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17 yrs ago
There's so much talk about how your fertility drops after age 35. Is this a generalisation or could there be exceptions.
Reason I ask is I'm already 40 and going on 41 (soon!) but I think in terms of "real" age, I'm at least 10 years younger than my biological age. I eat well, ensure I get all the necessary nutrients and have been exercising regularly since I was 18.
Well, I married late and hubby and I finally decided to have a baby this year.
I did my 1st IUI (without fertility drug) with Dr William So and on 3rd April, the 2nd IUI with Dr Derek Lo using Gonal F injectibles. I will get the result next week.
Anyone tried with either of these doctors around my age and succeeded? Also, you should know that hubby doesn't have fantastic sperm count and motility.
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Unfortunately, it is true. Our fertility age is not that far off our real age. I am your age - 40 years old. Got married at 36 and did not want to try the first year - because of what was happening at work. I was really career minded and was not really worried about fertility becaues I have always looked 10 years younger - I have also exercised most of my life. However, after 3 IUI (with meds), 3 IUIs (without meds), 1 IVF - and 3 m/cs. I have to admit no matter how young you look you are still the age.
I would strongly encourage you to get moving. Good luck!
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I will triple that. You can get away with biological age. The eggs do run out and quality decreases with time. After going through a couple of IUIs we decided not to 'waste' anymore time so went onto IVF and we're blessed with a little baby boy now.
Don't procrastinate and if you really want children, get started as soon as you can.
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What do you mean...
'the successful IUI we did involved 2. One on the Friday & one the next day'?
Very interested
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Totally agree with all the above.
I started TTCing when I was 31, I'm now 39 and still trying! I too look much younger than my age. Two years ago when I went back to the UK I was asked to bring my parents because I wanted to close my bank account!!!! The truth is you may look younger on the outside but you are your age on the inside. Eggs do expire and there are exceptions.
My advice would be start as soon as possible.
Good luck
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17 yrs ago
Thank you Blatant, Havefaith, Blessed and Longing for all your honesty and encouragement. I will know by this weekend if I'm pregnant. Have been feeling loads of cramp, discomfort and gas the past week and I asked Dr Lo's nurse twice if this was normal. She says it's a good sign! So let's see.
By the way, has anyone heard of Dr Derek Lo and if he has a good history of successful IUI or IVF? I need to be very sure I'm going to the right doctor. This is my 2nd attempt (the 1st with Dr William So, his partner) and I really want to make the right choice. As you've all advised, I should get moving asap!
Last question for Blatant - when you said your wife did 2 IUI - one on Fri and one the next day - does this really help? I asked Dr Lo if I could do 2 back-to-back IUI earlier this month but he said no because it's too soon and the sperm quality will not be good. I am confused.
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Hi ezpz, any news?
Baby dust to all on this forum
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17 yrs ago
It is great to hear encouraging cases like yours. I hope I get lucky this cycle.
Hi "Longing" - thanks for remembering my date. Got my results on 18 April and not pregnant. Going for my next IUI again with Dr Derek Lo end of this week. This cycle, he has reduced my dosage of Gonal F from 300 to 150 as I had terrible cramps the last cycle. I'm praying and keeping my fingers crossed this month.
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Hi ezpz,
Do you think you should go for IVF instead of IUI (since you have laready tried)?
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Hi ezpz, maybe you should give IUI one more try then move on. Time is not on our side unfortunately (i'm 39 and very close to 40).
Having less medication may take away the stress and you never know!
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Hi ezpz, Longing, Highlander, Louisa,
Great to hear the news and some of you got successful at IUI, i am on my 3rd attempt IVF and is thinking if this time not successful, may go for IUI instead. A bit strange though, but after reading all these, i have the feeling IUI also can help woman who aged 40+ to have dream come true. And i am just turned 40 last month.
Keep on hoping, for the best
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I understand how you feel about going back to IUI rather than IVF. IVF is much more intrusive and if your cause is unkown like myself, there is a good chance IUI is good enough. (Though my doctor here tries to push IVF as I am 42 now. )I wanted to get a second opinion from Dr. Ho in Hong Kong, as I had my first successful IUI (hence my beautiful 2yr old daughter) with him and the hormonal level now is the same with when I conceived with IUI, but it seems he is busy and never returns my call or email... I am a bit disappointed as he and Kelly, his assistant was very helpful when I was in HOng Kong and I trust them 100%. I understand they are busy, but I am willing to pay for his email consultation. Just wondering if I am getting the same level of medical care here in Tokyo as I was in Hong Kong. GEnerally speaking, japanese doctors are less experienced and informed than other countries, I think...
