LUCRIN injection and exercise in gym ?

Posted by Poseidon 17 yrs ago

ANyone could advise what to eat and drink to avoid contraindicated with Lucrin injection (phase 1) and Lucrin with Puregon Injection (phase 2) ?

I am damned worried, that the following food and drinks could bring another serious side effects or failure to IVF/ICSI treatment, Kindly advise which one SHOULD I AVOIDED :-

1) Green Bean Soup,

2) Almond, Sesame, Pistachio and all nuts,

3) Soft Drinks,

4) Ba Cheng (Herbal Soup),

5) Ginseng solvable in warm water,

6) Chestnut Drinks,

7) Chrysanthemum (Herbal Drinks),

8) LIN Yang - Deer Horn (HERBAL Drinks),


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Kikidee 17 yrs ago
I took folic acid during IVF. Haven't heard of any adverse effects - I assumed it would be good to take it while the eggs are developing so as to prevent downs syndrome.

When I was just on lucrin during the down-regulation phase I felt fine so exercised as normal. When I started on egg stimulation I eased off exercise. This is partly because I felt bloated and uncomfortable and it's important to protect your ovaries during this time (no sit-ups and not too much twisting about). Also, I had heard that eating lots of good protein and easing off your usual exercise regime would help produce good quality eggs. If your body is using up energy and protein stores to repair and build muscle in the rest of your body it's got less chance to focus on egg building. Kinda makes sense to me.

I don't know if any of this made a difference (I'm sure there are lots of people who stuck to their usual routine during IVF and ended up pregnant) but i ended up with 21 good quality eggs and am now pregnant with twins.... so it certainly didn't do me any harm. I was a bit of a gym addict before IVF so found it really difficult to persuade myself to take some time out... but I knew that if I kept to my usual routine and the IVF failed I'd always be wondering how it would have been if I'd done things differently. As it was, the first cycle of IVF failed but I knew I couldn't have done any more to make it succeed - I hadn't over-exerted myself or anything. The doc said it was just that my hormone levels must have been too high after the fresh cycle injections. It sometimes happens and isn't avoidable. The following month I did a frozen embryo transfer and it worked. I now also have lots of good quality embryos stored for future use which means I hopefully won't ever have to go through a fresh IVF cycle again. When you think of it like that, a few weeks away from the gym doesn't seem much to sacrifice when you end up with a lifetime of baby-making opportunities!

As for working part-time, it depends what makes you feel least stressed. Some people find that going to work takes their mind off IVF.... which is no bad thing sometimes.

Anyway, best of luck to you! I won't tell you to 'try and relax' - I know that's pretty impossible during an IVF cycle. There are lots of us here who have been through it and understand what you're going through.

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Poseidon 17 yrs ago

Thanks for your kind advise and success stories, so that means you only take Folic Acid while on Lucrin or Lucrin with Puregon phase and no other pre-natal or calcium tablets ?

DO you experience bone / joint pains ?

DID you have baby aspirin, or heparin or IVIG (IV immune Globuline) or PGD before ET or FET ?

Lots of baby dust from GOd to our imperfect human being ^_^

God bless you.

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Kikidee 17 yrs ago
A prenatal vitamin which includes 400-800 units of folic acid is actually probably better than the folic acid supplement alone. As for calcium supplements I found that many of them contain vitamin D - fine if you're taking just that supplement but if you're taking it in addition to your prenatal vitamin it's best to check how much vitamin D supplementation you're having in total. Too much vitamin D can be damaging to the baby... but I guess that's something you only need to watch out for after you have your embryos put back and you're on the two week wait. I wasn't too concerned about calcium supplementation anyway cos I get enough in my diet. If you're keen to take extra calcium because you're worried about the effect of the IVF drugs on bone density (it's mentioned as a side-effect in the leaflets) I really wouldn't worry about it too much because you're not taking the drugs for anywhere near long enough for it to have this kind of adverse effect.

I didn't have any bone or joint pain that I can remember. I took baby aspirin during my fresh cycle but not for the frozen embryo transfer. Some Doctors prescribe baby aspirin, some don't. If by PGD you mean pre-genetic diagnosis then no, I didn't have that. I probably wouldn't bother with it unless you've had multiple miscarriages or IVF failures or you're trying to avoid passing on a hereditary disease or something. Embryos can be damaged by the procedure so it's not risk free.

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