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17 yrs ago
Hi everyone!
i can understand when some friends said that when one is pregnant - it is advisable to avoid caffeine, alchohol and what not.
but what is the deal with papaya and banana? Anyone heard of this theory?
Or is this one of those over- kill story? I just want to be on the safe side. Any advice?
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I agree they are perfectly healthy and safe. Note though that banana tends to harden the stool, and since pregnancy usually means constipation anyway...
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I am not sure why, but I do know that my Dr warns pregnant ladies specifically about papaya! I checked online and apparently, a papaya that is at all unripe contains a latex substance that triggers uterine contractions which could lead to a miscarriage...
Never heard anything about banana's though.
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I have heard about papaya and banana. Papaya is for the reason that Lena HK discussed above. Banana is because it is a cold food - according to Chinese old wives tales - it is best for pregnant women to stay away for food that are too hot or too cold.
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In Thailand, it is believed that eating bananas by a pregnant woman can help her baby to be born with a cool temperature!!!
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17 yrs ago
yes.... but the Chinese also believe that you can't even cut your hair during pregnancy!
I think these old wives tales can go too far!
There are many more for pregnant women, but they're too gross to say!
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I looked into the papaya theory because I am going to Thailand for a holiday (and can't get enough of Thai food!).
Lena HK is absolutely correct. UNRIPE papaya definitely contains an enzyme that can promote uterine contractions and therefore premature labour. Ripe papaya is fine, but my doctor warned me to make sure it is really ripe. (There goes that green papaya salad I was dreaming about!). This is so recognised that in some places they actually direct overdue women to eat green papaya to induce birth.
Banana does not cause any harm whatsoever other than binding things up.
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Hi, all
My OB did tell me not to eat UNRIPE papya because its skin contain some material that may cause uterine contractions. It is definite better to stay away from it during pregnancy.
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I have eaten heaps of pineapple and mango during my pregnancy and fingers crossed, no harm done (I am 20 weeks). I do, however have acne that has gotten worse in maybe it's from the fruit!?
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My ob also warn do not take papaya, banana, bittergout, orange, and watermelon... especially during the first 2 trimester, as this ingredients promotes uterine contraction !!
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I read that pineapples contain enzymes that are conducive to implantation.
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There are some possibly serious problems with eating Raw Papaya, for more detailed information please check out
There is a wealth of information here, hope this helps
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16 yrs ago
Papaya is a big no no, warmed by my doctor too. Other fruits are fine - I have been eating lots watermelon and banana, so far my pregnancy has been fine. You should ask your doctor if you are not sure.
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Why would anyone want to eat UNRIPE papaya anyway?!
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