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Hi MM,
I understand the confusion we get everytime when we are trying, and when we confirmed the failure. These days more and more women are having fertility treatment, every clinic is crowded, and we keep waiting. I see Dr Milton Leong, and everytime, i only got less than 1 minutes, not joke. It is real. He just told you what to do next, and give you back the papers, and expect you to say bye. I dont have a lot to ask now, as i know it depends on a lot of factors. I asked and checked a lot already on my first IVF. One of the nurses told me the hint to success : is to relax, and dont ask questions and details. she told me the thing she observed is, for those from China, who usually dont ask a lot, and for those who walk in without questions, just do what to do next, usually will be successful. For those who asked a lot of questions, usually will go back and forth many times. So she concluded, that if you know less, you may be more relaxed, if you concerned a lot, even asked the doctor to do this or do that, it may get worse, or teach the doctor what to do... So certainly, a lot of woman does the same thing i do. I asked a lot of questions, may be too many. So now, when i see Dr Doo or Dr Leong, i just say thank you, and walk out of the room within one minute or two. as this is all enough for the consultation.
I am recommended by my friend to go to US to try, and suspect the quality in HK. I am confused, as going to US is a long way, it means almost stopping from work.
But life is fair, if you dont scarifice, you may not be able to get what you want.
I am not in a good mood today, sorry to say something sad.
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thanks lolo32. I finally got a short reply from Dr. Ho today. That he would not prescribe Clomid like doctors do here because of the age. Of course I asked back "why". haha. I suppose Clomid is supposed to make the uterus lining thinner and that may have more impact on the older women as they have thin lining to begin with. But I had to ask! It was very nice of Dr. Ho to give me an email but it was not a very detailed one (of course). I suppose everywhere is the same. Waiting waiting waiting... I waited one hour just to get injection from the nurse today. We are called by the number on the card by a TV screen here, and I suspect they even remember my name and face. So, even if I got only 1 min from Dr in Hong Kong like you do, it was still better as Doctor remembered me and assistant still remembers me there (which is quite impressive). I hope your attitude to just follow their instruction will lead to success. I should learn from it too but I suspect if I can assume the zen sort of attitude soon. haha.
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Hi macaron mania,
I just got the bloodtest result from clinic, my HCG level dropped, so the positive only lasted for 1 week, and now it will have a miscarriage soon :(
Keep on trying, and have hope still.
I wish you good luck.
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Thanks May C,
Thank you for the support and the friends here in this site. I will. As I got the hope from here. I know it wont be a smooth journey. I wish you can be successful soon.
We will be sharing good news one after another :)
Lucky that the nurse told me the 50/50 stuff, the first time on the bloodtest due day, so I never had any chance having too much hope, never over the joy and be cautious, worry about the beta, etc. Now no need to worry as it really dropped. What i need to do is to make myself healthy, as i think too much chemical is inside my body. Really need a rest.
Good luck, lolo32
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Hi lolo, so sorry to hear about the HCG drop.
At least you now know you are capable of getting a positive, even though it's bad news this time round. It will happen, so take it easy and get plenty of rest and keep on trying....
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Hi Longing,
Thank you so much for your blessing. Did you get successful lately? Yes, at least I had a positive, better than nothing. It is a step forward for me.
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My heart goes out to you. I have had one miscarriage myself before my first success with IUI 3yrs ago and although every case is different I understand how hard it is. You seem to have positive attitude so that is great. But if you need to talk when you are depressed, don't hesitate to post. I think there are a lot of people on this website who understand how miscarriage feels. I was such a mess after D&C but had a holiday after that (went to Shiva Som and did yoga and massage every day!) and the next cycle was a BFP. I felt like nobody understood how much loss I was feeling but got very nice words from people on this site back then and could cheer up a bit.
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hi macaron mania,
Thank you so much. I think this time is a chemical pregnancy failure, as i check website they classified this as a chemical one as no heartbeat has ever found (not yet to this stage). I am still waiting for my period I hope it will come soon. I feel nothing now, except my breast is still sore. I hope I will be one of the lucky ones that having the chance to have a successful one few months later.
You had a IUI success 3 years ago? that's great. More and more I heard IUI does work, and I think I will try IUI afterwards as I think it is more natural to my body. This time, I really had a lot of injections and my tummy is still in purple. (the bruise) Did you have bed rest after IUI? or just have normal activities? I tried one time in April this year but failed.
Holiday is coming, I can have wine and a bit alcohol now.
I wish you Merry X'Mas and Happy New Year.
thank you :)
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Hi lolo,
Yes, best opportunity to enjoy some alcohol! As for IUI three years ago, I still had to go through injections but very easy ones that I could administer by myself (Gonal F). I suppose this process of stimulating follicle growth depends on personal condition either IUI or IVF.
