200mg, no side effects as it does not work for me. Had the laparoscopy surgery done on 10.8.06. Found all the internal organ is normal, except the both ovaries is slightly bloated as irregular menses (PCOS), had the D&C the DR took a piece of sample of Uterus to see any tumor / cancer .
After 1yr and 5 mths total recovery and I am on my way to IVF.
Start Injections on 29.1.08, that's nothing scary about injection at all ^-^
Lots of baby dust
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I also have PCOS and did 2 cycles with Clomid last year. It didn't work for me (I did ovulate, but my womb lining got very thin). In terms of side-effects, it made me feel very emotional and irrational - I spent a whole weekend crying about a tiny mistake I'd made at husband was wondering what had happened to his level-headed wife!
I went on to injectibles after that, and on the third round (1st with an IUI), we were successful. I'm now 14 weeks along.
I do know several women who have got pregnant on Clomid though - it just depends on the person.
Good luck!!
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Thx to Jia and Fruitjuice for sharing your experience! I haven't started taking Clomid as I doubt the side effects which I may experience and interfere with my daily life. I've searched online and found Letrozole, a better prescription for infertility than Clomid and wonder if anyone has tried it. Anyway, thx soooo much for sharing your experience again and best wishes to you two. Happy Chinese New Year and hope both of you will have a smart baby in the year of the Rat. :P
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Hi, yes I have taking clomid 100mg for 3 months and got pregnant successfully (am now 36 weeks pregnant). Side effects for me were moodswings and headaches (small price to pay i think).
Good luck!
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Two thumbs up to you, misslooney! May God keep u well and safe throughout your pregnancy! Am still a little hesitant in giving Clomid a go....will wait till the next cycle, I suppose. Well, take good care esp in the chill! Best wishes to you too! ^_^
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17 yrs ago
Hi, I've done two cycles of Clomid so far. There have been no notable side effects for me. I took it for 5 days, 100mg.
Clomid is the least intrusive drug so maybe you could give this a go for a month first before trying all the others. My lining's been okay on Clomid both times..... I don't have PCOS but I have endo.
This cycle, aside from Clomid, I've also had four injections. Taking Clomid was the easy part, the injections were ....... em..... not very nice. In other words, really painful.
Good luck, iamgoobie. Hope this year will bring us good news.
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Hi iamgoobie.
I have PCOS and tried Clomis for 5 days. I didn't have any side effects but unfortunately it didn't work for me. My eggs didn't grow and my linig got very thin.
Went straight to Gonal-F injections. Again - no side effects (I have to admit though, it is slightly uncomfortable to inject yourself in the belly) and it worked very well. Got pregnant the fist month of trying and am now 9 weeks along and very excited.
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Lucky me..... to have received such good advice from several soon-to-be-mums here! Thx sooooo much to MayC and newtothis for sharing yr experience too! Sounds like the injections is the only way to go for higher chance of conception. Well, will work hard and go with the flow! A million thx to you all again! :o)
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Hello again,
You should definitely give the Clomid (or the other one you found) a go - it might just work for you! Plus, it's relatively cheap and you only take it for 5 days at a time, so it shouldn't interfere with your life too much. But I also wanted to say that if you do move on to injections, don't worry about them! I didn't find them painful at all - the needle's very thin and you get used to it quickly, and I'm not a fan of needles! I used Puregon and it was no trouble.
Best of luck!!
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Thank you once again for given me a good shot in my arm to give Clomid a go! As my period has almost finished, taking Clomid now would not do much, I suppose. So, I will take it if I get my period next mth. Right now, I will just keep trying and who knows...I might get it without having to take Clomid. :P Anyway, thx sooooo much again for your advice, Fruitjuice! Best wishes to you too!
Gong Xi! Gong Xi! ^_^
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