I am currently seeing a (supposedly) renowned, well respected fertility specialist for help with my second baby. I am not feeling very happy with him at the moment as I do not think he is being aggressive enough or proactive enough with my case. I've been seeing him for 5 months and here's what he does - he scans me on day 12 and either tells me there is an OK egg or that this month is a no go as my egg is not mature. He gives me progesterone to take which has lengthened my cycle and has eventually decided to give me clomid at 50mg (2nd month this month).
The reason I am not happy is as follows. This Doctor has a full history for my previous case where I followed treatments for a couple of years and he has a document which outlines that the highest dose of clomid did nothing for me for 5 months and that it was only when I was given Gonal F injections and progesterone coupled with IUI that I fell pregnant (on the first attempt after 3 years of trying).
I feel that he is not doing enough for me and that I am wasting time (I am 39) that I do not have. I have had no blood tests, no tests to see if there is a blockage, no tests on husband. I feel that I need to go to another Doc but also feel that my guy is meant to be one of the best!
Any suggestions? To say that this was all really getting me down would be an understatement.
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Dear Tickledpink,
It sounds to me like you should definitely seek a second opinion, as although he's an expert, you know your body and what works for you better than he does by the sounds of it. I can recommend my doctor Christine Choy - I am pregnant now through treatment with her, and also fell pregnant on my first IUI cycle with Puregon injections & progesterone. She was very proactive and rigorous with the treatment, wasting no time in taking me off the Clomid which wasn't working and starting me on injections. Other than her, I know there are a lot of other very experienced fertility doctors in HK who people are very positive about on these forums.
Like you say, time is of the essence and the stress of worrying that your doctor's not doing enough isn't going to help with the treatment.
Good luck, and I hope you find a doctor you feel happier with,
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OP, saw your post on the other forum....
to me, the best doc is not necessarily the best doc FOR YOU. if this doc is not making you comfortable, i don't see why you should spend money on him. go and seek help from someone that you can feel comfortable with and confide with.
different people take to different doctors. i think my doc who delivered both my babies was FAB, trust him with my life but he is extremely conservative about lots of practices when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth, not particularly chatty, which is why while i think he is great, my friends who are pregnant probably don't think so because they probably prefer someone more open-minded which is why i never introduced him to them.
so good luck with your fertility journey and i hope you will find someone who can help you achieve your dreams.
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You should definitely switch doctors. This is a critical time for you, and there is no reason to waste time with someone who is not taking your medical history and age into account.
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