Tsan Yuk- need clarification pls

Posted by AugustBump 17 yrs ago
I am 14 weeks pregnant and living at Kowloon side.

I rang up Tsan Yuk Hospital today and was told that unless I am a resident of Hong Kong island - I am not able to register for ante-natal care at Tsan Yuk hospital and was instead refer to Kwong Wah hospital .

Can someone please tell me if they had this experience too?

Does this effect my chances of hoping to deliver at Queen Mary hospital?

thank you

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AugustBump 17 yrs ago
thanks Cara.

But what a bummer for me.... I guess I wil give Kwong Wah hospital a call and see how that goes.

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bleulotus 17 yrs ago
Hi, AugustBump!

I am exactly in a same situation as you.

I wanted to register at Tsan Yuk Hospital but I couldn't because of where I live.

Queen Mary was really my first and only choice I had...

If you could get good advice from Kwong Wah, please please share information with me??

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AugustBump 17 yrs ago
hi bleulotus

Hubby and i decided that we will go private after much debate and just bc this is our first born. As such I have not called Kwong Wah and have not much information to share with you. Sorry.

How are you doing with your pregnancy? I am due in August.

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bleulotus 17 yrs ago
Thanks AugustBump for your quick reply!!

I just found out my pregnancy few days ago!

I am now two months pregnant and due in early NOV.

Since I still have some time, I will research public hospital.

I wish I could use private hospital but my maternity benefit is only effective

from this OCT 08...hummm.

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