My blood test for beta is this Saturday. I am glad it is not on Christmas as I don't want to be crying on this special day. At least I can still have hope tomorrow...(better not do home pregnancy test) I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
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Hi macaron mania,
Thanks for your reply, wake up in the middle of the night, now is 4a.m. HK time. I couldnt sleep well and suddenly worry about if i really have chance to get pregnant in my life. (short life in my case, like only 2-3 years time as i am 40 now) I have a wonderful and lovely husband. I really hope i have the chance to carry a baby and have the baby born.
I couldnt sleep so I check online again. I have to fly to Tokyo tomorrow for work :( yes. it is christmas time I know. be back on 27th. i really need to think about my life. but I promise to myself I will really go for accupunture regularly and take chi med to ensure I am good enough for another IVF cycle if needed. Reading all the threads make me think Dr Ho is good for IUI as seems there are quite a no of successful cases.
You have the test this Saturday, I wish you good luck. Babydust to you.
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Thanks lolo! Wow, you must be in Tokyo by now (I live in Tokyo now by the way). If it is any consolation, CHristmas is not even holiday here and it is definitely not a family event. So, you won't feel too lonely away from your home. Yes, I think you have a good doctor. Dr. Ho didn't seem to push for IVF (he said IUI is less intrusive so is better try that first than going for IVF too soon) whereas doctors here seem to like IVF and don consider IUI very seriously (Cost of IUI here is nothing compare to IVF). I am a bit of a skeptic and always looking to find people's motive, so I don't really trust doctors here...
I totally understand how you feel when you wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if it is ever gonna happen, and if you can give the joy to the husband as well. It seems so unfair that things that happen so naturally to other people is not happening and causes so much stress and you need to give up so much in your life while going through the treatment. OK, I have one child. And I thought I was going to be more relaxed this time around but it is not true!!! I am living the same fear and anxiety as I was before! But lots of people who graduated from this site have gone through the same thing and have gotten pregnant after many many failures. So, I hope you will hang in there and keep trying (at the same time find the way to relax and not get too stressed out...and if you do, please teach me how!)
Hope you enjoy the stay in Tokyo if only a little bit. Happy Christmas!
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hi mm,
Thank you so much. Yes, i am in Tokyo now and stay in Keio Plaza hotel, as my clients' office are nearby. I come here almost once a month. And I also struggle to decide should i travel if i have a chance to get pregnant one day. doctor usually said it doesnt matter.
I totally agreed with you about the doctors in HK. I find Women's clinic is too busy and they dont have much comment to say on IUI, seems not popular in their clinic. May be they have more clients doing IVF. From this site, I ususally heard success stories about IUI with Dr Ho, but not with Women's clinic. That's why I may try to book appointment with Dr Ho as he may have more advice to give.
Japan is strange that they dont celebrate christmas and office is open today and tomorrow. As they will be off next week, so I better come before they close as my husband is flying yesterday for work. I like Japan as a place to stay for few days but not for long. Do you work here ?
I had my period came yesterday, that's good. And I can start to plan ahead from now. Dr Troy is on leave until 5th Jan, so I have to wait. Better go to do more yoga and slim myself down, as I put on weight during this IVF cycle. Tried to do nothing but ate and slept more.
I wish you have a happy holiday as Japan will be on holiday for the whole country soon to celebrate the new year. And another loverly baby this year :)
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Hi everyone,
How was your Christmas? Hope you are all rested up for the next cycle or got good holiday blessing for your current cycle!
How was the stay in Tokyo? I got my period yesterday (one day before the beta test). It is disappointing but now I feel the same as you do, can plan ahead and do something new. I am going to book appointment with Dr. Ho for the next cycle. The only problem is, that I cannot specify the day for Day1 to book a flight. How long to stay to minimize the cost and time... I will post a question about this on another thread. By the way, my hubby and I moved here for his job. I used to work in HK but now I am a full-time at home mommy and full-time wanna be mommy for another child.
Hope you will enjoy a lot of yoga and get ready for the next cycle. I do think yoga helps. (The only thing that I am not doing this time around is maybe I should try again. But it is very difficult to find time...)
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Hi macaron mania,
Sorry to hear that it failed this time. I replied to your thread just now. I just did the hot yoga in Pure this lunch. I feel good, and will schedule to do it 3 times a week. And i will book another accupunture for safety use, like in case Dr Troy is too busy and on holiday. I know it is hard to know the schedule, but you can book the ticket anytime now, as the flight is not that full because of economy. And you can call Kelly to make sure she knows your case, and give you priority for the booking. I am sure they can as you are their patient already. I called the clinic today, the first appointment I can see Dr Ho is on 9th Jan, as I am new to them. I may go back to Dr Leong for IUI if they are too busy.
