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17 yrs ago
Very depressed but I blame noone but myself. I forgot to buy a morning after pill and later doctor told me its too late. I will only know probably after 1 and half week time whether I am pregnant. Counting the Ovaluation etc, he said poss to get pregnant. I am 45, have 3 children age 23/18/10
all caesarean and worse is I am a diabetic (taking pills). What are my chances of having a healthy baby and since I have 3 caesarean, will my womb burst like my friend who died and I know wounds dont heal easily for diabetic. I will not consider abortion. Pls help and advise.... Thank you
- Diabetic
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17 yrs ago
Diabetic, there is a possibility of pregnancy but it doesn't mean that you are pregnant. Your fertility also drops when you age.
Don't worry for now, just wait and see... otherwise your current worry may be unwarranted.
If it turns out that you're not pregnant, you can just use this as a reminder to yourself that you must be more careful next time.
If you are and you don't want an abortion, you just have to work with your doctor. My mother in law was diabetic when she delivered her last son. Everything was fine. She was very careful throughout her pregnancy and followed her doctor's instructions.
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