IUI Success rate

Posted by Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
We are starting our first round of IUI with Dr Ho next month. What has been the success rate for people out there? Has anyone done it without using the drugs - I have heard that this can be done but not sure if the success rate is that great.


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Petie 17 yrs ago
We used Dr Ho for IUI 4 times before we had success. First time with clomid and the rest with Gonal F.

The success rate for IUI is normally about 23% so without drugs would be even less. Dr Ho never actually talked to us about going drug-free.

Good luck, it is a tough time but worth it when you reach your goal.

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago
I have tried IUI (with Gonal F) three times without success and IUI (without meds) with success - (unfortunately, ended in m/c). Statistically, the success rate of IUI without meds is low - compared with IUI with meds - but then again I have had success without meds as opposed to with.

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Thanks everyone for your feedback. We have been trying for nearly 2 years and one early miscarriage and have both checked out ok, I am ovulating fine and husbands sperm count is normal so its unexplained! Will have a talk to Dr Ho and see if he thinks the meds are needed in my case - would rather do it drug free but then don't want to have less of a chance.

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disco babe 17 yrs ago
I think it all depends on your age. At the age of 39, we had 5 attempts at IUI with Dr. Ho and now have a healthy little girl. After that, we've had another 6 attempts and one failed IVF. We're about to start our second cycle of IVF. I'm nearly 41 now.

Good luck!

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babybemine 17 yrs ago
If you're late 30s, you may want to go with injectibles (gonal f). I read it helps to release the good eggs. It is not painful and quite simple. The only risk is that you could end up with twins which you may be fine with you anyway. I did one IUI without meds (did not work) and did one with gonalf which worked. Both with Dr Ho. Good luck.

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
I am 34, so I know I have a few years up my sleeve. Is the gonalf the same as clomid?

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Highlander 17 yrs ago
May I know where is Dr Ho's clinic is? May I know his full name?

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
His clinic is in Hong Kong Central - full name is Dr Philip Ho. I believe that he is one of the best here in HK.

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disco babe 17 yrs ago
He's good, but extremely busy.... waiting times are very long!

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Petie 17 yrs ago
Gonal F is the drug injected, it uses a similar syringe to the ones diabetics use. Easy to use and not very painful. Clomid is in tablet form and I don't think it is as strong. Not sure of the other differences!

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ozcalgal 17 yrs ago
I'm in my early 30s and we used Gonal-F (injectibles) with an IUI done with Dr Ho and it worked 1st time! After having the IUI done I rested for 2-3 days, stayed at home, no exercise lots of tv watching and book reading and for the 2 week wait, I took it really easy. I'm sure this helps. My friend who is a nurse told me to do this as it worked for her too, when she didn't do it the IUI was unsuccessful,. which could just be a coincidence but I think taking it really easy gives your body a good fighting chance to get pregnant and let implantation happen. Goo.dluck and you're in good hands with Dr Ho

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago

Thanks for that - hopefully this we will do the IUI on a Friday and then i can take it easy over the weekend! This is probably half the problem for not being preggers yet...don't take it easy enough and have too much on my plate!!!

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ozcalgal 17 yrs ago

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blessed 17 yrs ago

Just want to add my bit with my successful attempt with Dr Ho and we have a lovely 3mth old now. He knows exactly what he's doing and I found my waiting times weren't that bad. He's busy but that's because he's popular.


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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Well on day 2 of injections!!! Did the first one with the nurse and this one today by myself and have to say it was fine! Just the thought of sticking a needle into yourself that was a bit freaky!

So the road begins!!!

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Starbucks2 17 yrs ago
Good luck kiwi chick

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Hi MayC

How are you going? I had the IUI today so now the dreaded 2 week wait!!!

And you are right the IUI is painless! But now my tummy is bloated like a balloon and is quite tender.

Fingers crossed for you!

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Hi MayC

What a bugger! But now you know when you get rid of those cysts then it is all positive! And as I keep telling myself time after time - it will be so worth it!

It is so hard not to get your hopes up - I mean - perfect sperm, perfect eggs, hopefully in the perfect spot at the perfect time - really there shouldnt be a reason for not getting up the duff!

Take care MayC and go and get those cysts removed! Are they able to do that this month?

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
What a relief re the insurance. I had a laparoscopy in February and thankfully the insurance paid for that. Everything here is over the top expensive!

9 days to go! I am not the most patient person and just hate this 2ww!

Will let you know!

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disco babe 17 yrs ago
That's great that your insurance wil pay for that.

Which insurance company are you with?

Do you know if there's an insurance company that will pay for IVF?

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Not that I know of. We were with Allianz however we were completely ripped off by them and cancelled our policy and they use to cover investigations into infertility but now EXCLUDE asia. We have done some research into IVF in Bangkok - its around 36k compared to 60k here however you have to be there for 18 days.

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disco babe 17 yrs ago
Hi Kiwi Chick,

That's interesting.

My second failed IVF attempt here was just on $80 000.

It's very expensive!

I'm with Allianz at the moment. They were great with maternity coverage with our firsy baby, but will not cover IVF.