I tried to eat healthy from today. I eat too much ready-made food and junk food. I always eat out, with clients and my husband for convenient. Honestly even going to chinese restaurant, thai restaurant italian, the food is quite tasteful and full of taste, not so natural as you can prepare at home. As i have to work full time (as I am the partner of the firm, so quite time consuming) the most easier way to eat is to eat out after work with my husband, or take away. I know it is bad.
I think diet also counts a lot. If you stay in HK, you can do accupunture for help. I am sure it will help to induce more healthy eggs.
I am still in big doubt to my body if I am able to carry a baby like you did. So you are better than many of us who are still waiting for the chance.
I understand your concern. I know if your hubby wants one more, as a wife, always be supportive. It is lucky to have a hubby to like children. I am one of the lucky ones. The only thing is if I am able to.
Wish you all the best, and relax. Who will take care your child when you are away, or you will bring your daughter with you to HK?
It must be a lot of planning to do.
Cheers, take care
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16 yrs ago
Hi lolo32 and macaron mania
So sorry to hear about your failed cycle this month. I might be in the same boat ...
I just completed by 2ww today and went to the Women's Clinic for my HCG blood test this afternoon and was told the results will be ready by 5pm. (I hesitated in the morning and asked Zona, the nurse if it was necessary to go to the clinic for the blood test and she said yes, it's more accurate).
Anyway, after the test, to take my mind off the results, I went for a nice lunch after and to the gym for a light workout. I waited and kept looking at my phone but no one called and I was too nervous to call the clinic. By 7.30pm, still no one called me and when I called the clinic, they were closed! It seems that the Women's clinic does this all the time. Even for my regular blood test results, they do not call me until I call them the next day. It's all very frustrating especially when today's result is so crucial even the nurse insisted I go down to the clinic today instead of using an over-the-counter pregnancy kit!
Now, I don't know what to do but wait till tomorrow morning and meanwhile continue with my jabs and steriods tonight.
I think the clinic is being very irresponsible. Do any of you have such experience with your doctors?
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Sorry to hear about your experience with the clinic. I can honestly say that I have never ever had such an experience with my doctor. Dr Ho's practice manager, Kelly, always calls me back with the test results on the same day, even if she has to track me down on my mobile on a Saturday afternoon. If this cycle doesn't work out for you, maybe you should consider changing doctors as this is really stress that you could do without!
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Hello ezpz, lolo, and Iolana,
Yes, I have never had that kind of experience with Kelly. She would give me a call on Saturday afternoon from her mobile after the offfice is closed. It must be very frustrating. Hope you got a positive result the next day...
THanks everyone for giving me encouragement. I have a daughter now and it is a blessing. I was in the same boat three years ago with you, worrying if I ever have a chance to hold our baby. Please believe in yourself and hang in there. If the doctor is treating you, and you are responding to the med, it must be just a game of number. THe next cycle maybe the one. Always! I am grateful you still give me encouragement while some people may not feel good about my having one daughter and still worried about the second. It is very generous of you and you are good peple so good thing should happen to you all.
Lolo, I will bring my daughter to HK with me. It should be a good opportunity to go back to familiar places where we used to go when she was a tiny baby (though she probably does't remember).
Have a happy new year everyone!
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hi ezpz,
Sorry to hear your case, and I hope you can have positive result. I had exactly the same experience with women's clinic, so that's why this time I would like to consult Dr Ho instead, as no one cares about me. To Women clinic, whether they have one more patient is not important.
I went to the clinic to have bloodtest (first time) this month after the 2ww and I called to check the number HCG, and the nurse asked me what number ? what test, then I had to explain. So you can tell my feeling is "well no one really cares about your result, the nurse even doesnt remember it is a big day to the patient". And the second time (4 days later) when I need to retest the HCG level, to see if it is getting higher. I chose to go down to the clinic to ask instead of by phone after few hours, as it is devastating to be asked again what kind of test, as no one will remember anyway.
So I went down, wait for 15 mins, as no one found my result, as the result was in doctor's room. (Glad that the doctor is interested to read it) then, they told me it is higher, but still need to test again.
Overall my feeling is no good. And the third time retest one week later, when my HCG level dropped, they called me and said sorry....brooo, you have to wait for your period. Then that's. No one will say anything to consult you or give you any advice, what should you do next. And I tried to call for appointment yesterday, they gave me one week later, as they know I am not doing any treatment just want a consultation. I would say, I am a third time IVF failure patient to them, if I never call them again, no one is interested to call me back and talk with me, or explain to me. If I were the doctor or nurse, I would really give this patient some comfort, but sorry, who cares you failed 3 times in the same clinic.
i totally understand your feeling, ezpz. I am one of them. But dont get upset, hope you can get good result tomorrow.
Keep it the hope, and let us know,
Happy new year to everyone,
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