Interested in doing Hypnobirthing Class?

Posted by calmmum 17 yrs ago
I live on Kowloon side and my massage therapist does hypnobirthing courses. It's too far for me to travel at night to do the course in Central (getting way too tired!), so she said if I can get some people on Kowloon side, she would be happy to do a course over this side.

If anyone is interested, please pm me as I'm really keen to do this having done hypnotherapy before.


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inlovewithhk 17 yrs ago
Hello Calmmum,

Can you please give me the details for your therapist that does hynobirthing. I am intersted in doing the class but i live on HK side.

Thank you.

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babyrib 17 yrs ago
Hi Calmmum, where about is the course in Kln? I'm interested and how many classes are there for the whole course? Would be helpful if you could provide more details.


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calmmum 17 yrs ago
My massage therapist is a qualified therapist in massage (pregnancy, sports) and hypnotherapy. She said it is a 5 week course, but as yet I have not asked her how much as I'm pretty sure it's dependent on numbers attending, nor have I asked exactly where the courses would be held.

We only just chatted about it at my last appointment as I had made a decision to see her one on one during the day instead of traveling at night for the course. It was then she suggested that if I knew of anyone else, or could get some other interested people along, then she would be happy to organise a course on Kowloon side. Obviously she can't make any concrete plans, etc., if there aren't the people interested. So I'm sorry I can't give a great deal of information.

At this stage I want to know if anyone is interested, then I would take it from there.

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calmmum 17 yrs ago
ps - inlovewithk, i am sending you a pm.

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