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
After an agonising 2ww - I couldnt resist and wait one more day for the blood test on Saturday, so gave in and did a HPT on Friday and it was a BIG fat POSITIVE!!! Did blood test yesterday and nurse said count was 240 which is very stable and to do a scan in 2 weeks! Still in shock and just sooooo happy but know its a long road and soooooo early but feel very positive!!!! Feeling blimin hungry all the time and just tired but had a weird experience last Sunday when i started feeling sick and basically vomited the whole day long - even in the car - YUK! not a pleasant experience. Thought it must be food poisoning but must have be those hormones kicking in! So now only 8 months to go! YAY! MayC ... I know that it will just happen for you once you have that op and I had it a couple of months ago up at Matilda and it was fine - not alot of pain afterwards - just bloating and a sore tummy for a few days but the if you are going up to matilda the care is fantastic. Make sure you stay overnight - the food is pretty good too!

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Baby dust heading your way big time! I so believe that now that you have had this op that you will fall pregnant very quickly. A couple of my friends who have had severe endo had the same op done became preggers the month after the op. I also think that this 3 months will be a good break emotionally for you too. Take care and will be thinking of you!

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disco babe 17 yrs ago
Congratulations Kiwi Chick!

That's wonderful news...... please remember to take it easy over the next few months.

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Keepontrying 17 yrs ago
Kiwi chick,

Congratulations! Wishing you all the best these next several months. Get lots of rest.

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Thanks guys! Feeling great but massive boobs! MayC, how are you feeling now after your op?

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lizkim1 17 yrs ago
Hi all,

Can someone please advise what sort of costs we are looking at for IUI here in HK?

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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Hi there

We went through Dr Ho. Basically it ended up costing us $12000HKD which includes scans, injections, sperm washing etc, procedure and blood tests and well worth every penny!

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cherryw 17 yrs ago
My doctor's opinion is that we have to make sure what is the underlying reason that we are not able to concieve. IUI may not be helpful at all especially if there is sperm problem. In terms of costs, IUI is only 1/4 of that of IVF. However, if we take into account the time factor (if we are old), IVF may be a more straight forward and effective method whose success rate is about 35% while IUI is less than 20%.

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lexigirl 17 yrs ago
Hi gals,

I am new to this thread but have been reading your updates whilst I mustered up the courage to begin the daunting fertility path.

We already have a beautiful little girl who is 2 but we have been TTC for over a year now for #2 and I finally decided that we need a little extra help. I started seeing Dr Ho a few weeks ago who I think is just fantastic. He has made me feel so much more relaxed about the whole IUI procedure.

I start my injections tomorrow so a little nervous on how it will go.

Anyway, love to hear everyone's updates as it helps to know what others are experiencing!

Lots of baby dust to you all and a huge congratulations Kiwi chick!

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago

Dr. Ho has a IUI package for HK$6,800 - which includes scans, sperm wash and the IUI procedure. On top of that you would pay for Gonal F and blood tests. Depending on how much Gonal F you need it can range from a total of about $11,000 to HK$20,000. Although the success rate for IUI is lower than IVF, IUI is less stressful.


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Kiwi chick 17 yrs ago
Thanks Lexigirl! Good luck with the process - loads of baby dust to you! Also make sure that the day of and day after the procedure you do as little as possible - I lay on the couch for two days watching dvd's and also did no exercise for the two weeks after to give it the best chance I could. 8 days after the procedure, I woke up with a high temperature and was feeling soooo sick and vomited for the whole day and woke up the next day fine. I talked to the nurse at Dr Ho's about this and she said that it was too early for anything to happen but now I believe that the baby had implanted and there was a massive rush of hormones and that was my body's reaction to it. That next week I got the wave of tiredness - couldnt keep my eyes open past 8.30pm and then I did a home pregnancy test on the Friday (couldnt wait until the Saturday to be tested at Dr Ho's and it was a big fat YES! Keep us updated with your progress!

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ozcalgal 17 yrs ago
A BIG congrats Kiwi Chick that is awesome news! Please make sure you get lots of rest and drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated in this hot weather. Wishing you a smooth 8 months...I have 3 months to go now and cannot wait!

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lexigirl 17 yrs ago
Thanks so much for all the words of wisdom Kiwi chick - I will definitely be putting my feet up and catching up on some desperate housewives! Had the first injection today and not too bad really. Not sure how I will go doing it myself but then again, a very small price for the gift (hopefully) at the end! If it's not too personal - can you remember what dosage of gonal f you were on and how many follicles were released when you fell pregnant?

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lolo32 16 yrs ago
hi Kiwi chick,

So glad to hear you are successful with IUI, may i know total how many times you tried? as i am on my 3rd IVF cycle and just transferred 4 emb. into my body. I did move and didnt take rest that much. I do go out and come it from apartment. But i tried to relax as much as possible. If IUI needs such a rest, i think after ET transfer, it may need more.

I am now on my 2 wwk. Proud of you and thanks for sharing so much to us.


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Kiwi chick 16 yrs ago
Hi Lolo

We were very lucky and only had one attempt at IUI but yes I did take it easy during that 2ww especially for the two days after the procedure. Basically i just lay on the couch and did nothing! I also didnt go to the gym or do any exercise during that time as I didnt want to heat my body temp up. I am sure that this had some effect on a positive result.

If you can... just do nothing! Get your hubby to run around after you and put those feet up!

I am now 32 weeks and counting down the weeks!! All the stress, tears, injections, tests, have been worth it and I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you Lolo. Please feel free to PM me if you like too.

Take care

kiwi chick

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lolo32 16 yrs ago
Hi Kiwi chick,

Thanks for your good wishes. In fact, i am at work already as i am one of the partners of the firm. I cant take leave that often, and i got mad today at work. So i think the chance is slim. I dont know how many times i should try. I am now 40 years old, may i ask how old are you ? did you try any IVF?

I am new to this blog stuff, can you teach me what is PM? how i can PM you?


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